Program, Seminar day 13-1-2016

Opening and Welcome
Maritta Korhonen
Head of Department, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
Marko Jäntti (PhD, Head of Research University of Eastern Finland)
Citizen actively managing their health
Obstetric self-monitoring – or how to put the pregnant in the drivers seat
Olav Bjørn Petersen
Head of Fetal Medicine Unit, Ass. Professor Århus University, Denmark
Dept of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Aarhus University Hospital Skejby. Olav Bjørn Petersen
graduated from Aarhus Medical school in 1988, has Danish Boar Certification in Obstetric
and gynecology in year 1998 and Danish expert education in Fetal medicine in 2004 and
Diploma in fetal medicine, Fetal Medicine foundation, London.
KIH project- Klinisk Integreret Hjemmemonitorering_Clinically Integrated Home. Clinically
Integrated Home Monitoring (KIH) is a coordinated project in the context of the Danish
Public Welfare Technology Fund. The project tests and demonstrates IT solutions with the
main emphasis on integration between existing IT systems and telemedical home
monitoring as well as other solutions that support active patient involvement in the
patient’s own care pathway. Joint public-sector digitisation strategy 2011–2015: From
2012, a number of hospitals will make it possible for patients to receive part of their
treatment at home. The project seeks to test, on a large scale, how telemedical solutions
can ensure consistency in the patient care pathway.
The Finnish eHealth Revolution 3 - The Rise of Citizens
Teemupekka Virtanen,
Senior Advisor, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
Teemupekka Virtanen (Ph.D, Adj. Prof) has worked at the Ministry of Social Affairs and
Health almost 10 years. During this time he has been the chief security officer of the
national eHealth systems, the head of those projects and currently leading the project
building new generation electronic services for citizens.
Dr. Virtanen has a mixed background. The roots are in electronics and computers but MBA
in security management and qualification of secondary school teacher make a change from
technology to education, psychology and management. In addittion there are senior officer
level military courses.
The career is as mixed as the education. Security is the main point but there has always
been innovative thinking and process development in a big role. The information security
manager in the Prime minister’s office but in the same time building new generation
Internet services for the Prime minister and the President. Chief information security
officer of the Finnish Defence forces. The chief of security in the biggest national media
company developing its Internet based media. A professor of security and Internet based
systems. And now a project manager who must change the way of thinking in social- and
Introduction: Games for Health Finland Challenge
Arto Holopainen, Senior Advisor Kuopio Innovation ltd and President of Finnish Society
of Telemedicine and eHealth
Panel: Engaging Citizens- how it impact to future of healthcare (Minnan materiaali
toistaiseksi suomeksi)
Terveydenhuollon muutosten (i.e. Omadatan hyödyntämisen, ihmisten osallistamisen ja
etähoidon) vaikutukset lääkärin työkenttään ja uusien sairaaloiden toimintaan
Kerätyn ja tallennetun tiedon määrä on digitalisoitiin seurauksena jatkuvassa ja nopeassa
kasvussa, samoin sen liiketaloudellinen ja muu hyödyntäminen mm terveydenalan
ammattilaisten keskuudessa. Suuri osa tästä tiedosta on yksilöihin liittyvää henkilötietoa.
Puhutaankin ihmisten kasvavasta digitaalisesta jalanjäljestä.
Samaan aikaan kun uudet todelliseen dataan pohjautuvat päätöksentekojärjestelmät ja
MyData (Omadata) muutos tarjoaa uuden ihmiskeskeisen lähestymistavan henkilötiedon
hallintaan ja käsittelyyn antaen kansalaisille ja henkilön luvalla myös lääkäreille pääsyn
yksilöstä kerättyyn dataan kuten terveystietoihin, hyvinvointitietoihin, geeni- ja
ostostietoihin, SOTE uudistus mahdollistaa ihmisille uudenlaisen vapauden valita mitä
terveyspalveluita he käyttävät. Samaan aikaan terveydenhoidon kustannukset ja etäisyydet
sairaaloihin tai terveyskeskuksiin kasvavat entisestään.
Yksi mahdollisuus vastata muutoksen tuomiin haasteisiin on hyödyntää uusinta teknologiaa
ja rakentaa virtuaalisia kansalaisia entistä enemmän osallistavia digitaaliseen jalanjälkeen ja
palveluratkaisuja. Tämä tulee kuitenkin merkittävästi muuttamaan lääkärien
toimintakenttää ja uusien sairaaloiden toimintatapoja ja tuottoa.
Connected Health professori Minna Pikkaraisen vetämässä paneelikeskustelussa tullaan
keskustelemaan siitä millaisia palveluita tulevaisuudessa tarvitaan potilastyytyväisyyden
lisäämiseksi ja kustannuksen pienentämiseksi, miten kansalaisia voidaan entistä paremmin
ottaa mukaan (empower) uusien innovatiivisten virtuaalisten palveluratkaisujen
kehittämiseen ja hyödyntämiseen sekä siitä miten kaupungeissa ja uusissa
sairaalahankkeissa otetaan huomioon terveyden ja hyvinvointialan viimeisimmät muutokset.
Pikkarainen Minna
Professor, Connected Health, Oulu University
Minna Pikkarainen, PhD, is a joint Connected Health professor of VTT Technical Research
Centre of Finland and University of Oulu. Research professor is working as a program leader
and as a collaborator between different units and departments in University of Oulu and
VTT. Additionally the target of the new professor is to plan and build new innovative
research as a collaboration with OuluHealth ( ecosystem players
from both public and private sector. Currently Minna is focusing on her research in the
human centered personal data management, business models and service co-creation in
health care and wellness sectors.
Previously professor Pikkarainen has worked as a Principal Scientist at VTT creating several
industrial-driven research projects and project preparations and collaborating closely with
software companies across Europe. Minna’s research has been published in 40+ journal
and conference papers. During 2010-2012 Minna Pikkarainen has been working as a
business developer in Institute Mines Telecom, Paris and EIT (European Innovation
Technology) network in Helsinki. Her key focus areas as a business developer has been in
healthcare organizations and digital cities. Before Minna’s research has been focused on
the areas of agile development, software / service innovation and variability management.
Juhani Paavilainen,
New Hospital Project ICT-projectmanager, Central Finland Health Care District
MA. Previously ICT-Manager, Kanta-Häme Hospital, Chief risk officer Oikeushallinnon
tietotekniikkakeskus,, Operations manager Oikeushallinnon tietotekniikkakeskus
Risto Mäkinen,
Medical Director, Health Centers, Helsinki
Risto Mäkinen has worked for the City of Hämeenlinna Managing Director and Chief
Medical Director for health services of more than four years. His responsibilities has
included outpatient care, oral health care, geriatric hospital and the city organization of
physicians for the overall management. He has a long and rich experience in managing and
developing service provision in health care. He has worked for Pharmacotherapy
Development ROHTOssa chief physician (2005-2010), Respiratory Health Association as a
project physician (2000-2004) and Lempäälän health center health center physician (19841999).
Juha Korpelainen
Chief Administrative Physician, Oulu University Hospital, Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital
Juha Korpelainen (born 1959), was graduated MD in 1985 and a specialist in neurology in 1992,
in University of Oulu, Finland. Korpelainen received his PhD in 1993, and was nominated as a
docent of neurology at the University of Oulu in 1999. He also has an eMBA and a special
qualification in social and health care management, and in medical rehabilitation. Juha
Korpelainen has worked as a Chief Administrative Physician in Oulu University Hospital since
2005, and before that as a clinical neurologist since 1993. Korpelainen has a long experience in
research, development and innovation activities in social and health care, and he is particularly
interested in the utilization of technology in hospitals. Korpelainen is responsible for a long-term
renovation program of the Oulu University Hospital. Academic activities: 97 scientific articles,
supervisor of 8 doctoral and 9 master thesis.
Madis Stiik,
MD, PhD; Senior Adviser Sitra, E-health innovator and evangelist
An Estonian physician and an expert in electronic patient data systems. Tiik, a physician
who specialises in the IT sector, is a lecturer and a project manager at the Tallinn
University of Technology, a part-time family physician on the island of Vorms, and PhD
Tallinn University of Technology. He was CEO of Eesti E-Tervise Sihtasutus.
Kiti Muller
PhD, Principle Researcher, Digital Health, Nokia Tech
PhD in Neuroimmunology, Expert in Traffic Medicine, 7 years as a medical expert for Insurance
companies, Research professor at FIOH, 2005-2014, Leader of BrainWork Centre at FIOH 20052014, Adjunct professor in Neurology (Helsinki Uni), Adjunct professor in cognitive
neuroergonomics (Aalto Uni), Leading large scale RD projects for over 15 years, Leading
building and further development of methodological infra of FIOH:s labs ad 2014 BrainWork
(1997 →) and Future Information Technologies Labs (2008 ->), semi-living lab (2010 →) and
ensuring their funding
Better tools for professionals
Tiik Madis (Senior Advisor, Sitra)
Patient Safety Perspective in Digitalized Healthcare
Mats Ohlson,
Senior Advisor
- The patient in the eHealth eco system: a number of topics where responsibilities are not
always clear. Presentation of a model.
- From the recently presented IMDRF SaMD work: The challenge for manufacturers and
users to define intended purpose of a software and the corresponding ”homework”.
- Clinical evaluation of software: What would that consist of?
- Medical apps: From a regulatory perspective - which apps would regulators want to look
closer at?
- Information security and risk management: How do we match conflicting security and
safety issues.
MSc in Biomedical Engineering with general overview of the Medical Device sector and
special focus on Risk Management, regulatory aspects on medical information systems and
safety assessment of Medical Devices.
Until 2015-06-30 Senior expert at the Swedish Medical Products Agency. Actively
participated in EU committees NBOG and COEN, represented EU in IMDRF Software as
Medical Devices working Group and since long member in a number of IEC/CLC and
ISO/CEN standardization committees. Trained auditor and assessor for medical device
manufacturers and Notified Bodies.
Specialities: CE-requirements for Medical Devices, Quality Management, Risk Management,
Medical Information Systems (SaMD), Standardisation, Accident investigations,
Communication, Teaching
European e-health trends and potential for companies
Hanna Pohjonen,
CEO, Rosaldo Oy
Healthcare IT consultant at Rosaldo Oy. Works in over 20 different countries in Europe,
North-America and Middle-East. Specialized in big regional and national eHealth projects.
Mainly helps ministries and regional governments to do big healthcare IT procurements
and also global IT companies to be successful in the eHealth area. Associate Professor at
the Tallinn University of Technology.
14:20-14:35 Biobreak
Theme Knowledge based management
Service operator update
Antti Kivelä (Director, Sitra)
Antti Kivelä leads the "The Capacity for Renewal" theme area. This encourages citizens to
take more responsibility for their own healthcare and aims to make national ICT systems
more customer-friendly. Antti's previous responsibilities include leadership of Sitra's
Municipal programme and its Public Leadership and Management programme.
Before joining Sitra, Antti was Executive Director of Samlink Oy and a member of its
management team. He has also served as Managing Director and Director of Business
Development at Finansium Oy, as well as Director of Business Development for the City of
Planning for the future - the patient flow perspective. Lessons learned from Aarhus
University Hospital, Denmark
Lars Ganzhoen Knudsen, Head of project management & Innovation, the New University
Hospital, Central Region Denmark
Lars Ganzhorn Knudsen has studied Geophysics at The University and Aarhus, Denmark and
has a degree in Financial Management in Healthcare.
Lars Ganzhorn Knudsen worked with ICT at a strategic and management level Healthcare
since 2004 developing and implementing healthcare ICT systems like: Electronic Patient
Records, Clinical Logistics, etc.
Today Lars Ganzhorn Knudsen is part of the Project department responsible for completing
the new University Hospital in Aarhus with 480.000 m2 in operation in 2019.
Panel: Managing Health and Health System with information/data
o Regarding data availability, culture and decision making
Seppo Ranta, Moderator
Chief Medical Officer; Kanta-Häme Hospital
Seppo Ranta has graduated as a MD at University of Helsinki, Finland in 1986. He has a
specialist degree in Anesthesiology (1994). His academic dissertation was published in 2002
on Awareness during General Anesthesia.
Dr. Ranta has worked as a clinical anesthesiologist in several hospitals in Finland. He has
also served as the chief of pediatric intensive care in Helsinki University Hospital. He has
worked as a healthcare consultant and business unit manager in HAUS Finnish Institute of
Public Management Ltd, and as senior medical officer and development manager at
National Healthcare Supervisory Agency. He has also been director of customer services at
Datawell Ltd developing software for healthcare costing, invoicing and for business
intelligence purposes. Currently Dr Ranta is Chief Medical Officer at Kanta-Häme Hospital
District in Hämeenlinna, Finland. Dr Ranta has also been involved with software and
medical device development as a part-time medical adviser at Instrumentarium Ltd, and GE
Lars Ganzhoen Knudsen Head of project management & Innovation, the New University
Hospital, Central Region Denmark: Theme How to use data to manage processes and
patient flow
See above
Mats Brommels
Professor, Karolinska Institutet: Theme: Value based healthcare
MD PhD, Professor, Chair of the Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and
Ethics and Director, Medical Management Centre (MMC), Karolinska Institutet. Joined
Karolinska Institutet in 2002 to establish the MMC, as a Guest Professor from 2003 to 2010
and as a full Professor in a permanent position from 2010 onwards.
Specialist in general internal medicine and in addition a qualification in medical
administration awarded by the National Board of Health to Finnish medical specialists.
Research has covered policy analysis in the field of public health services and international
comparative studies of public health systems; health care utilisation studies; and evaluation
of medical technologies and professional practice patterns, health services management,
quality improvement and patient safety.
Petrus Kukkonen,
Managing Director, Radiology, Kanta-Häme Hospita: Theme How to involve and lead
people by data
Ville Niemijärvi
Managing Partner, Louhia Oy: Theme: What can be predicted based on patient and
process data
Ville Niemijärvi is a partner and senior advisor at Louhia Consulting Oy, one of the leading
Finnish companies specialized in predictive analytics, data science and knowledge
management. Ville is a passionate visionare, public speaker and blogger. He deals with
issues concerning digitalization, information management and how organizations can (and
need to) create new business opportunities by better use of their information assets and
enabling cultural change. Ville has years of experience in healthcare information
management but has been building data warehouses, big data and advanced analytics –
solutions also for example in retail, energy sector, media, manufacturing industry and
public sector.
Closing Liisa-Maria Voipio-Pulkki
Director, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health