Syllabus for Religion Class Grades 5-8

Religion Syllabus
Grade 8
Mary Anne Patchett
University of Central Florida
B.S., Elementary Education
Certified Integrated Grades 5-9 (All Subjects)
Certified Grades 1-6 (All Subjects)
Master Catechist, Diocese of Orlando
Religion Class is taught based on the Teachings of Jesus Christ as passed down through His
Apostles and are carried out in His Church. The Teaching Method follows the “Standards Based
Theory,” in compliance with the Diocese of Orlando.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church Copyright date: 1994
Call to Faith Harcourt Religion Publishers. Copy right dates: 2007 and 2009
ISBN 13: 978-0-15-902287-0
The New American Bible World Bible Publishers, Inc. Copyright: 1987
Objective: To teach and reinforce the truths of our Faith and doctrines of the Catholic Church.
Emphasis is placed on the theory that faith formation is a lifelong process of coming to God with
our whole heart to do His will; with true love for Him and our neighbor. Faith will inspire works
that ultimately lead to justice and peace.
The students in grade 8 will grow in their understanding of the following concepts:
*The Trinity
*God’s Revelation
*Mary and the Saints
*The Church
*The Liturgical Year
*Liturgy and Worship
*The Ten Commandments *The Beatitudes
*The Seven Sacraments
*Sin and Forgiveness
*Church Law
*Church History
*Participation as a Baptized Member of the Church *Justice and Service
*Catholic Social Service *Dignity for all Persons *The Mission of the Church
*Stewardship of God’s Creation and His Church
Assignments will be given over the course of the year. Assignments will be based upon contents
of the current chapter from the text book and/or from the areas of concentration listed above.
Eighth grade students take the ACRE Test during the second semester. ACRE stands for
Assessment of Catechesis/Religious Education. This test helps the school, parish, and diocesan
leaders evaluate the faith knowledge and attitudes of students in Catholic schools and parishbased religious programs.
Student grades are comprised of scores from daily classwork, assignments, projects, homework,
and tests. Students must complete assignments by the due date to receive full credit.
Homework reinforces what is covered in class and is always given a completion date, usually 1
to 2 days. Late work will earn half credit after the first day late. After the second day it may be
necessary to complete the assignment during the students’ lunch time.
Final papers and projects are required to be completed. Students will be given an ample
amount of time to complete the writing process and turn in their final drafts or projects by the
due date. Ten points will be deducted for each day the final assignment is late.
Discipline procedures, uniform infractions and homework policies are covered in the school
handbook as well as in classroom parent letter.
Grade Weighting
35% Tests
25% Quizzes
25% Classwork
15% Homework
“The Catechism emphasizes the exposition of doctrine. It seeks to help deepen understanding
of faith. In this way it is oriented toward the maturing of that faith, its putting down roots in
personal life, and its shining forth in personal conduct.”#23
“Those who are called to the ministry of preaching must suit their words to the maturity and
understanding of their hearers, as they hand on the teaching of the mysteries of faith and the
rules of moral conduct.”#24
Catechism of the Catholic Church