Egypt Issues

Computer Number:
Date: February 16
Egypt Issues
Use a one-inch left indent for your responses. Take your time and answer questions completely
and thoughtfully.
Egypt in a Nutshell
What two bodies of water border Egypt? (include a map and resize it so that it is only 2 inches
tall but the names of Egypt and two neighboring countries are legible.
Explain three reasons Egypt is important in international politics/business, etc.?
Why is Israel concerned about Egypt’s government?
Egypt’s Internet is back up.
What was SayNow used for?
“The Egyptian government's five-day block of Internet services cost the national economy at
least $90 million, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) said
Thursday.” Explain why they would be losing money.
The Pros and Cons of Internet Control
Could the United States government shut down the Internet in the US? Explain. (Your response
will require several sentences to answer.)
What is the ‘kill switch’ debate? Explain why a ‘kill switch’ would be a good thing to have.
Explain why a ‘kill switch’ would be a bad thing to have.
When you finish, save to your U: drive. Print a copy and turn it into Mr. Bennett’s inbox.
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