Imagine you are going to give a book talk to K5

Imagine you are going to give a book talk to K5 - second grade
students. Find fun books your think young students would like to read.
1. Go to the library catalog to find five books with a common theme.
Go to the library and find these books on the shelves. These will
be your book talk books.
2. Write a bibliography for your books.
3. Make an annotated bibliography for your books. Come up with a
creative way to share your annotated bibliography with students.
Annotated – telling what book is about
Book Bibliography
Last Name, First Name. Name of the book. City of publication:
Publisher’s name, Copyright Date.
Keller, Laura. Open Wide: Tooth school inside. New York: Scholastic,
Annotated Bibliography
E 617.6 Kel
Open Wide: Tooth School Inside by Laurie Keller
Learn about your teeth and a good oral hygiene while having a good
laugh at Laurie Keller’s funny illustrations.
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Little Bear Brushes His Teeth by Jutta Langreuter
Little Bear does not like to brush his teeth until Mama Bear convinces
him that it’s a battle he can fight.
(Describe your creative idea for sharing your annotated bibliography on the
Book 1
Call # _______________
Author: ______________________
Title: ________________________________________________
Annotation: ____________________________________________
Book 2
Call # _______________
Author: ______________________
Title: ________________________________________________
Annotation: ____________________________________________
Book 3
Call # _______________
Author: ______________________
Title: ________________________________________________
Annotation: ____________________________________________
Book 4
Call # _______________
Author: ______________________
Title: ________________________________________________
Annotation: ____________________________________________
Book 5
Call # _______________
Author: ______________________
Title: ________________________________________________
Annotation: ____________________________________________