
Call for Contributions for the
「The 2nd World Humanities Forum Poster Session」
The 2nd World Humanities Forum is being co-organized by UNESCO, the Ministry of Education,
Science and Technology of Korea, and Busan Metropolitan City and will take place in Busan, South
Korea from 1 - 3 November 2012. Bringing together scholars and practitioners in the humanities, the
forum, under the overarching theme of “Humanities and Healing,” aspires to facilitate deep reflection
on the role of the humanities in understanding the nature of sufferings and wounds experienced by
human beings today and in curing them. The humanities have long tried to reveal fears, desires,
solitude and agony in human depths, to make sense of them and thereby to transform them. This
traditional role of the humanities in healing should be highlighted afresh given that individuals and
societies have been deeply hurt by war and violence; the gap between the rich and the poor, both
within countries and between countries, has been widening; global climate change and the
deterioration of the ecosystem are causing serious concerns. The World Humanities Forum, therefore,
aims to stress the role of the humanities in healing human sufferings and wounds and to discuss ways
to promote this role.
At the 2nd World Humanities Forum, there will be a poster session to present outcomes of
outstanding achievements in the field of humanities from around the world. Participation for
researchers and organizations in the field of humanities would be greatly appreciated. Selected
posters will be considered for publication in a book and displayed during the forum. For the schedule
and programme of the forum, please refer to the website:
(1) Previous research achievement
(2) Introduction of academic journal
(3) Humanities Organization: project achievement
(1) Previous research achievement (paper or book)
Author Information (author’s name, author’s email, affiliation name, affiliation website)
Research Achievements (title of thesis or paper, publication date, journal name, brief
introduction of thesis or paper, awards)
※ Unpublished papers are also eligible for application
(2) Introduction of academic journal
Journal Introduction (journal name, journal grade※, affiliation name, journal introduction)
※ Class of Academic Journal
① International journals registered in A&HCI, SSCI, SCI or equivalent level
② International journals registered in SCOPUS
③ Papers registered in the National Research Foundation of Korea
④ Others
(3) Humanities Organization: project achievement
Organization Introduction (organization name, field, organization website, brief introduction
of organization)
Project Achievements (research and activities, project date, project area)
Deadline for Abstract Submission: 31 August 2012
Notification of Acceptance: 10 September 2012
Forum Dates: 1-3 November 2012
Abstracts must be written in ENGLISH.
Please send abstracts by email (whf_paper@unesco.or.kr) or fax (+82-2-6958-4252).
Submitted abstract format: Poster Proposal (Appendix 1) and Application for Poster Presentation
(Appendix 2)
Notification of confirmation: Individual email
Abstracts will be reviewed by the selection committee. The names of the committee members and the
list of selected posters will be disclosed on the forum website by 10 September. Please note that
application results will not be sent directly to each applicant.
※ Event details are subject to change in accordance to the progress of submissions.
Selected posters will be considered for publication in a book. Accommodation and meals during the
forum will not be provided to the representatives of selected posters.
For more details about the poster exhibition, please contact the Secretariat by e-mail
(whf@unesco.or.kr) or call (+82-2-6958-4274/4277).