February 3,2014 - Tufts University

Graduate Student Council General Meeting
February 3, 2014 6:30pm – 8:00pm
Jenn Nguyen (gsc-president@tufts.edu)
Burns Healy (gsc-vicepresident@tufts.edu)
Mike Shah(gsc-secretary@tufts.edu)
Charlie Cunningham(gsc-treasurer@tufts.edu)
Friends of Tufts Libraries Author Talk Featuring Weiping Wu on February 12th at 3:30 PM in the
Hirsh Reading Room, Tisch Library
o New changes are suppose to take place from the library.
o Action Item: Mike e-mail out these flyers
Chris from UPass
o Universal pass, would mean free T passes for all fulltime students
 Could be small student fee, or a subsidized T pass.
 Currently working on pilot program
 Early March a meeting with administration to start moving forward.
 Possible timeline for implementation would be in the next school year.
Grad Student Research Competition deadline Feb. 13
Light at the End of the Tunnel Workshop - February 14, 2014
12:00 - 2:00 p.m., Location: Burden Lounge, Anderson Hall
May be called “Critical Skills for surviving grad students”
Graduate Student Awards and Photo Contest Submission
February 28, 2014
Guest Visit from Library Representative and U-Pass Initiative Representative
Student Life Committee
Moo and Brew Feb. 4 from 4-6pm | Coolidge Room, Ballout Hall
^Beer and cheese
Use to be called “Meet your Deans” event, and this is a great event to learn who to talk
to about it.
Survey – Coming out to get some data-driven to help us leverage. Pilot version going out to reps
and students for us to access and make some conclusions to power a larger university wide survey.
Social Committee
Karaoke/Pub Night recap
Valentines Day event (joint social & community outreach event)
Candygrams volunteering at a hospital
Potential events in March: Speed Friending and Fajita’s and Rita’s
Potential events in April/May: Flatbread for grad appreciation week
More ideas, e-mail Molly
May graduate student bbq
Start training now!
Academic Committee
Tufts Ignite February 6, 2014 from 6-8pm in Halligan 102
Call to Professors to be judges, or there are a few open slots left.
Graduate Research Symposium!
Community Outreach Committee
GSC 5K on Saturday, May 10, 2014
Join my committee/volunteer to help as we start planning!
Greater Boston Food Bank event in February/March
Outreach event idea: Rent Feb. 4-24 | Bring a perishable
GSO reminders
Next deadline is in March
Ticket sales
BSO and ballet tickets are still on sale.
Department Reps returning and new meet with me after
Vice President
Constitutional/Bylaw Amendments
Office of Vice President will maintain strategic plan and compile meeting minutes
Voting on what quorum is(certain percentage of how many).
Passes unanimously!!
½ versus 2/3 of vote for dissolving committees.
Striking requirement for someone to show up for 60%
Passes unanimously!
Strategic Plan Update
This is for the GSC specifically on how we want to develop over years. It has the issues we
want to advocate for. Please think about and add any issues you’d like, we will provide a
draft next meeting.
Curtis Hall Updates
Dean Berger Sweeney will need to approve it. Dean Reitman was the one who helped give
us this opportunity. It would not hurt to talk about “space” being a graduate student issue,
and how valuable it is to have 24/7 dedicated quiet space.
Structure of Curtis Hall will be taken care of facilities.
NAGPS Regional Conference
We are hosting the Northeastern Regional conferene March 14-16(leading into spring
break). We are currently on track, Friday(a mixer/bar crawl), Saturday(conference),
Sunday(go to the parade?) .
Action Item: Jenn send a blurb about this and where we need volunteers.
BGLO(Boston Graduate Leadership Organization) Event
Feb. 20 from 7pm-1am at The Liquor Store in Boston. Drink tickets to be won, $5 cover at
the door.
Upcoming elections
Officer positions are paid (Action item: Mike put these details on the website)
President – Catch all position, lots of contact with the deans and administrators,
supervise the other officers
Vice-President – Steps in for the president, works with committee representatives,
maintain strategic plan, compiles reports
Secretary – Work on website, send out monthly e-mails, organize agendas, take care
of dept. reps.
Treasurer – Responsible for GSC budget, work with campus life finance officer,
responsible for graduate student lounge.
Student Life – Take care of deans coffee hour, keep track of major student
(advocacy) issues.
Academically and Career Development – Graduate Research Symposium (and
potentially TuftsIgnite like events)
Social – Organize collaborative events with different departments or other Tufts
graduate schools.
Community Outreach – Graduate Student 5K in the Spring, in the Fall the
Thanksgiving food drive.
Monday March 3, 2014 from 6:30pm-8:00pm
Graduate Student Events!
Upcoming Events
Moo and Brew Feb. 4 from 4-6pm | Coolidge Room, Ballout Hall
Tufts Ignite February 6, 2014 from 6-8pm in Halligan 102
Frieds of Tufst Libraries Author Talk: Weiping Wu | Feb. 12 at 3:30pm in Hirsch Reading Room, Tisch
Valentines Day event (TBD)
Light at the End of the Tunnel Workshop - February 14, 2014 | Register
Next General Meeting Monday March 3, 2014 from 6:30pm-8:00pm
General Information:
GSC Lounge is located in West Hall in the Basement and open 24/7.
Tickets are available for sale for various events(like Apple Picking!) in the GSC Lounge.
General Meetings the First Monday of every Month in the Campus Center!
Mailing list sign up: http://tinyurl.com/tuftsgrads or scan this QR code