Chapter 3 The Rise of Islam Study Guide

Chapter 1 Studying the Ancient World Study Guide
The following information will assist you in preparing for your chapter test. History is a broad topic, and this study guide
will help you focus on the key concepts that will be tested. If you complete, study, and know the following information,
your overall performance on the test should be high. Do your best and ace the test!
The Questions below are from Chapter 1, Section 1. Start with your notes, then use your book to complete the answers
to the questions. There will be a test question on each of the concepts below. Be sure to complete each question
accurately- your grade depends on it!
1. Where do archaeologists do most of their work?
2. What do archaeologists study?
3. What are the differences between secondary and primary sources?
4. What are examples of secondary sources?
5. What are examples of primary sources?
6. What are the main tools historians use?
7. What is an effect?
8. What are the differences between an artifact and a fossil?
9. What are examples of artifacts that might be studied by an archaeologist?
Chapter 1 Studying the Ancient World Study Guide - The Questions below are from Chapter 1, Section 2. Start with
your notes, then use your book to complete the answers to the questions. There will be a test question on each of the
concepts below. Be sure to complete each question accurately- your grade depends on it!
10. The stories of King Arthur and Ghengis Khan are similar in what way?
11. What factor allowed Chinese farmers able to uncover clay soldiers?________________________________________
12. Define society.___________________________________________________________________________________
13. Ancient coins and business records can help archaeologists learn about what part of a society?
14. What helps people today understand Greek democracy?_________________________________________________
15. What was unique about the Rosetta Stone?
16. What do objects left behind in the tombs of the Egyptians tell us about their religious beliefs?
17. What can archaeologists learn from thick castle walls in an ancient city?
18. What do rounded arches tell us about Roman engineers?
19. What do statues of athletes in ancient Greece tell us?
20. Does our understanding of history remain the same?
21. The wrecks of Roman ships found far off the coast changed history in what way?
22. Heinrich Schliemann found what ancient city?_________________________________________________________
23. What caused historian’s view of the Maya to change?
24. What groups were overlooked by history books in the past?______________________________________________
25. What do historians need to try and avoid as they study history?___________________________________________