Grammar Cheat Sheet

Fahrenheit 451 Questions p. 130-end
First last __________________________________ Per. 4
1) Montag feels that he is ______________________________ (usually negative, but it’s a water symbol, so …).
2) Faber says Guy should head for what? (more water). ______________________________________________
3) The rusting railroad tracks are a symbol of the __________________________ that are unused in this society,
no longer wanted. (Think of what the tracks used to do to any two cities.)
4-5) What is special about Faber’s TV compared to others in the book, and what does that allow him to do to it?
6) Thinking about Faber, both men come to what scary realization? ____________________________________
7) Guy realizes the televised search for the outlaw Montag is not news, but really ________________________ .
Even he watches it with interest.
8-10) What three things do they hope will throw the Hound off the scent (all water images)? ________________
11) Not in the book: The people ready to look outside and spot Montag symbolize what? ___________________
12) Not in the book: The river washing away Guy’s clothes symbolizes what? ____________________________
13) Not in the book: Guy floating along the river symbolizes letting what half-motif take charge of his life?
(What’s directing the Hound is the opposite.) ______________________________________________________
14) The far side of the river represents two things, #13’s answer and what else that Millie hates? _____________
15) The land is compared to a _________________________ (noun), while the wind ________________ (verb)
him. (Both are water imagery.)
16) More water imagery: Montag compares his emotions here to which childhood memory? ________________
17) What symbol of nature does Montag see, the opposite of the mechanical Hound? ______________________
18) He feels he is no longer ___________________________________ (adjective); the smells of nature fill him.
19-20) Montag sees a fire, but the symbol has now changed meaning. It’s now ___________________________
instead of destructively burning, and it is life___________________________ ; it doesn’t take life.
21) What part of the body does he notice first about the people near the fire? (It’s the same part he took note of
when he stole the latest book, and the only part of Millie he can remember later.) _________________________
22) What is different about these people from folks he has known? (Clarisse’s family did it too.) _____________
23) Showing that symbols are changing, what burns Montag, but he doesn’t mind? _______________________
24) According to Granger, why did the search for Montag veer back to the city when it’s obvious he crossed the
river? ______________________________________________________________________________________
25) Note the lights (and camera) on the framed man – how has the motif of light vs. darkness changed since
Montag began his escape? _____________________________________________________________________
EC) More symbols: The news cuts from the framed victim to a TV show. What does the show’s name and Latinnamed location symbolize? ____________________________________________________________________
26) The framed man’s death and then Granger’s words to Montag symbolize what for Montag? ______________
27) What does Granger claim about human memory? (only true in this book) _____________________________
28) In this camp, books have literally become what, hinted at by the imagery used throughout the book? _______
29) Ironically, what do the camp people do to books? ________________________________________________
30) They symbolically do what before moving their camp? (The reason is ironic.) _________________________
31) Granger tells a story about his grandfather, saying that people are the sum of _________________________ .
(It might help to note the body part he focuses on, that Montag has focused on before.)
32) According to Granger, what is ultimately stronger: cities or nature? _________________________________
33) Millie’s imagined death underscores that her whole identity is really just a reflection of what? ____________
34) The enemy bombers, dropping death on the city, are like what workers? ______________________________
35-7) Note at least three examples of water imagery among the book men on pp. 161-2. ____________________
38) Granger compares humanity to what mythological creature? _______________________________________
39-40) What two half-motifs are that beast a symbol of? _____________________________________________