CLEANING SHEET APT# At Campus Park Housing we feel every



At Campus Park Housing we feel every resident is deserving of a clean, orderly environment. A respectful roommate shares in the responsibility of keeping their apartment clean. To help in this process we hold Clean checks each month starting

tentatively at 9am. Please work together to assign each job to a member of your apartment. Please place the completed sheet

on your fridge. Copies of this sheet are available on the desk by the office doors.

When your check is completed each job will be marked as pass, warning, or fail. Only clean check items that do not pass will

have a fine of a $5 fee and will be applied to the responsible resident's account.

Personal Spaces: Review your apartment, leaving all community items in a community space. Make your bed with your personal mattress cover. De-clutter your room and remove all personal items from the floor (excluding under your bed).

Organize your closet, bookshelf, and desk area, dusting as you go.


Job One: Living Room and Front Porch Pantry. Clean Check: Pass Warning Fail

White Glove Emphasis Item (if scheduled): Carpets & Vinyl or Blinds Attend to your personal space(s). De-clutter your living room and porch removing all garbage. Dust the furniture, window, window tracks and other necessary surfaces. Vacuum carpet mop entry flooring, and sweep the porch. Wipe the front door inside and out.

Name/ Date

Job Two: Kitchen Dishes, Sink and Counters Clean Check: Pass Warning Fail

White Glove Emphasis Items (if scheduled) Counters, sink and dishes

Attend to your personal space(s). Work with your roommates to wash their dishes. If they are unable to help in the task, it is your responsibility to clean and put away all of the dishes. Once the dishes are completed, clean and polish the sink, clean the walls of any food. De-clutter and clean the counter tops.


Job Three: Kitchen stove, Oven, Ventilation hood Clean Check: Pass Warning Fail

White Glove Emphasis Item ( if scheduled): Stove Oven and Ventilation hood

Attend to your personal space(s). Wipe down the exterior of the oven, stove, and hood paying special attention to the underside of the hood. We recommend a strong degreaser and an abrasive pad. Wipe down the inside of the oven (Don’t

forget the bottom where food is baked on) and burners removing any food residue (black build up. Clean the ventilation hood

under the microwave use goof off to help remove tough grease.


Job Four: Kitchen Microwave, Fridge and Floors Clean Check: Pass Warning Fail

White Glove Emphasis Item (if scheduled): Microwave, Fridge & Freezer (1 &2)

Attend to your personal space(s). Remove any unwanted or expired food from the both freezer and fridge (1 & 2). Wipe down the exterior of the fridge and microwave. Wipe down any spills in the interior of the fridge or microwave (don’t forget the

roof). Sweep, mop or vacuum floors in the kitchen and dining area. De-clutter dining area and wipe down furniture and move items to their original position.


Job Five: Bathroom Tub and Vanities Clean Check: Pass Warning Fail

White Glove Emphasis Item (if scheduled): Bathtub or Sinks and Vanities

Attend to your personal space(s). Temporarily remove all items from the shower and vanities. With a powerful tub cleaner and

magic eraser wipe down the sinks, shower walls, and shelves, tub bottom, walls and rim. Polish all fixtures in the tub and sinks, clean mirrors. Work with your roommates to de-clutter the sink tops and tub before returning to removed items.


Job Six: Bathroom Toilet and Floors Clean Check: Pass Warning Fail

White Glove Emphasis Item (if scheduled): Toilet, Carpet and Vinyl Flooring

Attened to your personal space(s). Wipe down every surface of the toilet including the base. Clean and sanitize the interior of the toilet removing all hard water build up. We recommend a pumice stone for the toilet bowl. Sweep, mop, or vacuum the

bathroom floors including the vanity area. Wipe down the baseboards. Removing any trash from bathroom.
