Chapter 5 How to take notes in Mr. B.`s class: You only have to copy

Chapter 5
How to take notes in Mr. B.’s class:
You only have to copy the words that are NOT in italics.
It is suggested however, that you DO write additional notes in order to better understand the notes when
you review them.
Mr. B. will collect your notes just before the exams, and they will count as a grade.
If you were to live five years by yourself, which location would you choose?
How do we know about early peoples if they did not leave behind written records?
Answer: Artifacts. They are human-made objects that are left behind, usually from a long time ago.
Lascaux in France has 15,000 year old paintings. What do they tell us?
Periodization tries to place events or blocks of time into periods or ages. However, Periods are often
Notable periods or ages:
Stone Age
Neolithic Age
Copper Age
Bronze Age
Iron Age
Middle Ages
Classical Age
Industrial Revolution
Computer Age
Culture refers to a people’s way of life. It includes language, clothing, homes, family, a government ,
crafts, arts, music, and religious beliefs, history, money, holidays, …
Civilization has: cities, complex institutions, writing, agriculture, science and technology.
For tens of thousands of years humans were hunter-gatherers.
They lived in groups of 5 to 35 people.
They were nomadic. Why?
Göbekli Tepe Is a sanctuary located at the top of a mountain ridge in Southeastern Turkey. It includes
massive stones carved about 11,000 years ago. It is considered the oldest religious site, yet the
inhabitants were not living in large communities and were hunter/gatherers. It is contrary to what is
taught, that religion came after civilization.
Neolithic Revolution!
The Neolithic Revolution started when agriculture was discovered.
People domesticated plants, which means they selected the plants with the traits they liked.
People no longer had to wander to find food.
Large groups of people began to live together.
Domestication of animals came next.
Agriculture is the most significant discovery by human beings. -- Mr. B.
Defend or refute the above statement in 20 words or more right now in your notebook.
With plenty of food, people became specialized workers. What does this mean?
Mesopotamia was in Iraq
The ancient fertile land of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers is called Mesopotamia.
Meso means middle
Potamia means river.
Sumer (in orange), was in southern Mesopotamia, 3200 B.C.
Sumerian inventions and accomplishments:
Wheeled vehicles
Sail boat
Cuneiform (writing)
mud bricks and mortar
Ziggurats (brick temples)
domesticated animals
Astronomy, not astrology
a number system of 60 (still used to measure time and circles).
arches, columns, ramps
Identify each image and give its use.
How does Astrology differ from Astronomy?
Cuneiform had 500 characters and only scribes and priest learned it.
Ziggurats were temples. Merchants also congregated there.
The Sumerians did not have rock to build with, unlike the Egyptians.
The Tower of Babel mentioned in the Bible was a ziggurat.
After Sumer came Babylonia
The Babylonian Empire
The most famous Babylonian was King Hammurabi
Hammurabi’s Code of Laws
based on “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth”.
were engraved in stones
found all over the empire.
Hammurabi’s Code of Laws example: If a noble man puts out the eye of another noble, his eye shall be
put out. If he breaks noble man’s bone, his bone shall be broken.
The Fertile Crescent contains Mesopotamia plus the coastal land of the eastern Med. Sea.
What causes water to flow? What causes the direction of water flow?
What direction does the Nile river flow?
The Nile delta is called Lower Egypt because….
Most of Egypt was isolated because of the _____.
This is good because ___________, and bad because______.
In 3100 B.C., King Menes united Upper and Lower Egypt. (Where is Upper Egypt?)
Egyptian Inventions and Technology
Stone columns
Calendars, which told farmers when to ….
Understood the cardiovascular system
Fixed broken bones
Black Ink
Organized labor
Our Calendar
Why is a year 365 ¼ days long?
How would YOU prove a year (not by days) has passed?
Hieroglyphics used symbols to represent words.
The Phoenicians created the alphabet. The symbols represent _______.
Compare writing letters and words to writing Chinese symbols. How much longer would it take to write
this sentence?
Was Thebes in Upper or Lower Egypt?
Thebes was the ancient capital of Egypt.
Karnack, in Thebes is the largest ancient religious site in the world.
How Karnack may have looked thousands of years ago.
Pylons are two walls creating a gateway to a temple and where sunshine came through.
The Washington Monument is an obelisk 500 feet tall.
The Valley of the Kings
West of Luxor (Thebes)
From 1539 BC to 1075 BC
Pharaohs were god-like kings
The pharaohs were buried into the mountains and then covered with rock debris.
Why did they stop building pyramids? (Give two reasons.)
There are over 60 tombs of pharaohs.
King Tutankhamen
He was loved as a pharaoh because he allowed the god Amun to be worshipped again.
Also he moved the capital back to Thebes.
King Tut’s tomb was discovered in 1922.
His tomb was one of only a few that were not pillaged.
It contained many valuable artifacts
He died at eighteen, probably murdered.
The Valley of the Queens was for wives , princes, and princesses of the Pharaohs. It’s near the Valley of
the Kings
Ramses II is often regarded as Egypt's greatest pharaoh.
He expanded Egypt’s empire, and constructed many temples.
He lived to be 90, and had about 200 children.
Mummies have been found in:
Egypt, Greenland, China, the Andes mountains, and Europe.
Mummies can be dried out by extreme cold, by the sun, by smoke, or drying chemicals.
Corpses were soaked in salt water for 40 days, then drained and dried. This preserved the body.
Ramses I
In Antarctica, mummified seals have been found up to 40 miles from the sea. Some seals have been
carbon dated to 2600 years old.
How to mummify like an Egyptian:
Keep the heart inside the body and remove the liver, lungs, intestines, and stomach, and place in special
The Jars were left with the mummy in the tomb.
The Hawk-god, held the intestines, and faced south.
Baboon-god , lungs, east.
The Jackal-god, stomach, north.
Man-god, liver, west.
Mummifying continued
Discard the other internal body organs.
Push a hook in through the nose and pull out the brain and discard..
Then soak the body in natron (a salt).
After 40 days drain the saltwater and the body.
Rub the body with oils to make the skin supple.
Stuff the head with tree resin and sawdust.
Pack the body with spices and sawdust.
Wrap the toes and fingers , then the limbs, and finally, the torso with linen strips.
Tuck in an amulet* after every few layers.
Sing appropriate chants over each body part.
* amulets were objects like stones or wood carvings carried to protect one’s self.
Scarab beetles were often cut from green stone. They were placed over the heart of the mummy.
Scarab Beetles are dung beetles. They roll, then bury dung balls with an egg in each.
When new the beetle hatches, it seems to appear from nowhere, making it a symbol of creation.
The Egyptians related it to the sun being born, rising above the horizon, crossing the sky, then setting.
In the 1700s, mummies were ground into powder, then sold as medicine.
Europeans had mummy unwrapping parties.
During the American Civil War, mummy-wrappings were used to make paper.
Egypt at one time had 50 million mummies.
Thousands of mummified cats were sent to England and were processed into fertilizer. :(
Ra, was their sun god.
Anubis was the god of the dead, then replaced by Osiris
Life after Death When a person died, Osiris would weigh their heart. If the heart was heavy with sin the
Devourer of Souls would pounce on it and eat it. If the soul was pure, it would live forever in the
beautiful Other World.
The Great Sphinx’s nose was broken off by an angry Muslim who found citizens leaving offerings at the
feet of the Sphinx..
The Indus River Valley Civilization
Located in Pakistan, grid system for streets, houses had toilets, used uniform weights and measures
They traded with the Sumerians 3000 miles away. How do they know this?
Ancient China
China’s civilization began 3500 years ago along the Huange He River.
Natural barriers (ocean, deserts, mountains, rivers) isolated China from all other civilizations. See map
on next slide.
Name four natural barriers that kept other civilizations away.
Huang He River means “yellow river,” from the yellow dust blown in from far away.
In 1931, it flooded and may have drowned three million people!
Chinese inventions
printing press with movable type.
Judaism was the religion of the ancient Hebrews. They were the first religion to have only one god
(monotheism). It began in the ancient land now known as Israel (between Egypt and Saudi Arabia).
Moses led the enslaved Jews out of Egypt, and was given the 10 Commandments from God.