Laboratory for marine microbial ecology

Laboratory for marine microbial ecology
…is founded on the long-term experience on biogeochemical as well as microbial
processes in pelagic ecosystem. We built our knowledge on examining the
physiology of bacteria, phytoplankton and macroalgae by lipidomics approach.
Linking it to the long-term research on microbial loop and carbon cycling in the
pelagic ecosystem of the northern Adriatic brought us to exploring the microbial
interactions in frontal zones of different trophic regimens.
Recently we introduced genomics, metagenomics and metatranscriptomics into our
physiological studies. We aim to broaden our activities to the interrelationship
between ecologically important macroalgal species and their accompanying
microbiota, and the changes in their physiology under diverse environmental
pressures. In close collaboration with members of other laboratories in CMR we
develop an integrative perspective over northern Adriatic coastal ecosystem, its
protection and management.
Our research activities:
Structure of microbial communities (composition, abundance, biomass,
production and activity), coupling of bacterioplankton activity and phylogenetic
Use of lipids as indicators of source related changes in sediments and
sedimenting particles, organic matter transfer through food chains and
phytoplankton – bacteria relationship in mucilaginous aggregates and along
the gradients in water column.
Environmental microbiology; specifically ecological studies on the survival of
pathogenic microorganisms in marine environment, assessment of the
sanitary water quality, organic matter transfer within microbial food web and
biodegradation of organic compounds in marine environment, the role of
bacteria in the formation of polysaccharidic and proteinaceous particles, and
mucilaginous aggregates
Nutrient cycling and enzymatic processes in the pelagic ecosystems
Applied research studies: quality-assessment of the farmed fish populations,
ecological studies of the influence of the fish- and shell- farming area on the
environment, ecological studies of the unusual occurrences that endanger
human health, tourism and fishery, physiology and ecology of the invasive
macroalgal species Caulerpa taxifolia and Caulerpa racemosa.
Most recent projects:
2010 -… Picoplankton function and diversity along the northern Adriatic trophic
gradients (PICOADRIF, ADRIS Foundation)
2007 -… Structure and physiology of microbial communities in the northern Adriatic
frontal zones (Ministry of science, education and sports of the Republic of Croatia)
1998 - … Croatian national monitoring program «Systematic investigation of the
Adriatic sea as a base for sustainable development for the republic of Croatia»
(Project «Jadran»)
2008 - 2009 Implementation of water quality monitoring in the Western Istrian Coastal
Sea (WICOS), Adriatic New Neighbourhood Programme- INTERREG/CARDSPHARE Project
2002 - 2006 Mechanisms of long term changes in the Adriatic sea ecosystem with
particular attention to eutrophication and mucilage phenomenon / sea blooming
(Ministry of science and technology of the Republic of Croatia)
1999 - 2003 Monitoring project of the Italian Ministry of environment protection
“Processes of formation of the mucilaginous aggregates in the Adriatic and Tyrhenian
seas” (MAT) Monitoring along the profile Rovinj- the Po delta. (Ministry of
environmental protection of the Republic of Italy)