Next steps – How to Achieve Academic Goals (10 minutes)

TLC 005 Individual Workshops
Lesson Plan Outlines
Academic Goals (TLC 005 A)
Set academic goals and learn how your projected grades will change your cumulative GPA
 To learn how to calculate projected and cumulative GPA
 To understand how to set challenging but realistic academic goals
 To begin to think about HOW students can achieve academic goals
How to set good Academic Goals, SMART GOALS
GPA Calculation
a. Projected Semester GPA
b. Projected Cumulative GPA
Next Steps – HOW to achieve academic goals, creating an Action Plan
a. Thinking about how academic goals fit into larger life goals and aspirations
 Academic Goal Setting Packet, including:
o GPA Calculation Worksheet
o SMART Goals Handout + Worksheet (How to break down action plan)
 Unofficial Transcripts for students enrolled in workshop
 Sample Transcript with all student info removed (for walk-ins/freshmen)
 The Focus for this workshop is on calculating projected GPA’s. Students
should leave the workshop knowing what grades they need to get off
Academic Probation or to achieve their goal GPA’s
 Incorporate information about setting SMART goals and long-term/life
goal setting, but keep the focus on the GPA Calculations
 Make sure to go step by step through the Calculation and help students
individually if they struggle.
TLC 005 Individual Workshops
Lesson Plan Outlines
How to Set Academic Goals (10-15 minutes)
1. Activity 1 “Setting Good Academic Goals” “GPA Calc and Academic Goals Lesson Plan
(for NON-FYE)”
 Have students think about setting good academic goals
 Explain WHY it is important to set goals. Think about what goals do.
 Draw from the worksheet on SMART Goals
 Have students think about the following things when setting goals:
o Themselves as learners. Are the students good at certain subjects?
o Previous performance in the subject
o Expected difficulty of the course: Professor’s expectations, how
challenging will it be? How much work?
o Requirements of the course  attendance, participation, projects
o Current performance – grades from exams, homework etc.
o Other time commitments that may interfere
2. Have students think about their academic goals within their larger academic and life
goals  Getting of Academic Probation? Careers? GPA requirements for Graduate
School? Getting into a professional program?
3. In small groups  Have students explain their justification for why they chose their
grade goals
4. OVERVIEW and discussion of SMART GOALS, how do you make your goals smart
Calculate Grade Point Average (30 minutes)
1. Activity 3 “This Semester’s Grade Projection”  From “GPA Calc and Academic Goals
Lesson Plan (NON-FYE)”
 Walk students step-by-step through calculating Projected Semester GPA
 If students have trouble locating the components of their transcripts, refer to
Activity 2 “Reading Academic Transcripts”  FYE GPA Calc Lesson Plans
2. Activity 4 “Cumulative GPA Calculation”  From “GPA Calc and Academic Goals Lesson
Plan (NON-FYE)”
 Walk students through cumulative GPA calculation, explain course repeat policy.
 Discuss if goals grades are too low to get of Academic Probation
Next steps – How to Achieve Academic Goals (10 minutes)
 Pass out SMART Goal handout and Worksheet. Have students complete
 The worksheet will help students break down their grade goals into an Action Plan
 Do the work with the students, give a personal example
Wrap up – Explanation of Resource Packet (5 minutes)
 Hand out Resource Packets and explain how the included tools will help achieve
academic goals (S-A-G w/ Grade Tracker etc.)