Crowd-Sourced Urban Geo Data For Disaster Management

DIT PhD Project
Supervisor name & contact details:
Bianca Schoen-Phelan, PhD
Supervisors Profile:
Research Centre (if applicable):
Member of AIRC
Research Centre website (if applicable):
Supervisors Publication List:
n/a (no publications since in DIT, can provide
list of publications separately)
Title of the Project: Crowd-Sourced Urban Geo Data For Disaster Management
Project Summary:
This project aims to make a contribution in the area of natural disaster management by designing
a system that intelligently manages crowd-sourced urban geographic data.
Recent natural disasters have created an unprecedented awareness for the importance of
disaster management, specifically within an urban environment. Much grief has been caused in
the aftermath of recent natural catastrophes and a general feeling that despite the masses of
data available, local authorities have been incapable of successfully planning evacuation
At the same time a myriad of public sources are providing free geographic content on a daily
basis. This project aims to harvest these new opportunities and provide a framework that will
proactively and intelligently assist disaster management in urban environments.
Ciência sem Fronteiras / Science Without Borders Priority Area:
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Technology of prevention and remediation of natural disasters