Class Syllabus

Harlan High School
Introduction to Sociology
Mr. Jones
Phone: 606-573-8794 Extension: 3202
Planning Period: 8:35-9:25
Course Description:
This course is designed to highlight the relevance of sociology by
including a diverse array of classical and contemporary theory,
interesting and relevant research, and lived experiences that accurately
mirror the diversity in society. Interest will be spurred by showing
students that sociology involves important questions and issues that
they confront both personally and vicariously everyday. The course will
also emphasize the learning of skills that are required for the next level
of education. These skills include, but are not limited to, proper notetaking strategies, conducting presentations, and independent studies.
Topics Covered:
The sociological perspective, research methods, culture, socialization,
society, groups and organizations, deviance and crime, social classes,
race and ethnicity, the economy, religion, politics, population, etc.
Course Goals:
 Students will develop and understanding and awareness of
sociology and why we study it.
 Students will undergo exercises that will prepare them for the
next level of education.
 Students will develop proper study skills.
 Students will learn note-taking techniques and summarization
 Students will learn to conduct an organized and coherent
presentation both individually and in a group.
Major Course Projects/Readings:
 Students will complete readings from the textbook and outside
sources as assigned.
 Chapter Presentations (individual and group)
 Various research/presentation projects
 Dead Sociologist report and presentations
 Conduct a live sample survey and document/present findings
 Guest speaker: Sociology Professor Michael Roettger from
Colorado State University.
 Formal debates on sociological topics
Grading Scale/Policy:
Students will be assessed for learning in a variety of ways that include,
but are not limited to:
 Chapter Tests (200 points)
 Flashback Friday Quizzes (10 points)
 Homework Assignments (50 points)
 Daily Work (50 points)
 Debates (200 points)
 Independent Study Projects/Presentations (up to 400 points)
At the end of each 9 weeks, grades will be averaged and assigned a letter
grade based on the scale below:
A 95-100
B 88-94
C 80-87
D 70-79
F 69 & below
Also, special attention will be given to criteria based grading instead of
just a letter grading system. This means that, on most assignments,
students will receive specific feedback on what they did well and ways
they can improve. This will usually come in the form of a rubric.
It is imperative that students understand the policy for make-up work.
All make-up work in this class is solely the responsibility of the student.
If you are absent, I will not give you make-up work nor ask for it to be
turned in. It is the students’ responsibility to check the tray for
assignments and turn them in to the teacher. If assignments are not
turned in at the end of each 9-week grading period, the student will be
given a 0 with no questions asked.
All homework or daily work that is not finished will be immediately
assigned to lunch detention and 10 points will be taken off for each day
that it is late.
*Students and parents may visit the class website by going to and then clicking “Online
Classroom” to get assignments and announcements.
My expectations are high, but I will be fair and do everything I can to
help you. I am here for you!