ch 5 guide - dinwiddieapreview

Key ideas:
Identity is a powerful concept that is influenced by social, cultural, and cultural aspects.
People tend to group people based on a myth or stereotype about the group.
Racism, Stereotypes, and Segregation emerged due to these stereotypes.
The Western World is working towards gender equality and is almost there. Meanwhile,
third world countries either do not have or do not want to have gender equality.
Close Reading
What is Identity and how are identities constructed?
People define their own ________________ through their own actions such as their clothing,
cars, homes, emotions, and beliefs.
Europeans _________________ ________________ Asians and Africans during exploration and
colonialism because these people were different and the Europeans viewed themselves as
____________ _________________ is a powerful force that results in many people thinking
themselves as American, Irish, British, Australian, etc.
However, _________________ ___________________ continue to divide people and humanity,
which results in wars and hatred.
___________ is a constructed identity and is not biologically based.
Throughout history, ___________________ has occurred because one group of people feels that
they are superior to another group of people or that there is something wrong with another group
of people.
The British used _______________ _________________ as an element to form their Empire.
Physical characteristics of a person or group of people, such as the colour of their skin, is what
society considers a ________________.
Racism is the United States and Residential Segregation
______________ is assigned and not chosen by individual people.
The United States is becoming increasingly “_____________________ _______________”.
Residential Segregation
Although the United States outlawed ___________________ ___________________ in the
1960’s, cities and towns in the United States remain ______________________.
_____________________ ____________________ is now declining.
Identities across Scales and the Scale of New York City
We have different ____________________ on different ________________. We have
______________ on local, regional, national, and global levels.
New York is a good place to focus on _________________ __________________ because it has
a large population of immigrants which allows for diversity.
The __________________ of a __________________ can change when places change. An
example would be the ethnic Jewish neighborhood in New York having a mass Puerto Rican
Ethnicity and Place
___________________ is an identity within a group of people bound by a common ancestry and
culture. For example, some Americans may consider themselves Swiss-American because they
identify themselves with a Swiss heritage.
Unfortunately, cultural groups often use ___________________ when _________________
cannot explain the differences between two groups of people.
Ethnicity is often reserved for a small __________________ _________________group of
Identity and Space
Define the following:
o Space:__________________________________________________________________
o Place:___________________________________________________________________
Places designed for women or men are considered _______________________ spaces.
Sexuality and Space
_____________________________ is part of humanity.
Social science is written in a ________________________________ way.
o Define the Queer
The Gay and Lesbian Atlas was published by ________________________ and
_________________________ after Census data was released.
How Does Geography Reflect and Shape Power Relationships Among Groups of People?
Define: Power Relationships______________________________________________________________________________
Belfast, Northern Ireland is divided into neighborhoods that are either ________________ or
_________________. This divide marks the _________________ _________________ of
Just Who Counts?
GNI does not include _________________________________ or
The number of ________________________ in the “official” labor force is rising.
However, in some __________________ __________________ countries, women’s rights are
still not equal to men’s.
Vulnerable Populations
The most vulnerable countries in the world are _____rd ____________
The least vulnerable children are children of families with _____________
HIV rates are highest in ____________________.
Women in Sub-Saharan Africa and Dowry Deaths in India
Rural Areas in Sub-Saharan Africa are dominated by _____________________.
Define: Dowry Deaths______________________________________________________________________________
Shifting Power Relationships among Ethnic Groups
Over time, _________________ _______________ __________________ have caused some
people, like the Asians from China, Korea, and India, to be integrated within the white
population; meanwhile, other Southeast Asians were segregated from the white population and
lived among the African American population.
Define: Barrioization
Free Response
A. Identify two countries that have the worst gender equality and two countries with the
B. Describe how identities can change over time and provide an example.
C. Describe how the spread of HIV is not constrained to only third world countries. Explain
which groups in developed countries are most at risk and identify which groups in third
world countries are most at risk.
Appelbaum, Nancy P. "Race and Ethnicity." Encyclopedia of Latin American History and
Culture. Ed. Jay Kinsbruner and Erick D. Langer. 2nd ed. Vol. 5. Detroit: Charles Scribner's
Sons, 2008. 462-476. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 9 Jan. 2012.
Document URL
Fouché, Rayvon. "Race." Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Ethics. Ed. Carl Mitcham.
Vol. 3. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2005. 1561-1565. Gale Virtual Reference Library.
Web. 9 Jan. 2012.
Document URL
Brown, Tony N., and Chase L. Lesane-Brown. "Socialization, Race." Encyclopedia of the Life
Course and Human Development. Ed. Deborah Carr. Vol. 1: Childhood and Adolescence.
Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2009. 458-462. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 9 Jan.
Document URL
Gender Identity." Psychology of Classroom Learning: An Encyclopedia. Ed. Eric M. Anderman
and Lynley H. Anderman. Vol. 1. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2009. 428-430. Gale
Virtual Reference Library. Web. 9 Jan. 2012.
Document URL
Ng, Vivien. "Sex, Race, and Power: An Intersectional Study." Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender.
Ed. Fedwa Malti-Douglas. Vol. 4. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2007. 1329-1333. Gale
Virtual Reference Library. Web. 9 Jan. 2012.
Document URL