Dr. Rowena Wilson biography

Dr. Rowena Wilson is Interim Dean of the School of Social Work. Dr. Wilson is among
the nation's leading social work educators and scholars. She joined the NSU faculty in
1986 and has served the University in a number of capacities, most recently as Associate
Dean of Social Work. During her tenure at NSU, Dr. Wilson has been honored as an
“Eminent Scholar;” received an Outstanding Community Service Award from the
General Assembly of Virginia; and has been recognized by SCHEV for her contributions
as an outstanding Virginia faculty member.
Dr. Wilson has conducted funded research in special needs adoption, post legal adoption services and
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) services. For the past 20 years she has received federal
and state funds for University affiliated training and service programs in welfare reform, child welfare,
foster care and domestic violence prevention. Dr. Wilson is active on national social work boards,
committees, and organizations; serves on editorial boards; and has served as editor for the Journal of
Public Child Welfare. She has served as the Chair of the Group for the Advancement of Doctoral
Education in Social Work (GADE) and is a co-author of a special issue on doctoral education in social
work. Currently, Dr. Wilson is principal investigator for a foster parent training program funded by the
Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Social Services.