31 March 15

Training 2025 – Review of seafarer education and training
MNTB Working Group – Tuesday 31 March 2015, 1300-1500
Held at 30 Park Street London SE1 9EQ
Note of meeting
Kevin Slade (chair)
Guy Platten, Tony Dumbell, Nigel Palmer, Allan Graveson, Roger Towner,
Glenys Jackson, Donna Stevens
John Garner (conference call from 1300-1400)
Welcome and introductions
The chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and said that this outcome of the meeting
would be to agree on an outline of the revised scope, vision and mission statement for the
future period.
Terms of reference
The terms of reference set out in the agenda were discussed and a number of points were
The Terms of reference of the group were agreed as: "To review the MNTB and identify its
future 'footprint', role, functions, structure, staffing and funding arrangement to enable it to
meet industry-defined seafarer education and training needs ".
Membership of the group
After discussion, it was agreed that the current membership of the working group was
sufficient and comprehensive.
Allan Graveson pointed out that due to work commitments, it may be that David Appleton
attended meetings, but confirmed it would either be himself or David.
The MNTB, and its future scope, vision and mission
It was agreed that there was logic in having two groups: futures to look at the specifics
relating to the seafarer and this group to look at the infrastructure of what is needed to
support that.
Paper 1
'Futures' group discussion points:
the appropriateness of the current training arrangements and teaching methods
re course content and the requirements of existing seafarers
the need for greater flexibility and goal based courses
for training on a sail training vessel to be considered within new entrant
why is the cost of training in the UK so high?
should all GCSE entrants start on a ratings training programme?
MNTB infrastructure discussion points:
MNTB should be structured properly, what does it do, what does it want to do,
how big does it want to be and how big will the structure be to support it?
The MNTB needs to have a role of doing more, in a different way, to manage and
take advantage of uncertainties
the MNTB should be adequately resourced, and the possibility of MTT or MEF
funding to support the growing role of MNTB
the MNTB role in defining solutions, ie, with the forthcoming Ratings Summit
a central management role for MNTB providing a potential solution to government
the MNTB to have high level engagement with industry leaders, with the MNTB
chair attending chamber Supervisory board meetings
clarification and agreement of the term 'seafarer'
for there to be closer co-ordination and stronger partnerships with organisations
such as IMCA, OPITO, North Sea sector, Large Commercial Yacht sector
the MNTB as an accreditor of training programmes with different types of delivery
meeting outcomes
a quality assurance qualification/certificate should be considered ie ISO standard
look into alternative funding streams – Leonardo
It was agreed that the current MNTB name and logo were appropriate, although the logo
could be modernised, and that the constitution was fit for purpose.
During discussion, a draft mission statement was suggested as: 'to provide industry
leadership to ensure the appropriate courses and training are in place to deliver skilled
seafarers to the Merchant Navy both now and into the future'
A draft vision was suggested as: 'to be the world leader in ensuring delivery of skilled
seafarers in meeting the needs of a diverse shipping industry'.
Summary and next steps
It was agreed that the draft mission and vision statements could be refined and that the
secretariat, in conjunction with the chamber CEO would develop draft strategic goals and
objectives to consider at the next meeting of the group.
Date of next meeting
The date of the next meeting was not agreed at the meeting.