Click Here to and view the Fall 2015 Life Groups catalog.

New Life Connections
Fall Life Group Catalog
At New Life, we believe that relationships in small groups are key to spiritual growth. Jesus taught the crowds, but he
focused on the Twelve; and they were the ones who grew the most. Our small group ministry is at the core of our
church, and we encourage all New Lifers to join a Life Group, a LifeLinks Group, and/or a Ministry Team. Here are the
groups for this semester:
Special Interest Groups
New Life 101
This class is an introduction to the New Life family: where we’ve come from (our history); where we are now
(our strategy); and where we’re going (our vision). If you are interested in joining the church or in just learning
more about it, this is where to start. New Life 101 Manuals are available on the Welcome Center in the lobby.
Leader: Pastor Jeff Fairchild, 458-3310,
Meetings: 1st Wednesdays, 7:00–8:30 PM, in the NLC Green/Prayer Room. Childcare available.
Intercessory Prayer
This elder-led prayer meeting is the focus of the prayer ministry of New Life Church. It is open to all. You can
pray out loud, you can pray silently, or you can be prayed for. We meet weekly to intercede for the needs of the
New Life Church body. Join us and see God shape the world.
Leader: Joseph Oppong, 595-1070,; Donna Smith, 391-3756.
Meetings: Wednesdays, 7:00–8:30 PM, in the NLC Vista Room. Childcare available.
HaYesod (“The Foundation”)
Discover ancient roots--the life of JESUS of Nazareth, His apostles, the Book of Acts, prophecy, the "Land,
People, and Scriptures of Israel," the 1st-century God-fearers (us), and today's resurrected discipleship. Lively
instruction beautifully filmed in Israel and the USA, interactive textbook ($35 or free), classroom props. Preview
Leader: Dr. Lynn Job, 566-0315,
Meetings: Sundays, 3:00-5:00 PM; in the NLC Vista Room; starting September 6. No childcare provided.
Special Interest
HaYesod Alumni Fellowship
Relaxed round-table, varied and deeper exploration for past or current students of "HaYesod: The Foundation"
Bible Course. Scripture, readings, films, fellowship, service, prayer and study. Extra events and service
Leader: Dr. Lynn Job, 566-0315,; Susan Bryant, assistant.
Meetings: Tuesdays, 7:00–8:45 PM; in the NLC Vista Room. No childcare provided.
Robson Ladies’ Lunch Bunch
Join the Robson ladies for a covered dish luncheon, an inspirational program, hymn singing, and sharing God's
Word and work in our lives. Build lasting friendships.
Leader: Jois Ross, 262-0297,
Meetings: 2nd Saturdays, 12:00 noon; in various Robson homes (announced in church). No childcare provided.
Robson Men’s Lunch Bunch
Robson Ranch
Join some of the guys for a great meal at a local café. Make connections and enjoy men's fellowship.
Leader: Alan Ross, 536-8807,
Meetings: 2nd Saturdays, 12:00 noon; at the Outlaw Burger in Justin. No childcare provided.
Robson Prayer and Praise Gathering
Twice a month, we gather to sing praises, pray, and focus on missions.
Leader: David Patterson, 262-0316,
Meetings: 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 7:00-8:00 PM; in the Bandera Room at the Robson Ranch Clubhouse. No
childcare provided.
Robson Pray for America
We gather twice a week to pray for our beloved country, its leaders, and its people. Ladies meet on Tuesday
mornings for prayer, and the ladies and men meet on Wednesday nights for prayer, desert, and fellowship.
Leader: Mary Louise Neale, 262-0246,
Meetings: Ladies on Tuesdays, 9:00-10:00 AM; Men and ladies on Wednesdays, 7:00-8:00 PM. At the Neale
home, 9608 Ravenwood Drive, Robson Ranch. No childcare provided.
Robson Sounds of New Life
Worship group providing special music for the Robson Campus church services.
Leader: Sherry Zeise, 465-7736,
Meetings: 1st and 3rd Tuesdays, 6:00-7:00 PM; Robson Ranch Clubhouse. No childcare provided.
Robson Sunday Morning Bible Study
Meet with us every Sunday immediately after church for Bible teaching and discussion.
Leader: David Patterson, 262-0316,
Meetings: Sundays, 9:30-10:30 AM; in the Bandera Room at the Robson Ranch Clubhouse. No childcare
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Revolution Youth
Worship, teaching, leadership training, and games for 6th grade through high school. Meet up with your friends
or make new ones, and gain a deeper understanding of God and what He has planned for your life.
Wednesday Rev Youth Celebration
Student Ministry
Leader: Youth Pastor Jeff Creeach, 390-3633,
Meetings: Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30 PM (Come hang out early at 6:30), in the NLC “Loft.” Childcare available.
Sunday Night Small Groups
High School North (guys and girls)
Leaders: Clyde & Wendy Callen, 206-2077, 206-2060,
Meetings: 6:30-8:00 PM; at the Callen home, 1008 Treys Court, Sanger.
High School South (guys and girls)
Leader: Jasmijn White, 395-8813,
Meetings: 6:30-8:00 PM; Location TBA.
Middle School Girls
Leader: Nanya Jackson, 594-6121,
Meetings: 6:00-7:30 PM; at the Jackson home, 3504 Clydesdale Drive, Denton.
Middle School Guys
Leader: Ken Strahan, 214-15-6021,
Meetings: 6:00-7:30 PM at the Strahan home, 2007 Mack Place, Denton.
Preteen Groupss
Preteen Girls Bible Study: “Experiencing God”
This is for girls ages 10-12, who want to discover how they can experience God in their everyday lives. You will
enjoy fun games and activities designed to help you discover God. Text me if you want to join.
Leader: Reagan Mann, 594-0096,
Meetings: Sundays, 9:00-9:45 AM, in the Uprising Room.
This group is a FUN way to "bridge the gap" for 5th and 6th grade kids making the transition from Kids Life to the
Revolution Youth group. Each Wednesday night, we’ll join Revolution Youth for live worship, then we’ll move to
our own room for games and to explore key biblical truths with the goal of learning to live Jesus-centered lives.
Leader: Clyde & Wendy Callen, 206-2077, 206-2060,
Meetings: Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30 PM (Come hang out early at 6:30); in the NLC Uprising Room. Childcare
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LifeLinks Groups
Groups that are more
like a family or a team
than a class
Christianity is a team sport –
you’re best at it when you do it
with a small group of people you
can get to know...and learn
from...and count on...and practice
with. Our LifeLinks Groups are
designed to help you get on a
team and improve your game.
These groups aren’t classes, and
they’re not organized around
topics. Instead, LifeLinks Groups
are focused on building friendships
and making progress together as
disciples of Christ. These groups
will help you and your teammates:
 Connect and build Christian friendships,
 Grow in your relationship to God,
 Serve the Lord and others together, and
 Expand God’s Kingdom as you welcome new people into your group and start new groups.
Here’s what you can expect at LifeLinks: You’ll become part of a group of 8 to 15 New Lifers with some things in
common. You’ll meet each week at a home to share refreshments, find out how each other is doing, worship a
little, encourage and pray for one another, enjoy an interactive Bible-study, and talk seriously about how you
can make Christianity work in real life. Each group is led by a couple who really cares about you. It will be fun,
and it doesn’t end after a semester!
If you want to be part of that, join a LifeLinks Group today. Groups meet on different days, at different times, in
different homes, in different towns. There’s probably one near you. Within each LifeLinks Group, one or more
members are preparing to lead another LifeLinks group in the next year or two. You can join an existing group or
help start a new one.
Leaders: Richard and Christine Beatty; Dena and Daryl Johnson; Eric and Abby Leija; Jim and Sugene May; Travis
and Kim Merritt; Jim and Micki Taylor; Bill and Linda Youngblood. For more information, contact Rusty Shelton
at or Rene Shelton at
Meetings: Various nights, times, and homes in Denton, Sanger, and Krum (other locations added as needed).
Childcare arrangements made by most groups.
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Inspire Goes Beyond the Veil
Journey with us Beyond the Veil as we explore the intriguing lives of women in Scripture. We will catch a
glimpse of their hearts, allow God to reveal our own hearts, and meet with Jesus face to face.
Leaders: Christine Mann, 594-3503,; Karla Martinez, 595-1355,
Meetings: 3rd Mondays, 6:45-8:30 PM; in the NLC Living Room. Pot Luck meal. Childcare available.
Women’s Ministry
Watering the Word
We want New Life Women to be connected in godly relationships! This group will use a weekly Discussion
Guide to facilitate life-giving conversations based on our Sunday messages. During the week, we will be
watering the seed planted on Sunday morning! Discussion questions will be posted on the Inspire FB page.
Leader: Christine Mann, 594-3503,
Meetings: 2nd and 4th Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30 PM; in the NLC Daniel Room. Childcare available.
Ladies’ Sunday Morning Bible Study: “Lioness Arising”
The Lioness rises from her slumber, a magnificent image of strength, passion, and beauty. Her mere presence
commands the landscape, protects her young, and empowers the lion. In groups, lionesses become a creative
and strategic force to be reckoned with, acting as one to change the world around them. The “Lioness Arising”
8-week video series by Lisa Bevere is a call for women to rise up in strength and number to change their world.
Jesus is, after all, the lion of the Tribe of Judah. We are His lioness arising. (Workbook required, $10.00)
Leader: Becky Vaughn, 255-7446,; Bette Reasoner,
Meetings: Sundays, 8:30-9:30 AM, in the NLC Vista Room. Childcare available.
The H.E.L.P. Group
The HELP group is an encouragement group for women dealing with children or other family members affected
by a wide range of mental and/or emotional challenges. It offers a safe place to find Hope, Encouragement,
Love & Prayer for walking through these difficult circumstances by keeping Christ as our focus.
Leader: Amy Edge, 597-4692,; Cherry Fargo, 458-3397,
Meetings: 1st and 3rd Thursdays, 7:00-8:30 PM, in the NLC Office Conference Room. Childcare available.
Men’s Ministry
Men’s Sunday Prayer, Bible Study, and Support Group
We are a group of men who meet to discuss issues that are pertinent to our daily lives, both victories and
struggles, and also talk about what God is speaking into our lives. We pray for each other and for the church.
Leaders: Richard Beatty, 214-505-2746,; Joseph Oppong, 595-1070.
Meetings: Sundays, 8:30-9:30 AM, in the NLC Office Conference Room. Childcare available.
Men’s Wednesday Bible Study
Biblical discussions concerning issues related to men.
Leader: Pastor Jim Mann; 458-3310;
Meetings: 2nd and 4th Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30 PM, in the NLC Kids’ Life Room. Childcare available.
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Men’s Ministry
Men’s Saturday Breakfast
This is for men who love food and fellowship. We'll meet the first Saturday of each month at the church to
enjoy the fellowship of other men and to break bread (or pancakes with eggs and sausage) together. After
breakfast, one of the men will share a short testimony of what God has done and/or is doing in his life.
Leader: Jim May, 367-1954,
Meetings: 1st Saturdays, 8-9 AM, in the NLC Café and Lobby. No childcare provided.
Men’s “Guitars for God”
Worship (play your guitar), discuss scripture, and enjoy fellowship with other men.
Leader: Will Leija,, 972-249-7392; Mike Martinez, 594-3074.
Meetings: 2nd and 4th Saturdays, 7:00 AM, at various locations TBA. No childcare available.
Ministry Teams
Where are you using the gifts and talents and time God gives you to serve Him? Here are some opportunities
to glorify God, expand His kingdom, and bless His church:
Café Team
Come help us prepare and serve breakfast foods on Sunday mornings before church. Contact Darryl Johnson,, 214-532-5555.
Children’s Ministry
Help us change kids’ lives as teachers or helpers of many kinds. Contact Judy Fairchild,, 300-2722.
Ministry Teams
Church Office Assistants
Type, fold, sort, file, and make the pastors’ lives and ministries easier. Contact Paula Yoder,, 458-3310.
Greeting Team
Help make every visitor and member who enters our church feel welcome and get connected with others.
Contact Pastor Jeff,, 594-3504.
Landscape Team
Help keep our landscaping the nicest in the neighborhood. Contact Ken Strahan, 214-715-6021,
Lawn Care Team
Take a turn mowing the lawn about once a month during the season. Contact Kevin Farber, 536-8590,
Meals with a Mission
Take meals to our members when they need them most. Contact Charity Goree, 972-746-0931,
Record our events and members in photographs and video. Contact Jessie White, 254-205-9805,; Carl Malmberg,
Worship and Tech Teams
Lead the congregation in worship with your vocal, instrumental, lighting, sound, or other tech gifts. Contact
Pastor Jeremy Harper, 594-3507,
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