Student Name: Winnie Pooh Local Student ID: PSWPOOH State ID

Student Name: Winnie Pooh
Native Language: English
District: Meridian School District
Local Student ID: PSWPOOH
Ethnicity: White
School: A PS Site
Birthdate: 10/10/08
Grade: PreK
Sex: M
Age: 3
IEP Goals with Objectives/Benchmarks
Date: 9/20/12
How and When Student Progress is Reported: Progress Summary – Grading Period
Area of Need: IEP Preschool
Skill Area: Math-Number Sense and Operation
1. Present Level of Performance:
Winnie is able to find 8 out of 8 presented shapes and name 5 out of 8 presented shapes. Winnie is able to trace his first name
over a highlighted text. He is able to sort by colors, shapes, and sizes. He is able to identify qualities of objects such as large,
small, big and little. He can find 9 out of 10 colors and name 9 out of 10 colors. Winnie is able to identify and name 9 out of 10
body parts. Winnie is rote counting to 5 (skipping one number) and when asked to give a certain amount of objects, he gives
handfuls. Rote counting and one to one correspondence counting build the foundation for operations and algebraic thinking
(addition and subtraction) in early school years. Typical 3-4 year olds have an understanding of the counting process and are
able to recognize the last number counted represents the total number of objects (for quantities up to 10). They can apply
counting to new situation (counting objects) and within daily routines (counting number of children at snack). Winnie’s mother
would like to see Whinny count using hands on motivating activities.
2. General Education Content Standard
do something. Goldie will respond to picture prompts, however she has not demonstrated this ability consistently in the
Idaho Early Learning eGuidelines
classroom environment. Currently Goldie requires a physical prompt and a picture prompt and 4 or more requests before
DOMAIN 4: General Knowledge
following a direction. In order for Goldie to be able to be successful in an educational environment and demonstrate learning
Sub Domain: Mathematics and Numeracy
she needs to be able to follow directions and comply with requests. Typical 3 year old children are able to follow one step
Goal 39:
directions. Parents would also like to see Goldie follow simple directions and respond to a request.
Counts up to ten objects; matching numbers one-to-one with objects (cubes, toys, and pennies) within daily activities. Develops
understanding that when counting items they must be counted only once, and that none should be left out.
3. Annual Goal:
Within the preschool setting, during teacher directed activities and upon request, Winnie will be able to count to 10 by rote
counting and count up to 10 objects by pointing to each object, given appropriate verbal prompts and models by September 15,
4. Evaluation Procedure:
Unit of measure: Work samples, data collection, staff observation, probes
Data collected weekly (depending on student attendance).
5. Assistive Technology (if needed):
Please see Assistive Technology Worksheet
Within the preschool setting, during teacher directed activities and upon request, Winnie will be able to rote count to 5 (without
skipping) and count up to 5 objects by pointing to each object, given appropriate verbal prompts and models.
Target 1/15/13
D Within the preschool setting, during teacher directed activities and upon request, Winnie will be able to count to 8 by rote
counting and count up to 8 objects by pointing to each object, given appropriate verbal prompts and models.
Target 5/15/13