Section 3 - Pegasus @ UCF


Short Answer Responses:

Question 1

I violated a rule unintentionally, and I do not feel that was significantly addressed.

Although I was wrongly accused of falsifying information and I had no way of proving my innocence.

Question 2

It opened my eyes to other theories and ideas. I really enjoyed it.

Course gave me the idea to look at different point of views I did not look at before.

I did not answer this way purely to be contradictory. I have always held myself to high academic and personal integrity. I did not understand what I did was wrong until it was explained to me after the fact. However, none of the situations were quite like mine in this course. I had high expectations for learning about ethics during this seminar, but felt more as if we were given only instructions and definitions during the actual seminar, then left to our own devices for the work.

Conducting academic dishonesty is not always intentional. Unfortunately, I did something that I should not have done. I took the easy way out and used something from the internet for one of my assignments. I was violated of plagiarizing. I deserved my consequences because there is no reason I could not have done the work myself. It was a mistake that will not be made a second time.

It is a GREAT seminar; I think the Professor was unbelievable at conveying the integrity message, and giving a short lesson on virtues and philosophy as well to help create more of a beneficial learning experience. However, I was wrongly accused, therefore I am that of an honest student, but I made the best of this course and learned more about integrity and virtues, so in the long run I can definitely say, I am happy I attended.

This experience helped me to understand how important my records and integrity is. I want employers to look at me with good remarks and not bad ones.

I am an honest person and have always held my academic studies to the highest merit.

This course was good, but I have not wavered in my personal morals.

I had already learned a lot from the consequences of my actions, the content of the seminar was interesting but I had already learned from my actions.

For those who were truly guilty as charged. Although attendance was mandatory, I found it to be very informative.

Question 3

I am going to have to research on my own a little more before I can answer such a question.

Did not relate to mine because mine seemed so specific.

The rule I violated was assisting in cheating, which I did not realize I was violating by giving someone notes. The closest example was the student who was cheated off of during the exam. The student did not know not covering the answers could assist in

cheating. However, I feel that scenario is different from mine in that the other student intended to cheat. The friend I gave the notes to did not realize it could be considered cheating either.

My violation probably falls under integrity for being dishonest about my academic work.

Absolutely. Someone stole my work and turned it in as their own. I would have to say that they displayed a great deal of egoism; thinking about themselves.

Utilitarianism best relates to my incident because I tried to get the greatest happiness for the person I worked with and myself.

 Egoism relates best to my violation of the UCF Creed. When I forged the signature to get a passing grade in class, my reasoning was selfish, only thinking for myself.

I was wrongly accused of plagiarism. There are plagiarism examples on the site, but none quite as complicated as my own experience. I find the cases mentioned are more mainstream and common among careless students.

Some was close to my situation so I could relate to it.

My incident was more of an accident than a choice.

If I was in actual violation, virtue and utilitarianism would apply. This is because falsifying information is a sign of bad character and is attempted in order to achieve happiness without consideration of the potential consequences.

Question 4

I feel most of what we covered was instructions. I would have liked a class discussion.

I spent ample time required to complete these assignments efficiently.

Question 5

I would like the class to meet one more time after all the work is turned in to discuss it.

There is only so much one can glean from one page essays.

 I am very interested in the ethical theories that we discussed in class. It had been a few years since my last ethics class, and I felt refreshed to see them again. I wish we could have spent more time on them, or discussed some of the other ethical theories.

I had no discussion

Although this is because I shouldn’t have had to attend, however, that is not to say that discussion is not important.

Question 6

The first two assignments I liked because they make you think about the theirs discussed and how they can relate to everyday life.

I think they were interesting more than useful to show some of the other instances

They are interesting, but I feel like they are being approached without much direction or depth. The collaborative assignments were not truly collaborative, in that after one response, we were done.

I found the article we were given to read very interesting. I feel that it tied in with the seminar very nicely. Our assignments were also useful because it made us determine what was wrong in each scenario. By putting ourselves in these other situations, we get a better understanding of what is right and wrong. It helps us realize what we have done and why we shouldn’t continue to do it.

Trying to figure out who was more responsible for the different scenarios.

All of the assignments gave me a greater outlook on why it is wrong to cheat myself from learning.

 Although the first two assignments were both fun to do and applied to the seminar, the third assignment was much more difficult. “The Return of Goodness” was a difficult read, and without understanding the material, the paper was difficult.

For having to sit through a class and complete assignments for a wrong accusation, I was very interested in the content of the course and what my peers had to write. I really enjoy philosophy and sociology though.

I like the article about the 5 year old kid

 All of them help explore my morals and discover other people’s ideas/standards.

Although they are time-consuming and I was frustrated due to my innocence.

Question 7

Easy to follow, easy to understand.

Although the first two had some vague topics to choose from.

Question 8

All the assignments were very easy to follow.

They were clear.

Question 9

Question 10

 I enjoyed the hybrid class, with part in class and the rest online.

Question 11

I was unaware of the fact that there are 5 theories that support ethics.

I learned definitions of ethical theories. I just wish we had delved into their application and conflicts further.

Different philosophies as well as types of people.

I learned about the five theories of ethics.

 The class provided me with great examples and helped me gain interest in ethical theories.

 I had never read ‘Return to Goodness’ before this class.

The philosophical groupings of people based on their beliefs/traits.

I learned about ethical theories that I had no prior knowledge of.

Question 12

Question 13

Students have busy lives, which is why I am forced to finish this on a Saturday afternoon.

The time period is appropriate, just hard with the workload of the semester.

Question 14

 I had some difficulty finding the room, but a psychology student helped point me in the right direction.

I never received any information via mail or phone about meeting times and places. I had to determine the meeting times on my own, through the student conduct website.

Question 15

Maybe in the future this could be a two day seminar? With more encouraged participation and less lecture? I just feel a wrap up on what we have been writing about would be helpful and more interesting- just one more hour with all of us discussing what we read and trying out theories.

I posted my first part of the second assignment on time, however it was not there when I went to do the second part of the second assignment, so I re-posted it. Sorry for the incontinence!

Dear Dr. Stanlick, thank you for being patient and kind and not speaking down to the group at all. If anything, you gave us the benefit of the doubt that maybe we honestly did feel we were falsely accused of whatever incident brought us to your seminar. You were funny, conversational and patient. Thank you so much.

This was a better option than getting kicked out.
