School leaders are invited to attend this two-day

School leaders are invited to attend this two-day seminar with
Dr. Avis Glaze September 19th – 20th 2013 in Haugesund.
This seminar offers a unique opportunity to learn from an international leader in the field of
As one of Canada's outstanding educators, Dr. Glaze has been recognized for her work in areas such as
leadership development, student achievement, school and system improvement, character
development, diversity and inclusiveness, and equity of outcomes for all students. As Ontario's first
Chief Student Achievement Officer and founding CEO of the Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat, she
played a pivotal role in improving student achievement in Ontario schools. Her primary focus in
education is on building capacity to ensure that all students achieve, regardless of background factors
or personal circumstances. It is her belief that educators have the will and the skills to improve their
schools and should take pride in the fact that through their work, they enhance students’ life chances,
contribute to the prosperity of their countries and help to sustain democracy. For Dr. Glaze, being an
educator today is a privilege! She exhorts school systems to respect the professionalism of school
leaders and to support them in their quest for continuous improvement.
Our keynote speaker is known as a brilliant lecturer who has won more than thirty awards for
outstanding contribution to education. For more information, visit her website at:
Dr. Glaze will focus on the following topics:
The worldwide focus on education
Excellence and equity,
The Ontario improvement strategy,
High impact approaches to improve student achievement,
Character development, and
Closing achievement gaps, excellence with equity, increasing graduation rates, removing
barriers to achievement, imperatives for school leaders / educators, children at risk and how
schools can work on early intervention.
From the website of Edu-quest International Inc.:
Our focus is on teaching, learning, leadership and organizational effectiveness. More
specifically, our mandate is to:
•Build capacity among educators to improve instructional effectiveness
•Improve student learning and achievement
•Focus on excellence and equity
•Share research-informed strategies
•Emphasize holistic education
•Address issues related to parent and student engagement
•Emphasize diversity, human rights and inclusive education practices
•Ensure that schools serve the needs of all students, and
•Help education systems deliver on their promise to educate all children successfully
We challenge minds, engage hearts and strengthen skills. We inspire, build capacity and share
the lessons we have learned over almost 40 years at all levels of education systems across the
globe. Our approach is to build upon successful practices already underway in school districts.
Working collaboratively with staff, we assist in devising and implementing programs to
ensure continuous improvement and to create the best possible education systems and
learning cultures.
We know what it takes to improve classrooms, schools and school systems. We have done the
work. We have experienced the roles of those who are being asked to improve education. We
have a strong sense of international comparability, having worked with educators in many
countries. We understand first-hand the challenges teachers and administrators encounter and
the exhilaration they experience when students are successful.
We consider it a privilege to be educators during this Golden Age of Education.
When: 19th September 09.00 – 15.30 and 20th September 09.00 – 15.00
Where: Rica Maritim hotel, Haugesund.
Accommodation: Rica Maritim hotel offer room incl. breakfast 1255 NOK
Sign up:
Partners in Haugalandsløftet: 1100 NOK. Participants outside Haugalandsløftet: 2000 NOK incl lunch.
Contact for more information: - Tel. 52 75 70 70 / 951 49 783
Om arrangøren
Seminaret arrangeres av det interkommunale kompetansehevingsprosjektet Haugalandsløftet i
samarbeid med KoRus Vest Stavanger. Prosjektet er et primært rettet mot barnehage, skole og
PPT. Prosjektperioden varer frem til sommeren 2017. 10 kommuner på Haugalandet
samarbeider om Haugalandsløftet. Dette er kommunene Karmøy, Haugesund, Utsira, Bokn,
Tysvær, Vindafjord, Suldal, Sauda, Sveio og Etne. I tillegg er Statped, Høgskolen Stord/
Haugesund, KoRus Vest Stavanger og Helse Fonna samarbeidspartnere i prosjektet.
Bakgrunn for prosjektet: Antallet barn som mottar spesialundervisning/spesialpedagogisk
hjelp i barnehage og skole er høyt på Haugalandet. Målsetting for Haugalandsløftet er å
redusere dette antallet slik at flere barn inkluderes i det ordinære opplegget i skole og
barnehage. Kommunene ønsker forskningsbasert kompetanseutvikling for å oppnå bedre
kvalitet, en ønsker å ha fokus på kvalitetssikring av det arbeidet som blir gjort på alle nivå og
en ser behovet for å se helhetlig på oppvekst-tilbudet i kommunene. Resultatet av arbeidet
skal vise igjen i den enkelte barnehage og skole. Hjelpeapparatet skal i størst mulig grad være
til stede der hvor barna befinner seg Kommunene har ønske om å kunne tilby mer tverrfaglige
tjenester på de arenaene barna er, derfor er helsestasjon og barneverntjeneste viktige
samarbeidspartnere i alle kommuner, og er med i mange av tilbudene som gis i
4 hovedområder for innsats i Haugalandsløftet:
Fornyelse/ forenkling
Tverrfaglig og flerfaglig samhandling
Informasjon om Haugalandsløftet:,, Twitter: @Haugalandslftet
Informasjon om KoRus Vest Stavanger: