Transformative Parent - Center for Popular Democracy



Parent Engagement


Parent Engagement

-Parents are participants and helpers -Parents are partners and leaders

-School aims for parents to attend activities and events

-Communication with parents is passive and impersonal, mainly through fliers and emails

-Occasional participation from a PA or SLT parent leader, without broader involvement from the larger parent body

-Parents attend recreational, vocational and academic classes and school-wide gatherings, especially student performances

School aims:

-For parents to attend activities and events

-For parents to be active partners in school decisions and leadership

-Communication with parents is active and personal including street outreach, visiting parents where they are at the playground, church, beauty shop, laundromat; making phone calls, visiting parents at home, community tours, etc.

-Strong core of parent leaders are involved on an ongoing basis in decision-making, and broad participation from the larger parent body

-Parents mainly contribute their volunteer time

Parents attend:

-Recreational, vocational and academic classes

-School-wide gatherings, including student performances and town hall meetings to learn about and weigh in on key school decisions

-Leadership training that builds their capacity to engage other parents and participate meaningfully in school decisions

Parents contribute:

-Volunteer time

-Skills and knowledge that enhance curriculum, support teachers and advance the school’s goals

-Relationships and social capital that help mobilize neighborhood institutions, leaders, and parents to support the community school

-Advocacy for sustained and increased resources for school and district
