Harry potter and the sorcerers stone

Harry potter and the
sorcerers stone
Do you like adventures? How about magic? If you do you
should read Harry potter and the sorcerer’s stone this
wizarding book will take you through all sorts of
This book is about a 10-year old boy named Harry potter
who went to this wizard school called Hogwarts. And he
wants to find this rare stone that is hidden in the castle.
With the help of his two friends Ron Wesley and
Hermone granger.Can they find the stone
find out.
I think the book was hilarious and adventures
One risk- taking adventure Harry went on was when he
had to get past a 3-headed dog on Halloween. I also
thought it was hilarious because when the letters from
Hogwarts came endlessly flying though the chimney.
I recommend this book to kids who like magical
adventures ages 6+.
You’ll want to into the wizard world once you have
finished reading this book.