Collections Grade 9 Selection Focus Collection 1 “Views of the Wall

Collections Grade 9 Selection Focus
Collection 1
“Views of the Wall” (Photo Essay), p.33
“The Vietnam Wall” by Alberto Ríos, p.34
KEY LEARNING OBJECTIVE: SWABT…analyze the representation of a subject in two
different mediums
 NOTES: View the photo essay “Views of the Wall” and read the poem “The
Vietnam Wall” by Alberto Ríos. Then, review the photos and reread the lines
indicated with each question below. Answer each question, citing text
1. Photos 1–8; Lines 1–43: Do you think the photo essay and the poem have the
same target audience? Explain. Which medium would likely appeal to a wider
2. Photos 1–8: Why do you think these particular photographs were chosen for the
photo essay?
3. Lines 6–7: What metaphor does Ríos use in these lines? Explain why the author
might have used this particular metaphor and how it relates to the subject
4. Lines 1–25: Examine the poem’s narrative movement. The poem tells a story, with
the poet as the main character, walking to the wall, examining it, and looking at
others who have come to look at the wall. How does the poem’s narrative differ
from the experience presented by the photo essay? Where in the poem does the
author mention other people’s reactions to the memorial? How do these
descriptions compare to photographs of individuals viewing the wall?
5. Lines 1–43: How does the author reveal the identity of the poem’s speaker? What
can readers learn about the speaker from the poem? How might the impact of the
poem differ if it were written in the third person?
6. Photo Essay; Poem: Look back at the poem and the photo essay and explain how
the order of ideas progresses in both works.
7. Lines 37–39: Explain the image these lines evoke. Do any of the photos capture a
similar image? Which image is more powerful?
 STRATEGIES FOR ANNOTATIONS: Analyze Representations In Different
Mediums, p.36
 ANALYZING TEXT AND MEDIA: Cite Text Evidence, p.36
 PERFORMANCE TASK: (Media Activity) Reflection, p.36
 LANGUAGE AND STYLE: Noun Clauses, Prepositional Phrases, and Parallel
Structue review (T.B.A.)
 Selection Test