st martin`s gate surgery - Guildford and Waverley CCG

Job Description
Registered General Nurse – Lead for Diabetes
Hours - 30
Salary - Competitive
Background and Information about the Practice
The practice consistent s of 8 GP Partners, 4 Registered Nurses, 2 HCAs, and administrative teams
which deliver medical care to over 11,000 patients in a purpose built surgery.
The Practice is committed to medical and nursing training. Currently, we have 2 GP trainees,
medical students from Birmingham University and nursing students from Worcester University.
Our District Nursing team is based out of our building and are easily contactable.
Health Visitors also have an office within our building.
We use EMIS Web as our main system for patient encounters and Docman for document messaging.
Main Purpose of the Job
To provide high quality nursing services for our patients and be part of a team, committed to
supporting each other and community team members in the delivery of patient care.
The responsibilities of the role are outlined below and whilst comprehensive other roles and
functions may be identified by the partners or practice manager and may be included in the job
description if it is felt to be appropriate.
Education and Training
The practice is committed to personal and continued professional development for all team
members. Training will be provided as appropriate.
Professional Responsibilities:
Maintain professional registration and ensure that confirmation of current and up to date status is
held at the practice.
Diabetes Care – Lead Nurse for Diabetes
Working with GP and Nurse colleagues to help diagnose and monitor diabetic patients.
Ensure all referrals for diabetic patients have been made: eg retinopathy, X-PERT education, podiatry
where needed.
Routine diabetic checks – BP, blood results (and ensuring action taken for high/abnormal results),
ACR checks, foot checks, healthy diet and lifestyle advice, checking Blood Glucose monitor readings
and demonstrating use to patients.
Insulin Initiation and follow up.
Re-call system is in place and co-ordinated by admin team member. Nursing team to liaise with
admin team as needed for re-calls.
General Nursing Skills and Responsibilities
New patient screening – this includes:
Taking and recording blood pressure, weight, heights and BMI
Urinalysis recording
Lifestyle and health promotion
Peak flow measurement and recording
Relevant history and social factors
Vaccinations and injections – administration and recording
Routine injections to include vitamin B`1, depo provera, prostap and zoladex
Childhood vaccinations as per the childhood vaccination programme
Travel vaccinations to include comprehensive travel advice
Influenza vaccinations as part of the seasonal vaccination programme
Shingles and pneumovax immunisations
Dressing and wound management – to include
Removal of sutures/clips
Dressing wounds and leg ulcers
Liaison and consultation with nurse colleagues, local wound care nurse specialist, and
doctors where appropriate re: dressings, taking of swabs, need for antibiotics.
Cervical cytology screening – to include
Cervical smears
Lifestyle advice
Breast self examination
Contraception and menopause advice
Involvement with the practice nurse team to maintain and improve take up rates of the
practice population
Long term condition management – to include
Monitoring long term conditions such as asthma, COPD, CHD as appropriate using the
clinical system templates.
Ear syringing
Phlebotomy – using vacutainers, syringes
INR using INR Star
Near patient testing for BNP, D-Dimer and Troponin
Domiciliary visits – to undertake domiciliary visits where need has been identified for example flu
vaccinations, ECG’s, spirometry, INR.