Deadline: December 31, 2012 - Radiological Society of North America

Please read this document in its entirety before submitting your application.
RSNA International Visiting Professor Program
Instructions for Application
National radiology societies in, or that primarily serve, developing countries are invited to apply
to host an International Visiting Professor (IVP) team. The IVP team will lecture at the host’s
national or regional radiology society meeting. In addition, that society will select and organize
visits to educational institutions that have active radiology training programs with the need and
potential for educational enrichment from a visiting professor team.
The host society is expected to:
• provide hotel accommodations and meals for the IVP team for the duration of their visit;
appoint a contact who is fluent in English and able to communicate program, schedule,
and hospitality arrangements with the IVP team members and the RSNA staff contact;
complete an evaluation of the visiting professors and the program within two weeks of
the IVP visit.
The host institutions are expected to:
• appoint a contact who is fluent in English and able to communicate and able to act as a
liaison to the visiting professors and RSNA staff through the duration of the program;
complete an evaluation of the visiting professors and the program within two weeks of
the IVP visit.
Application Requirements:
 Applications must be completed jointly by the national radiology society and the host
institutions, and must specify the names of institution staff fluent in English, the number of
radiology residents in each year of training, and the percentage of those residents who are
capable of understanding teaching presentations delivered in English. Educational
institutions that are adjuncts of private practices are not eligible for this program.
Hosts should be prepared to provide accommodations and most meals for the visiting
professors during their stay. (If this is cost- prohibitive, please write a letter stating your
reasons for partial subsidy for this expense.)
Applications should specify educational needs (e.g. subspecialty, modality or organspecific interests), in order of preference.
Along with your application, please include a copy of the program from your last society
meeting, together with a proposed 10 to12-day schedule for an IVP team visit.
Submitting Your Application & Supporting Documentation
• Applications should be submitted electronically to
(If these materials cannot be submitted electronically, please mail a hard copy, to arrive by
the December 31, 2012 deadline, to RSNA Headquarters, ATTN: Cori Niskala, 820 Jorie
Blvd, Oak Brook, IL 60523 USA.)
Please direct any questions pertaining to the International Visiting Professors program to Cori
Niskala, Manager: International Affairs, at
International Visiting Professor Program
Application for Host Society
820 Jorie Boulevard  Oak Brook, IL 60523 
Deadline: December 31, 2012
Please review the Instructions for Application document, specifically, the Application Requirements section before
submitting your application. (Additional pages may be added to this form, as necessary.)
Name of National Radiology Society
Date of National Radiology Society Meeting
Projected Number of Attendees
Society Mailing Address
Address contd.
City and Country
Name and e-mail
address of Contact
Application Prepared by (if different from contact person)
List names of staff fluent in English:
Language in which medicine is taught:
Proposed Host Institution(s) (Attach separate applications for each institution. Applications available online.):
Please list the subspecialty/modality areas you would like Visiting Professors to cover, in order of priority:
Describe visa regulations applying to a visiting professor:
Please submit your completed applications, along with
the required documentation listed in the Application
Instructions to Alternatively, these
materials may be sent via mail to the address below to
arrive by the December 31, 2012 deadline.
Radiological Society of North America
Department of International Affairs
Attention: Cori Niskala
820 Jorie Blvd
Oak Brook, IL 60523
Click here for more information about the IVP program
and access to the electronic applications.
If you have questions about this or other RSNA programs,
please contact Cori Niskala at: