Catalog Language for changes to Biology 15/16 (Human Anatomy)

Catalog Language for changes to Biology 15/16 (Human Anatomy), Biology
25/26 (Physiology) and new Anatomy Courses for Kinesiology Majors
(Biology 13/14)
15 Human Anatomy
Study of the gross and microscopic structure of the human body. This course,
emphasizing the structural relationships and functional aspects of gross
anatomy, proceeds from the cell to tissues to organs. A strong high school
science background is recommended. Three hours of lecture per week.
Concurrent enrollment in Biology 16 is required for enrollment in Biology 15.
Limited to majors in biology, health science, nursing or by consent of instructor.
Prerequisites: Chemistry 8, 9 (lab), 10, 11 (lab) with a grade of C- or better OR
Biology 10, 11 (lab) and Chemistry 2, 3 (lab) with a grade of C- or better. Does
not qualify for Area B requirement.
16 Human Anatomy Laboratory
Laboratory to accompany Biology 15. Laboratory will be taught from dissected
human material, models and microscopic slides to allow students to learn from
direct experience. One three-hour lab per week. Must be concurrently enrolled in
Biology 15. Laboratory fee $175.
25 Human Physiology
Study of the function of the major organs and organ systems of the human body.
This course, emphasizing regulation and integration, proceeds from general cell
function to an overview of the controlling mechanisms and finally to the individual
systems. A strong high school science background is recommended. Three
hours of lecture per week. Concurrent enrollment in Biology 26 is prerequisite to
enrollment in Biology 25. Limited to majors in biology, health science,
kinesiology, nursing or by consent of instructor. Prerequisites: Chemistry 8, 9
(lab), 10, 11 (lab) with a grade of C- or better OR Biology 10, 11 (lab) and
Chemistry 2, 3 (lab) with a grade of C- or better. Does not qualify for Area B
26 Human Physiology Laboratory
Laboratory to accompany Biology 25. The laboratory consists of experiments
and demonstrations designed to incorporate principles of physiology. One threehour lab per week. Must be concurrently enrolled in Biology 25. Laboratory fee
$185 (includes lab manual).
Biology 13
Study of the gross and microscopic structure of the human body. This course,
which is taken primarily by kinesiology majors, emphasizes the structural
relationships and functional aspects of gross anatomy, proceeds from the cell to
tissues to organs. A strong high school science background is recommended.
Three hours of lecture per week. Concurrent enrollment in Biology 14 is required
for enrollment in Biology 13. Limited to majors in kinesiology or consent of the
instructor. Prerequisites: Biology 10, 11 (lab) and Chemistry 2, 3 (lab) with a
grade of C- or better in both courses. Does not qualify for Area B.
Biology 14
Laboratory to accompany Biology 13. Laboratory will be taught from human
models and computer images and simulations to allow students to learn about
the human body. Three hours of lecture per week. Must be concurrently enrolled
in Biology 14. Limited to majors in kinesiology or consent of the instructor. Does
not qualify for Area B.