
Backward Design Lesson Template
Teacher: Eman Bekheet
Grade Level: Grade 10
Language level: Arabic 2
Lesson Title: Animals
Desired Results
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to :
Identify Arabic names of different animals.
Practice saying the new words through drilling.
Describe different animals using adjectives in Arabic.
Develop their own sentences using the new vocabulary.
Retell a story about animals.( Alasdeqa’ Alarba’a) ” The four Friends”
Assessment Evidence
Students can name, read and write various animals in Arabic. They can match words with animal
pictures. They can describe the animals using adjectives. They can tell a story about the animals.
Learning Plan
Materials to be used:
Board, markers, Arabic calligraphy pens, handouts, computer, videos, song, pictures, flashcards, index
cards, flyswatters.
New Vocabulary: ( In Arabic )
Lion, cow, rabbit, donkey, zebra, peacock, crow, fish, tiger, whale, giraffe, elephant ….etc.
New structures : ( In Arabic )
I can see ….
I can’t see ….
I like ….
I don’t like ….
What’s your favorite animal?
(ana ara …. )
(ana la ara ….)
(ana oheb …. )
(ana la oheb …. )
(Ma hayawanak almofadal?)
Warm up:
The students see some pictures of famous zoos in different Arab countries. Then, I ask them the
following questions,
Where did you go in this weekend?
When was the last time you visited the zoo?
What have you seen there?
Do you have pets?
Which animal do you like most
Activity 1 :
Roleplaying, Students act different sounds of animals and say the Arabic words.
Activity 2 :
In pairs, one student draw a certain animal and his colleague say the word and then they change the
Activity 3:
Guessing games, students guess the animal through its description.
Activity 4:
Arabic song about the animals
Activity 5:
Flyswatter game, students listen to a word and hit the picture.
Activity 6:
The teacher stick word cards on the board. Students listen to an animal sound and then they grab the
correct word card.
Activity 7 :
The students listen to the story and try to retell the story using their own sentences.
Culture Connection:
The students watch videos and see some pictures of the famous zoos in Egypt such as Giza Zoo,
Alexandria Zoo and Qariyet El Assad (Lions' Village)
Students find it easy to learn through a wide range of classroom activities. They were able to perform
Using the new language they have learned. I let all the students get involved in the learning process
regardless of their different learning styles.