hector s. rodriguez, md

1977- 1980
1976- 1977
1974- 1975
1973- 1974
1969- 1975
ECFMG tests, Part I & II
Flex, Part I & II
Comprehensive update in Medical Education Programs for Cuban Physicians
university of Miami, School of Medicine. Miami, Florida.
Hematology and Immunology Institute. Havana, Cuba. Fellowship in Hematology
and Immunology. Board certified in April 1980.
Joaquin Albarran Hospital. Havana, Cuba. Residency in Internal Medicine.
Joaquin Albarran Hospital. Havana, Cuba. Internship in Internal Medicine.
Manuel Fajardo Hospital. Havana, Cuba. Internal Medicine and surgery
Pedro Borras Pediatric Hospital. Havana, Cuba. Pediatrics
Hospital Materno Infantil Ramon Gonzalez Coro- Havana, Cuba. Gynecology and
University of Havana, School of Medicine. Medical Doctor
American Board of General Practice. License ME66905
04/2009 – 2012 A phase III randomized, double- blind parallel group comparison diabetes
mellitus type II study to compare the efficacy and safety of initial combination therapy with
linagliptin and pioglitazone.
12/2008-6-2010 A phase III Randomized, placebo- controlled clinical trial to assess the safety
and efficacy of Odanacitib in the treatment of men with Osteoporosis treated with vitamin D
and Calcium.
2742 SW 8th Street Suite 207 · Miami, FL 33135 | Tel: (305) 646-3072 Fax: (305) 643-4123
info@MiamiMedResearch.com | www.MiamiMedResearch.com
01/2009 – 2012 A phase III multicenter, double- blind, randomized, active controlled study to
evaluate the safety and efficacy of sitagliptin compared with glimepiride in elderly patients as
with type II diabetes mellitus with inadequate glycemic control.
Phase III, double blind study of the co-administration of sitagliptin and piogllitazone in patients
with type II diabetes mellitus who have inadequate glycemic control.
12/2008-03/2010 Phase III (Phase V Program), Open- Labeled, randomized, referred- carecontrolled, clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety alendronate sodium treatment of
osteoporosis in postmenopausal women.
1980 A phase III, randomized, active- controlled, open label, multi- center study “Clinical and
Hematologist aspects of BETA minor Thalassemia”.
1975 A phase III, randomized, double- blind, placebo- controlled clinical trial to evaluate the
efficacy and safety of Lidocaine IV infusion patient with Myocardial I to prevent arrhythmia.
06/2012 – 2014 Phase III randomized, double blind, Parallel-Group Of Cardiovascular Safety In
Osteoarthritis or Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients With or at High Risk for Cardiovascular Disease
Comparing Celecoxib With Naproxen and Ibuprofen.
Investigator: Jose Szapocznik-Co-Inv Dr Hector S Rodriguez, MDCHD Refugee Program
Funding Agency/Sponsor: National Institute Diabetes, Digestive & Kidney Diseases
Division: Epidemiology University of Miami Medical Group
Miami Dade Medical Research Institute, Inc. Miami, Florida. Principal Investigator – 2012 to
Central Medical and Therapy Center, Inc. Miami, Florida. Principal Investigator – 2008 to 2012 (
Company Name changed to Miami Dade Medical Research Institute, Inc)
Miami Dade Health Department of Florida State. Miami, Florida. Community Primary Care.
Medical Director- 2009 to present
Hector S. Rodriguez, MD Medical Group. Miami, Florida. General Practitioner – 1998 to present
Family Physicians Center, Inc. Miami, Florida. General Practitioner – 1995- 1999
Policlinic Dr. Mario Muñoz Waja. Havana, Cuba. General Practitioner – 1982- 1987
2742 SW 8th Street Suite 207 · Miami, FL 33135 | Tel: (305) 646-3072 Fax: (305) 643-4123
info@MiamiMedResearch.com | www.MiamiMedResearch.com
National Institute of Hematology and Immunology- Pediatric Branch. Havana, Cuba.
Hematologist and immunologist – 1980- 1981
Languages: English, Spanish and French. (Written and Spoken)
2742 SW 8th Street Suite 207 · Miami, FL 33135 | Tel: (305) 646-3072 Fax: (305) 643-4123
info@MiamiMedResearch.com | www.MiamiMedResearch.com