2013-8-6 PG PTO Meeting Minutes-1

Prairie Grove PTO Meeting Minutes
August 6, 2013
Elementary Library
PTO Board in Attendance: President Cynthia Jones, Vice-President Christine Schmidt, Treasurer
Lynn Wehner, Secretary Lori Ciezak
PTO Members in Attendance: Jenn Cunningham, Simone Kinsolla, Louise Reinier, Tiffany Luri,
Sarah Bittner, Rhiannon Bakk-Hansen, Brea Barnes
Administrators in Attendance: Principal Vic Wight
Meeting called to order at 7:06 pm.
1. Welcome and Introductions –President Jones welcomed the membership to the
August meeting and introductions were made by all present.
2. Approval of Agenda - The August meeting agenda was presented. Motion to
approve the meeting agenda was made by Louise Reinier; Tiffany Luri seconded the
motion. The motion was passed with a sign of aye.
3. Previous Meeting Minutes - June meeting minutes were presented. Motion to
approve the meeting minutes was made by Louise Reinier. Tiffany Luri seconded the
motion. The motion was passed with a sign of aye.
4. Treasurer's Report – President Jones presented the budgeted commitments for the
2013/2014 school year. Louise Reinier asked if anyone knew what happened to the
Beautification Fund that was set aside from Sams Club 2 years ago. No one knew the
answer to this and Principal Wight volunteered to email Mary Salvo for any information
on this. Tiffany Luri asked if the assemblies went over budget, would they still be
followed through with? President Jones’ answer was yes and Principal Wight agreed
saying that the school would also be able to offer extra funds if ever need be.
President Jones asked Treasurer Wehner about the status of the uncollected funds from
the fall fundraiser. Treasurer Wehner replied that after many attempts to collect, the
effort was unsuccessful. The total amount was less than $300 for all fundraisers
combined for the year, so it was decided that this amount would be written off as a cost
of doing fundraising. A motion was made to approve the 2013/2014 PTO Budgeted
Commitments by Secretary Ciezak; Louise Reinier seconded the motion. The motion
was passed with a sign of aye.
The rest of the June Treasurer's Reports were presented by Treasurer Wehner. A
motion was made to approve the June Treasurer's Report by Louise Reinier; Jenn
Cunningham seconded the motion. The motion was passed with a sign of aye.
5. Principal's Report
Principal Wight stated that elementary school class assignments will be mailed out next
week, with Jr. High going out the week after. He stated that more hiring was needed
this year than he has ever experienced before due to retirees and leave of absences. He
was able to contact the assembly chairperson, Jeanne, and confirm that we will be able
to secure “Rachel’s Challenge” this year as one or our large assemblies. Many present
were happy to hear that. Principal Wight mentioned the following important upcoming
8/12 – Kindergarten Parent Night
8/15 – New Family Orientation – Principal Wight requested that a PTO Board
Member be present for this and the Kindergarden/Parent Night.
8/20 – Meet the Teacher Day: 8-9 am Elementary School, 2-3 pm Jr. High School
8/21 – 1st Day of School (full day)
8/26 – Chippe Shoppe Assembly – 2:00 pm Jr. High; 2:30 Elementary Kick-off
10/3-10/4 – Jr. High Conferences
11/18-11/19 – Elementary Conferences (Thanksgiving week)
6. Old Business / Committee Updates
a. Run-a-thon - Thank you to Sarah Bittner who has volunteered to chair this
event. She is looking to add ideas that have proved to be very successful at
the previous school her children attended. Thank you also to Rhiannon BakkHansen has volunteered to co-chair this event with Sarah.
b. School Pak – President Jones has not been happy with the customer service
that Staples has provided this year, and believes it best to go back with the
company used in previous years. She will put the word out to find a
chairperson for the committee next year.
7. New Business
a. Fall Fundraiser – The Chip Shoppe will be the fundraiser again this year, due
to excellent results last year and extra incentives for signing up 2 consecutive
years. New products will be offered this year, as well as a new motivational
assembly for the whole school on 8/26.
b. Silent Auction – This is an event the Board would really like to see take place
this year. We will actively look to find interested people to take this large
project on.
c. Golf Outing – Chairperson Brea Barnes has talked with Turnberry Golf Course
and they are willing to offer a discounted rate for our event of $50$55/person. This would include 18 holes, a cart and some drinks. They will
also throw in 2 foursomes to be raffled off as prizes at the event. Brea is
looking to reserve a date in June 2014.
d. Elementary/Jr. High Activity Nights – We are looking for suggestions and
people to chair events such as a movie night, a Minute-to-Win-it event, etc.
8. Announcements and Upcoming Events
Boo Hoo/Yahoo Breakfast – This has been a successful 1st day of Kindergarten breakfast
for parents in the past and President Jones is hopeful that someone will step forward to
chair this event in the short time left to plan.
Disney World Vacation Incentive – Louise Reinier provided information on a program
that donates a proceed of Disney World vacations booked by families in the school to
the PTO. She will distribute a flyer with detailed information about this in September.
Odyssey of the Mind – OM Leader Tiffany Luri announced that Prairie Grove will be
hosting the 2014 Competition on March 22nd. She would like to do a coffee fundraiser
for November, before the holiday break.
9. Raffle Winner/Adjournment – Louise Reinier was the winner of the School-Pak raffle
prize this evening. President Jones made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:04.
Tiffany Luri seconded the motion. The motion was passed with a sign of aye.