New Venous Patient Health Form

East Coast Cardiology
Venous Health History Form
Please complete the following questions before your ultrasound.
Patient Name: _____________________________________ Date of Birth: _______________
Past Medical History
1. Have you ever had vein stripping surgery? Yes ____
No ____
If yes, when and which leg? _________________________________________
2. Have you ever had vein injections?
Yes ____
No ____
If yes, when and which leg? _________________________________________
3. Have you ever had a blood clot?
Yes ____
No ____
If yes, when and which leg? _________________________________________
4. Have you ever had phlebitis?
Yes ____
No ____
If yes, when and which leg? _________________________________________
Family History
Does anyone in your family have (or used to have) varicose veins, spider veins, leg ulcers, or
swollen legs?
Yes ____
No ____
Yes ____
No ____
Yes ____
No ____
Yes ____
No ____
Yes ____
No ____
1. Do you experience any of the following in your legs?
Aching /pain?
Yes ____ No ____ Which Leg? _____________________________
Yes ____ No ____ Which Leg? _____________________________
Tiredness/fatigue? Yes ____ No ____ Which Leg? _____________________________
Yes ____ No ____ Which Leg? _____________________________
Swollen ankles?
Yes ____ No ____ Which Leg? _____________________________
Leg cramps?
Yes ____ No ____ Which Leg? _____________________________
Restless legs?
Yes ____ No ____ Which Leg? _____________________________
Yes ____ No ____ Which Leg? _____________________________
Vas Scale – Rate your intensity of pain ______________________
Is the pain persistent? Yes ____ No ____
2. Have your veins gotten worse in recent months?
Yes ____ No ____
Describe: _____________________________________________________________
3. Do you take any medications for pain?
Yes ____ No ____
If yes, what medication(s)? _______________________________________________
4. Do you elevate you legs to relieve discomfort?
Yes ____ No ____
If yes, how long per day and does it provide relief? _____________________________
5. Do you exercise?
Yes ____ No ____
If yes, what kind of exercise and how often? _________________________________
6. Do you wear compression stockings?
Yes ____ No ____
If yes, what type and gradient? How long have you worn them? ___________________
If yes, what is the name of the physician who prescribed your compression stockings and
when were they prescribed? _______________________________________________
7. Do you have any problems walking?
Yes ____ No ____
If yes describe how it interferes with activities of daily living, which activities? (Work,
shopping, showering, cleaning, playing with children etc.) Is it worse at night?
8. What type of work do you do? _______________________________________________
How long do you stand (hours per day) at work? ___________ At home? ____________
9. Have you ever had any test done on your veins?
Yes ____ No ____
If yes, when and what type of test and where on the leg? __________________________
10. Were you diagnosed with venous reflux?
Yes ____ No ____
Patient Signature: _________________________________________ Date: ___________