The Trial of Anne Hutchinson

The Trial of Anne Hutchinson – Telling the Story on Stage
In small groups, you will use what you have learned, read, and discussed about Anne
Hutchinson, Mary Dyer, the Puritans, and the Quakers to write a script that will illustrate
the main ideas of the trial and its context to your classmates. In each of the small groups,
you’ll be assigned specific topics, events, and ideas that you’ll turn into a piece of the larger
story. If necessary, you might need to use the library or Facts on File for additional ideas
beyond what you have read or will read in Social Justice and Reasoning with Democratic
Each group will need to write a script that covers the listed topics, events, ideas, and
people. In addition, each group must designate one or two scriptwriters, one or two prop
and costume designers, and one member to coordinate with the leaders of each of the other
groups to plan the transitions between groups during the play. Everyone in the group must
have at least one part in the play, but the parts can vary in size, as long as the students
filling smaller roles also have other responsibilities in the group, such as working on a
playbill, writing, editing, researching.
Each script should yield an 8-10 minute scene in the final play.
Group One: Who are the Puritans?
What do the Puritans believe about themselves? How do they want to behave? What ideas
do they have about setting up their colony?
Include in your script:
1. John Winthrop
2. “City on a Hill”
3. Role of Magistrates
4. Control of the Colony
5. Gender roles in the Colony
6. Relationship of Puritans to Native People
7. Roger Williams and his influence and ideas
8. Religious Beliefs
Group Two: Who was Anne Hutchinson?
What was Anne Hutchinson’s experience in England and why did she come to the Colony?
How did Anne’s early life influence her beliefs? How did Anne begin to act in the Colony
that upset the Puritans leadership? Why was Anne a threat to the Colony?
Include in the Script:
1. Anne’s early life in England
2. John Cotton
3. Covenant of Grace and Works
4. Anne’s meetings in the Colony
5. Anne’s beliefs about God, Native Americans, and slavery
6. The role Anne played to other women and men who questioned Puritan authority
Group Three: What Happened during the Trial?
What was Anne charged with and by whom? Who was present at the trial? What was Anne
asked and how did she respond? What did the Court decide and why?
Include in the Script:
1. Actual excerpts from the Court transcripts and careful “translations” of some of the
documents that make the sequence understandable to the audience
2. Roles: Anne Hutchinson, John Winthrop, Thomas Dudley, John Endicott (possibly
Mary Dyer and John Cotton)
Group Four: What Happened after the trial and why is this trial important even now?
What happened to Anne Hutchinson after the trial? Where did she go? How was the news
of her miscarriage and death interpreted by the Puritan leadership? How does Mary Dyer’s
trial and execution illustrate an important idea about the goals, hopes, and fears of the
Puritans? What was the result of the Puritan’s search for religious freedom? How did those
struggles impact the later idea of separation of Church and State that the Colonists included
in the Constitution?
Include in the Script:
1. Mary Dyer
2. Quakers and their beliefs
3. Anne Hutchinson
4. John Winthrop
5. The fairness of the trial
6. Impact on the future of the Colony
7. Religious freedom/tolerance
Deadlines and Due Dates:
By Tuesday, November 11th—a typed and proofread script is due to Ms. Doyle via email
or Google Drive before the beginning of class.
By Monday, November 17th – Costumes and props must be in class by so rehearsal can
begin that week. During the week of November 17th, memorize lines, practice blocking and
gestures, work with other groups to make clear transitions between scenes.
By Tuesday, November 18th – Final Script is due (include changes and alterations from
the pervious week’s work in class).
By Friday, November 21st – Playbill (list of scenes, actors, writers, etc) – One or two
people work together to produce a final product
Monday, November 24th -- Final Dress Rehearsal
Tuesday, November 25th -- Present the play to your class