A. Publications - University of Canterbury





Light, R. L., Evans, J. R., Harvey, S., & Hassanin, R. (2015). Advances in rugby coaching: An holistic approach. London & New York: Routledge.

Light, R. L. (2013). Game Sense: Pedagogy for performance, participation and enjoyment.

London & New York: Routledge.

Light, R. (2008).

Sport in the lives of young Australians . Sydney: University of Sydney Press.


Light, R. L., Quay, J., Harvey, S., & Mooney, A. (Eds) (2014) Contemporary developments in games teaching. London & New York: Routledge.

Harvey, S., & Light, R. L. (Eds) (2013). Ethics in youth sport: Pedagogical and policy applications . London & New York: Routledge.

Special Issues of Journals & Proceedings

Light, R. L., & Wedgwood, N. (2012) ‘Women in sport: Negotiating a masculine field’, special issue of Asia-pacific Journal for Health, Sport & Physical Education, 3(3).

Light, R. (2009). Youth sport and health in Australia, special issue of ACHPER Healthy Lifestyles


Light, R. (2008). Boys, schooling and sport. Special issue of Sport, Education & Society 13(2).

Light, R. (2007). Proceedings for the 2006 Asia Pacific Conference on Teaching Sport and

Physical Education for Understanding, available at:


Light, R. & Pope, C. (2006). Youth Sport in Australia and New Zealand. Change:

Transformations in Education , 9(1).

Light, R. (2006). The games approach to coaching. Journal of Physical Education New Zealand,


Light, R. (Ed.) (2006). Proceedings for the Asia Pacific Conference on teaching sport and physical education for understanding. Sydney: University of Sydney. Available at: http.www.proflearn.edsw.usyd.edu.au/resources/2006_papers.shtml

Light, R. (Ed) (2005). An international perspective on Teaching Games for Understanding, special issue of Physical Education & Sport Pedagogy , 10(3).

Light, R, Hirai, H. & Jackson, S. (2004). Reading Asia and Oceania through sport. International

Sport Studies , 26(1) & 26(2).

Light, R., Swabey, K. & Brooker, R. (Eds) (2004), Proceedings for the Second International

Conference: Teaching Sport and Physical Education for Understanding , Melbourne,

Australia: University of Melbourne. Available at www.conferences.unimelb.edu.au/sport/proceedings.htm

Articles in Refereed Journals:


Light, R. L. (2014) Quality teaching beyond games through Game Sense pedagogy. Sydney

University Papers in Human Movement, Health and Coach Education – Special Games

Sense Edition, 1-13. Retrieved from http://www.sydney.edu.au/edsw/hmhce-journal

Hassanin, R., & Light, R. L. (2014). Culture, experience and the construction of views on coaching: Implications for the uptake of Game Sense. University of Sydney Papers in

Human Movement, Health and Coach Education – Special Games Sense Edition, 51-65.

Retrieved from http://www.sydney.edu.au/edsw/hmhce-journal

Light, R. L. (2014) Mushin and learning in and beyond budo.

Ido Movement for Culture. Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology, 14(3), 47-53. DOI: 10.14589/ido.14.3.6

Light, R. L. (2014) ‘Learner-centred pedagogy for swim coaching: A complex learning theory informed approach’. Asia-Pacific Journal of Health, Sport and Physical Education, 5(2),

167-180. DOI:10.1080/18377122.2014.906056

Light, R. L., Harvey, S., & Mouchet, A. (2014). Improving ‘at-action’ decision-making in team sports through a holistic coaching approach, Sport, Education and Society , 19(3), 258-275.


Light, R. L., Curry, C., & Mooney, A. (2014). Game Sense as a model for delivering quality teaching in physical education. Asia-pacific Journal of Health, Sport & Physical

Education , 5(1), 67-81.


Light , R. L. & Kentel , J. A. (2013). Mushin : Learning in technique-intensive sport as uniting mind and body through complex learning theory.

Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy.


Mouchet, A., Harvey, S., & Light, R. L. (2013). An holistic study on in-match rugby coach communications with players.

Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy .


Light, R. L., Harvey, S., & Memmert, D. (2013). Why children join and stay in sports

clubs: Case studies in Australian, French and German swimming clubs, Sport

Education and Society, 18(4), 550-566.

Light, R. L., & Evans, J. R. (2013) Dispositions of elite-level Australian rugby coaches towards

Game Sense: Characteristics of their coaching habitus. Sport, Education and Society,

18(3), 407-423.


Light, R. L., & Wedgwood, N. (2012). Revisiting “ Sport and the maintenance of masculine hegemony”. Asia Pacific Journal for Health, Sport and Physical Education 3(3), 181-184.

Brown, S., & Light, R. L. (2012). Women’s sport leadership styles as the result of interaction between feminine and masculine approaches. Asia Pacific Journal for

Health, Sport and Physical Education 3(3), 185-199.

Light, R. L., & Lémonie, Y. (2012). Constructivisme et pédagogie dans l’enseignement de la natation [Constructivism and pedagogy for coaching in swimming] eJRIEPS, 26, 34-52.

Light, R. L. (2012) The contribution of the NSW PSSA toward developing talent in

Australian twelve-year old female swimmers. Asia Pacific Journal for

Health, Sport and Physical Education 3(1), 77-89.


Gonçalves, C. E., Humberto Moreira Carvalho, H. M., & , Light, R. L. (2011).

Why do female athletes continue to participate in sport? A retrospective case study with six adult female athletes in Portugal. Asian Journal of Exercise and Sport Science 9(1), 39-52.

Light, R. L. (2011). Opening up learning theory to social theory in research on physical

education and sport . Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy 16(4), 369-382.


Georgakis, S. & Light, R. (2010) Football and culture in the Antipodes: The rise and

consolidation of football in Greek culture and society. Modern Greek Studies in Australia and New Zealand 14, 271-287.

Light, R. & Lémonie, Y. (2010). A case study on children’s reasons for joining and

staying in a French swimming club.

Asian Journal of Exercise and Sport Science

7(1), 1-7.

Light, R. (2010). A cross-cultural study on meaning and the nature of children’s

experiences in Australian and French swimming clubs. Asia Pacific Journal of

Health, Sport and Physical Education 1(3), 37-43.

Light, R. L. (2010). Children’s social and personal development through sport: A case study of an Australian swimming club. Journal of Sport and Social Issues 34(4), 266-282.

Light, R. L. & Evans, J. R. (2010) The impact of Game Sense pedagogy on elite level

Australian rugby coaches’ practice: A question of pedagogy. Physical Education and

Sport Pedagogy , 15(2), 103–115.

Georgakis, S. & Light, R. (2010). The outdoor classroom: School camping as education

In NSW 1890-1960s. Australian Journal of Outdoor Education 14(1), 3-12.

Lang, M., & Light, R. L. (2010). Interpreting the Long Term athlete Development Model:

English swimming coaches’ views on the (swimming) LTAD in practice.

International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching 5(3), 389-403. (featured article)


Georgakis, S. & Light, R. (2009). The role of universities in the development of sport in

Australia from 1852 to 1914: A case study of Sydney University. Asian Journal of Exercise and Sport Science, 6(1), 45-52.

Georgakis, S., & Light, R. (2009). Visual data collection methods for research on the

affective dimensions of children’s personal experiences of PE. ACHPER Healthy

Lifestyles Journal 56 (3/4), 23-27.

Light, R., & Curry, C. (2009). Children’s reasons for joining sport clubs and staying in

Them: A case study of a Sydney soccer club. ACHPER Healthy Lifestyles Journal , 56(1),



Evans, J., & Light, R. (2008) Coach development through Collaborative Action Research: A rugby coach’s implementation of Game Sense pedagogy.

Asian Journal of Exercise and

Sport Science, 5(1), 31-37.

Light, R. & Wallian, N. (2008). A constructivist approach to teaching swimming. Quest , 60(3),


Light, R. (2008) ‘Complex’ learning theory in physical education: An examination of its epistemology and assumptions about how we learn. Journal of Teaching in Physical

Education , 27(1), 21-37.

Light, R. (2008). Learning masculinities in a Japanese high school rugby club. R. Light (Ed.)

special issue, Boys, the body, school and sport, Sport, Education and Society, 13(2), 163-


Light, R. (2008). Introduction: Boys the body, school and sport. R. Light (Ed.) special issue,

Boys, the body, school and sport, Sport, Education and Society, 13(2) (1621 words).

Light, R., & Georgakis, S. (2008) Responses of Study Abroad Students in Australia to

Experience-based Pedagogy in Sport Studies. International Journal for the

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 1(2), (no sequential page numbers)

available at http://academics.georgiasouthern.edu/ijsotl/issue_v2n1.htm#researchArticles


Light, R., & Georgakis, S. (2007). Sport pedagogy, masculinity and the possibilities for expression and creativity in school rugby. Special issue on Masculinity, creativity and embodied learning “on the fringes” for the Journal of Artistic and Creative Education,

1(2), 24-45.

Light, R. & Dixon, M. A. (2007). Contemporary developments in sport pedagogy and their implications for sport management education. Special issue on Sport Management

Education for Sport Management Review, 10(2), 89-17.

Light, R. (2007). Globalisation and Youth Football in Japan. Asian Journal of Sport and Exercise

Science, 4(1).

Light, R., Hirai, H., & Jackson, S. (Eds) (in press). Introduction. R. Light, H. Hirai, & S.

Jackson (Eds) special issue, Reading Asia and Oceania through Sport, International Sports

Studies . (1000 words)

Light, R. (2007). Re-examining hegemonic masculinity: The body, compliance and resistance.

Quest 59, 323-339.

Light, R. & Georgakis, S. (2007). Preparing primary school pre-service teachers to teach physical education through a focus on pedagogy, ACHPER Healthy Lifestyles Journal, 54(1), 24-28.


Chen, Q. & Light, R. (2006). I thought I’d hate cricket but I love it!’: Year six

students’ responses to Game Sense pedagogy. R. Light & C. Pope (Eds) special issue,

Youth Sport in Australia and New Zealand, Change: Transformations in Education,

9(1), 49-58.

Light, R. (2006). Participation, community and learning in the nippers. R. Light & C. Pope

(Eds) special issue, Youth Sport in Australia and New Zealand, Change: Transformations in Education, 9(1), 7-16.

Light, R. (2006). Game Sense: Innovation or just good coaching? R. Light & C. Pope (Eds.)

The games approach to coaching, special issue of Journal of Physical Education New

Zealand, 39(1), 8-19.

Light, R. (2006). Introduction: The games approach to learning. R. Light (Ed.) The games approach to coaching, special issue of Journal of Physical Education New Zealand, 39(1),


Light, R. (2006). Situated learning in an Australian surf club. Sport, Education and Society ,

11(2), 155-172.

Light, R. & Nash, M. (2006). Learning and identity in overlapping communities of practice:

Surf club, school and sports clubs. Australian Educational Researcher , 33(1), 145-162.

Light, R. & Pope, C. (2006). Editorial. R. Light (Ed) special issue, Youth Sport in Australia and

New Zealand, Change: Transformations in Education , 9(1), 3-6.

Light, R. & Tan, S. (2006). Culture, embodied understandings and primary school teachers’ development of TGfU in Singapore and Australia. European Physical Education Review,

12(1), 100-117.


Light, R. (2005). The body, Bourdieu and research on physical education and sport in schools.

International Sport Studies, 27(2).

Light, R. (2005). Introduction: An international perspective on Teaching Games for

Understanding. R. Light (Ed.) An international perspective on Teaching Games for

Understanding, Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy , 10(3), 211-212.

Light, R. (2005) Implementing understanding approaches to teaching games and sport

in Asia. Asian Journal of Exercise and Sport Science , 2(1), 39-48.

Light, R. & Butler, J. (2005). A personal journey: TGfU teacher development in Australia and the USA. R. Light (Ed.) An international perspective on Teaching Games for

Understanding, special issue of Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy , 10(3), 241-254.

Light, R & Georgakis, S. (2005). Integrating theory and practice in teacher education; The impact of a Games Sense unit on female pre-service primary teachers’ attitudes toward teaching physical education. Journal of Physical Education New Zealand, 38(1), 67-80.

Georgakis, S. & Light, R. (2005). The Athens of the south: Sport in Australian Society.

Australian and New Zealand Journal of Greek Studies, 13, 58-74.

Light, R. & Rockwell, T. (2005). The cultural origins of competitive swimming in Australia.

Sporting Traditions, 21(2), 21-38.


Light, R. (2004). The Impact of Commodified Sport on Children’s and Youth

Sport in Australia. R. Light, H. Hirai, & S. Jackson (Eds) special issue, Reading Asia and

Oceania through Sport, International Sports Studies , 26(2), 1-14.

Light, R., Hirai, H., & Jackson, S. (2004). Introduction: Reading Oceania and Asia through sport, International Sports Studies, 26(1), 1-3.

Light, R. & Yasaki W. (2004). Winds of change for youth and children’s sport in Japan? A case study of the Kashima Antler’s soccer development program,

Asian Journal of Exercise and

Sport Science, 1(1), 63-74.

Light, R. & Pickford, M. (2004). Competing discourses of school sport and media-sport:

Primary school students’ responses to media representations of Australian football.

ACHPER Healthy Lifestyles Journal, 51(2), 23-27.

Light, R. (2004) Australian coaches’ experiences of Game Sense: Opportunities and challenges,

Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 9(2), 115-132.

Light, R. (2004). Implementing a Game Sense approach in youth sport. Waikato Journal of

Education, 10, 169-180.


Light, R. & Fawns, R. (2003). Knowing the game: Integrating speech and action through

TGfU, Quest, 55, 161-177.

Light, R. & Yasaki, W. (2003). Breaking the mould: Community, education and the development of professional soccer in Japan, Football Studies , 6(1), 37-50.

Light, R. (2003). The joy of learning: Emotion, cognition and learning in games through TGfU,

New Zealand Journal of Physical Education, 36(1), 94-108.

Light, R. (2003). Developing thinking players in rugby union: The Games Sense

approach to coaching, Japan Journal of Sport Coaching , 2(2). (no page numbers)

Available at http://www.taiiku.tsukuba.ac.jp/sc/2_1E/03/index.html

Light, R. & Quay, J. (2003). Identity, physical capital and the disjunction between young men’s experiences of soccer in school and community-based clubs, Melbourne Studies in

Education, 44(2), 89-106.


Light, R. & Yasaki, W. (2002). J League soccer and the rekindling of regional identity in Japan.

Sporting Traditions. 18(2), 31-45.

Light, R. (2002). The social nature of games: Pre-service primary teachers’ first experiences of

TGfU, European Physical Education Review . 8(3), 291-310.

Light, R. (2002). Engaging the body in learning: Promoting cognition in games through TGfU,

ACHPER Healthy Lifestyles Journal, 49(2), 23-26.


Light, R. & Kirk. D. (2001). Australian cultural capital- Rugby’s social meaning: physical assets, social advantage and independent schools. Sport, Culture, Society, 4(3), 81-98.

Light, R (2001). ‘Open it up a bit': Competing discourses in the struggle over rugby game style in an Australian high school. Journal of Sport and Social Issues , 25(3), 266-282.

Light, R. (2001). Culture, tactics and embodied masculinity in Japanese and Australian school rugby. International Sports Studies, 23(1/2), 37-46.

Light, R. & Fawns, R. (2001). The thinking body: Constructivist approaches to games teaching in Physical Education. Melbourne Studies in Education, 42(2), 69-87.


Light, R. (2000). A century of Japanese rugby and masculinity: Continuity and change.

Sporting Traditions. 16(2), 87-104.

Light, R. & Kirk D. (2000). High school rugby, the body and the reproduction of hegemonic masculinity. Sport, Education and Society. 5(2), 163-176.

Light, R. (2000). From the profane to the sacred: Culture and pre-game ritual in

Japanese high school rugby. International Review for the Sociology of Sport. 35(4),


Light, R. (2000). Culture at play: A comparative study of masculinity and game style in

Japanese and Australian high school rugby'. International Sports Studies , 22(2), 26-41.


Light, R. (1999). Learning to be a ‘rugger man’: High school rugby and media constructions of masculinity in Japan. Football Studies , 2 (1), 74-89.

Light, R. (1999). Regimes of training and the construction of masculinity in Japanese university rugby. International Sports Studies, 2I (2), 39-54. [ERA A-listed, 42041]

Non peer-reviewed articles in journals

Light, R. (2009). Pedagogy in swim coaching: Part 2. Swimming in Australia 26(1), 24-25.

Light, R. (2009). Pedagogy in swim coaching: A neglected area. Swimming in Australia 25(4).

Light, R. (2003). Light up the sport with Game Sense. Sports Coach. 26(2), 33-35.

Book chapters


Light, R. L. & Evans, J. R. (2014) Putting habitus to work in research on experience and coach development. In L. Hunter, W. Smith, & E. Emerald (Eds)

 Fields of Physical Culture:

Encounters with and beyond Pierre Bourdieu. London & New York: Routledge.


Light, R. L., & Mooney, A. (2014) Introduction. In R. L. Light, J. Quay, S. Harvey & A. Mooney

(eds). Contemporary developments in games teaching (pp. 1-12.

London & New York:


Light, R. L. (2014) Positive Pedagogy for physical education and sport: Game Sense as an example. In R. L. Light, J. Quay, S. Harvey & A. Mooney (eds). Contemporary developments in games teaching (pp. 29-42) , London & New York: Routledge.

Curry, C. & Light, R. L. (2014) The influence of school context on the implementation of TGfU across a secondary school physical education department (in press). In R. L. Light, J. Quay,

S. Harvey & A. Mooney (eds). Contemporary developments in games teaching (pp. 118-

133) , London & New York: Routledge.

Harvey, S., Quay, J. & Light, R. L. (2014) Conclusions. In R. L. Light, J. Quay, S. Harvey & A.

Mooney (Eds). Contemporary developments in games teaching (pp. 207-214) , London &

New York: Routledge.


Light, R. L. (2013). O Game Sense como pedagogia positiva para treinar o desporto juvenil

[Game Sense as positive pedagogy for coaching youth sport]. In C. Congalves (Ed.)

Educação pelo desporto e associativismo desportiva [ Youth Sport: between education and performance ] (pp. 111-131). Instituto do Desporto de Portugal/IDP (national institute of sports): Lisbon, Portugal .

Light, R. L. (2013). What are the possibilities of Game Sense: Coaching and teaching [ Game sense towa nanika? Ko-chingu to ti-chingu no kanousei ]. In N. Susuki, A. Umezara, S.

Satochi and D. Matsumoto (Eds), Manabi no shiten Kara tsukuru shougakkou no taiiku jugyou [Creating student-centred PE lessons for primary school] (pp. 229-234) . Tokyo:


Light, R. L. (2013) Game Sense pedagogy in youth sport: An applied ethics perspective. In,

Harvey, S., & Light, R. L. (Eds) Ethics in youth sport: Pedagogical and policy applications (pp. 229-234 ). London & New York: Routledge.

Light, R. L. & Harvey, S. (2013). Introduction. In S. Harvey & R. L. Light & (Eds.), Ethics in youth sport: Policy and pedagogical applications (pp. 1-8), London: Routledge.

Harvey, S., & Light, R. L. (2013). Conclusions. In S. Harvey & R. L. Light (Eds.), Ethics in youth sport: Policy and pedagogical applications (pp. 203-210). London: Routledge.


Light, R. L. (2012). Learning to swim by closing the gap between mind and body. In, F. Hosoe,

N. Suzuki & A. Narie (Eds), Ugoki no [Kanji] to [kizuki]o taisetsu ni shita suiei jugyo tsukuri [ Creating swimming lessons that value embodied understanding through movement] (pp. 143-150) .

Tokyo: Kyoiku-Shuppan.

Light, R. L. (2012). The development of sumo as sport in Japan. In, Nauright, J. & Parrish, C.

(Eds.), Sports Around the World: History, Culture, Practice. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO.

Light, R. L, & Parrish, C. (2012). Rugby in Japan. In J. Nauright & C. Parrish (Eds.), Sports

Around the World: History, Culture, Practice . Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO.

Light, R. L. (2012). Karate in Japan. In J. Nauright,. & C.Parrish, (Eds.), Sports around the world: History, culture, practice . Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.

Light, R. L. (2012). Introducing Game Sense into athletics: Depart from boring practice. An exciting approach. In, F. Hosoe, N. Suzuki & A. Narie (Eds), Ugoki no [Kanji] to [kizuki]o taisetsu ni shita rikujo jugyo tsukuri [ Creating athletics lessons that value embodied understanding through movement] (144-152). Tokyo: Kyoiku-Shupan


Light, R. L. (2011). Accessing youth sport in Australia: Schools and clubs. In S.

Georgakis & K. Russell (Eds) Youth sport in Australia (62-71). Sydney: Sydney

University Press.

Light, R. L. (2011). Situated learning in an Australian surf club. In, R. Giulianottie (Ed) The sociology of sport (155-172) . London, Thousand Oaks & New Delhi: Sage.


Light, R. (2010). Japan. In S. W. Pope & J. Nauright (Eds) Routledge companion to sports history

(472-486). London & New York: Routledge.

Light, R. & Kentel, J. A. (2010). Soft pedagogy for a hard sport: Disrupting hegemonic masculinity in high school rugby through feminist-informed pedagogy. M. Kehler, & M.

Atkinson (Eds) Boys’ bodies (133-154) .

Peter Lang Publishers.


Light, R. (2009). Understanding and enhancing learning in TGfU through Complex Learning

Theory. In, T. Hopper, J. Butler, & B. Storey (Eds) TGfU…Simply good pedagogy:

Understanding a complex challenge (23-34) .

HPE Canada.


Light, R., Hirai, H., & Ebishima, H. (2008). Professionalism and tensions in Japanese rugby. In,

G. Ryan (Ed.) The changing face of rugby: The union game and professionalism since

1995. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.


Light, R. & Georgakis, S. (2006). “Lest we forget”: Sport in Australian cultural memory. In, M.

Karalis, V. (2005). The culture of memory (pp. 96-121). Sydney: Brandl and Schlesinger.


Light, R. (2005). Making sense of the chaos: Games Sense coaching in Australia. In L. Griffin and J. Butler (Eds), Examining a Teaching Games for Understanding Model (pp. 169-182).

Champaigne Il: Human Kinetics.

Light, R. (2005). Global flows and resistance in sport: The J. League and the stimulation of local identity. In S. Alomes (Ed.). Islands in the stream: Australia and Japan face globalisation (pp. 91-102). Melbourne: Maribrynong Press.


Light, R. (2003). “No room for heroes”: Australian, pre-service teachers’ responses to TGfU. In

L. Griffin, J. Butler, R. Nastasi & B. Lombardo (Eds), Teaching Games for Understanding in physical education and sport: An international perspective (pp.67-78) . Oxon Hill, MD,

USA: National Association for Sport and Physical Education.

Light, R. (2003). Sport and the construction of masculinity in the Japanese education system. In

K. Louie & M. Low (Eds) Asian masculinities (pp. 100-117). London: Routledge Curzon.


Light, R & Kinnaird, L. (2002). Appeasing the gods: Sumo, Shinto and 'true' Japanese spirit'. In

T. Magdalinski & T. Chandler (Eds), With God on their side: Sport in the service of religion (pp. 39-159). London: Routledge.

Light, R. & Yasaki, W. (2000). Seishin and Japanese rugby. In H. Hirai (Ed.), Sports de yomu

Ajia (Reading Asia through sport) (pp. 182-203). Kyoto: Sekai Shiso Sha, [published in




Light, R. (1999). Japanese school rugby and the reproduction of hegemonic masculinity in high school rugby. In T. Chandler & J. Nauright (Eds), The rugby world: Race, gender, commerce (pp. 105-127) . London: Frank Cass.

Full length, peer reviewed conference papers


Hassanin, R., & Light, R. L. (2013). Learning through experience: The influence of context on the development of rugby coaches’ beliefs and practice. In L. Zhang (Ed.)

2013 ERSE, 2013

International Conference on Educational Research and Sports Education. Paris, France:

Atlantis Press (pp. 92-96).

Hassanin, R., & Light, R. L. (2013) The use of habitus in research on experience and coach development. Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Conference

Proceedings. Available at:




Light, R. & Georgakis, S. (2008). Assessing knowledge-in-action in physical education. In proceedings for Mentor Teachers Conference: Authentic Assessment Practices for Student

Learning, University of Sydney, August 16-17 2007. Available at: http://www.proflearn.edsw.usyd.edu.au/resources/2007_papers.shtml


Light, R. (2007). Accessing the inner world of children: The use of student drawings in research on children’s experiences of Game Sense .

Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Conference on

Teaching Sport and Physical Education for Understanding , (pp. 72-83) available at: http://www.proflearn.edsw.usyd.edu.au/proceedings_resources/index.shtml

Curry, C. & Light, R. (2007 Addressing the NSW Quality Teaching Framework in physical education: Is Game Sense the answer? Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Conference on

Teaching Sport and Physical Education for Understanding (pp. 7-19), available at: http://www.proflearn.edsw.usyd.edu.au/proceedings_resources/index.shtml


Chen, S. & Light, R. (2006). Encouraging positive attitudes toward sport through Game Sense pedagogy in an Australian primary school. Teaching Games for Understanding in the Asia

Pacific Region . Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education (pp. 47-58).

Light, R. & Tan S. (2006). The situated nature of learning to teach: TGfU teacher

development in Singapore and Australia. Teaching Games for Understanding in the Asia

Pacific Region , Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education (pp. 10-17).

Light, R. & Georgakis, S. (2006). Can Game Sense make a difference? Australian pre-service primary school teachers’ responses to Game Sense pedagogy in two teacher training education programs. Proceedings for the 2005 Australian Association for Education in

Research conference.

Available at: http://www.aare.edu.au/05pap/alpha.htm


Light, R. & Georgakis, S. (2005) ‘Taking out the scary factor’: Female pre-service

primary school teachers’ responses to Game Sense pedagogy in physical education. Higher

Education in a Changing World: Research and Development in Higher Education, Volume

28. Annual International HERDSA conference proceedings, University of Sydney, (pp.



Light, R. (2004). A snap shot of pre-service and beginning teachers’ implementation of TGfU.

In R. Light, K. Swabey & R. Brooker (Eds), Proceedings for the Second International

Conference: Teaching Sport and Physical Education for Understanding , Melbourne,

Australia: University of Melbourne (pp. 44-52). Available at www.conferences.unimelb.edu.au/sport/proceedings.htm

Light, R. (2004). Challenging dualisms in research on the body, Sport and physical education through Bourdieu’s analytic concept of habitus. In J. Wright (Ed.)

Conference Papers of the 3rd Biannual Researching Sport, Physical and Health Education Conference,

Wollongong: University of Wollongong (pp. 37-51).

Light, R. & Quay, J. (2004). Entering the ‘realm of meaning’ through auto-photography in research on sport. In J. Wright (Ed.), Conference Papers of the 3rd Biennial Researching

Sport, Physical and Health Education Conference . Wollongong: University of Wollongong

(pp. 163-175).

Light, R. & Tan, S. (2004). Early career teachers’ experiences of implementing TGfU/GCA in

Australia and Singapore. In M. K. Chin, L. D. Hensley & Y. K. Liu (Eds), Proceedings for the 2004 International Conference for Physical Educators . Hong Kong: Hong Kong

Institute of Education (pp. 321-330).


Light, R., & Fawns, R. (2002). The embodied mind: Blending speech and action in games

Teaching through TGfU. 2002 Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and

Recreation National Conference Proceedings Full, peer reviewed paper published [on line]

Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation (pp.1-12) (not numbered sequentially in proceedings).


Light, R. (2001). The body in the social world and the social world in the body': Applying the work of Pierre Bourdieu to analyses of physical activity in schools’

. Australian Association for Research in Education 2001 Conference Papers , Available at: http://www.aare.edu.au/01pap/lig01450.htm

, December.

Non-refereed conference papers

Light, R. (2004). The joy of learning: Australian pre-service teachers’ experiences of TGfU. In

M. A. Gonzalez valeiro, J. A. Sanchez Molina & J. Gomez Valera (Eds), Preparacion

Profesional y Necesidades Sociales, La Coruna, Spain, University of Da Coruna (pp. 792-


Other, non peer-reviewed, publications

Light, R. & Yasaki, W. (2003). Sports culture and education in Australia (in Japanese). Reports of the Institute for Culture in Life of Yamagata Prefecture , No.30, pp. 13-21 .
