List of posters - Yale School of Medicine

1. Braithwaite RS, Bryant KJ. Informing the design of HIV research portfolios by comparing idealized
scenarios of their effects: Race for the cure or race for implementation? (Pre-publication)
2. Braithwaite RS, Fang Y, Tate JP, Mentor SM, Bryant KJ, Justice AC. A longitudinal study of temporal
patterns of alcohol consumption, smoking, and depression among a cohort of veterans in care. (Prepublication)
3. Braithwaite RS, Nucifora KA, Kessler J, Toohey C, Li L, Mentor SM, Uhler LM, Roberts MS, Galvani
A, Bryant KJ. How inexpensive does an alcohol intervention in Kenya need to be in order to deliver
favorable value by reducing HIV-related morbidity and mortality? (Pre-Publication)
4. Braithwaite RS, Nucifora KA, Kessler J, Toohey C, Mentor SM, Uhler LM, Roberts MS, Bryant KJ.
Impact of Interventions Targeting Unhealthy Alcohol Use in Kenya on HIV Transmission and AIDSRelated Deaths.
5. Bridden C, Cheng DM, Gnatienko N, Patts G, Blokhina E, Freiberg M, Chaisson CE, Yaroslavtseva T,
Weiser SD, Krupitsky E, Samet JH. The association between heavy alcohol use and food insecurity
among HIV-infected individuals in St. Petersburg, Russia.
6. Bryant V, Whitehead N, Burrell L, Hearn L, Cook R, Cohen R. Depression, apathy and alcohol
dependence: Possible prognostic indicators for HAND? Southern HIV Alcohol Research Consortium
Conference SHARC, Miami, Florida, January 29-30 2014.
7. Bryant V, Whitehead N, Hearn L, Burrell L, Diggins A. Having Enough Contact with a Trusted Source
of Social Support Mediates the Relationship Between Depression and Heavy Drinking Among People
Living with HIV.
8. Bueno D, Espinoza L, Miguez MJ. Thrombocytopenia and Liquor Use are Associated with Noninvasive Markers of Liver Fibrosis in People Living with HIV. Southern HIV Alcohol Research
Consortium Conference SHARC, Miami, Florida, January 29-30 2014.
9. Celio M, MacKillop J, Mastrole N, Monti PM. Risky sex in the context of alcohol use: The interactive
effect of sex-related alcohol expectancies and impulsive decision making.
10. Chander G, Hutton HE, Moore RD, Xu X, Lau B, McCaul ME. An RCT of Brief Alcohol Intervention
among Hazardous and Heavy Drinking HIV Infected Women.
11. Dinasarapu AR, Chang K, Karki M, Zhang X, Williams JC, Appelberg S, Chi Y, Li Y, Sleasman JW,
Goodenow MM. Effects of substance use by healthy and HIV- infected young adults by systems
12. Hahn JA, Emenyonu NI, Fatch R, Muyindike W, Kekibiina A, Woolf-King S, Carrico A. Declining and
rebounding unhealthy alcohol use measured by a biomarker (Phospatidylethanol) and self-report in
persons with HIV in rural Uganda.
13. Hu X, Cook C, Harman J, Cook RL. Drinking Patterns and Health Care Utilization among Persons
Living with HIV. Southern HIV Alcohol Research Consortium Conference SHARC, Miami, Florida,
January 29-30 2014.
14. Hutton HE, Chander G, McCaul ME, Cropsey K, Coley H, Saag M, Crane H, Harrington A, Kitahata M.
Development and Testing of an Avatar-Delivered Computerized Brief Intervention (CBI) to Reduce
Hazardous Drinking Among HIV-Infected Patients in Care.
15. Kim HN, Crane HM, Rodriguez CV, Van Rompaey S, Mathews WC, Mugavero M, Mayer KH,
Christopoulos K, Napravnik S, Kitahata M. Significance of alcohol abuse diagnosis vs. other risk
factors for advance liver fibrosis by Fib-4.
16. Kraemer KL, Fiellin D, Gordon A, Korthuis PT. Comparative Effectiveness of Alcohol and Drug
Treatment in HIV-Infected Veterans.
17. Long JB, McGinnis KA, Akgün KM, Edelman EJ, Rimland D, Wang KH, Justice AC, Fiellin DA,
Wang EA. Incarceration and Unhealthy Alcohol Use in HIV-infected Individuals.
18. Lo Re V, Tate JP, Butt AA, Klein MB, Gibert C, Rimland D, Goetz MB, Kostman JR, Justice AC,
Localio R. Predicting risk of ESLD in HIV/HCV patients for individualized HCV therapy decisions. 21 st
Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections Boston, Massachusetts, March 3-6, 2014.
19. Mastroleo NR, Operario D, Barnett NP, Colby SM, Kahler CW, Monti PM. Prevalence of Heavy
Drinking and Risky Sexual Behaviors in Adult Emergency Department Patients. The Annual Meeting
of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Orlando, Florida, June 22-26, 2013.
20. Mastroleo NR, Operario D, Barnett NP, Colby SM, Kahler CW, Monti PM. The Association of PTSD,
Alcohol Use, and Sex Risk: Support for an Integrated Treatment Approach. Forthcoming Research
Society on Alcoholism and the International Society for Biomedical Research on Alcoholism, Bellevue,
Washington, June 21-25, 2014.
21. McGinnis KA, Edelman EJ, Tate JP, Justice AC, Fiellin DA. Using the VACS Index to Track Health
Outcomes Associated with Abstinence among HIV-infected Patients Receiving Opioid Agonist
22. Mills JC, Escobar-Viera CG, Harman JS, Cook RL. Association between Population Characteristics and
Unmet Mental Health, Alcohol or Substance Abuse Treatment Needs. 2014 Southern HIV Alcohol
Research Consortium Conference SHARC, Miami, Florida, January 29-30 2014 and PHHP Research
Day, Gainesville, FL, April 9, 2014.
23. Quiros C, Miguez-Burbano MJ, Vargas M. High Burden of Hypertension in an Urban Cohort of People
Living with HIV in South Florida and its Association with Hazardous Alcohol Use. Southern HIV
Alcohol Research Consortium Conference SHARC, Miami, Florida, January 29-30 2014.
24. Rentsch C, Salinas J, Tate JP, Justice AC, Rimland D. Which Predicts Mortality Among HIV+ Veterans
Better: Baseline, Time-Updated, or Cumulative HIV-1 RNA, CD4 Count, or VACS Index?
25. Riley A, Mastroleo NR, Operario D, Monti PM. Alcohol risk behaviors in college and non-college
emerging adults and the effect of drinking motives. Brown University Public Health Research Day,
Providence, Rhode Island, April 14, 2014.
26. Saitz R, Heeren TC, Winter MR, Holick MF, Sullivan M, Walley AY, Ventura AS, Meli SM, Turner
AK, Samet JH. No association detected between alcohol consumption and bone mineral density in HIV
infected adults with substance dependence.
27. Sung M, Gordon KS, Edelman EJ, Akgun KM, Justice AC. Polypharmacy and physiologic frailty in
HIV-infected veterans. [Oral] 37th Annual Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM) Meeting, San
Diego, California, April 23-26, 2014.
28. Tate JP, Justice AC. Comparison of VACS index performance in HIV-infected and uninfected Veterans
from 2000 to 2010. 18th International Workshop on HIV Observational Databases, Sitges, Spain, March
27-29, 2014.
29. Tate JP, Justice AC. Sex Disparities in Overall Response to ART among HIV Infected Individuals.
30. Tate JP, Kim JK, Bryant KJ, Gibert CL, Rimland D, Goetz MB, Klein MB, Fiellin DA, Justice AC, Lo
Re V. Level of alcohol use and advanced hepatic fibrosis in HIV-infected and uninfected patients. 21st
Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Boston, Massachusetts, March 3-6, 2014.
31. White TL, Nitenson AZ, Souza T. Biphasic functional brain response to alcohol in HIV+ and HIVsocial drinkers.
32. Wray TB, Monti PM, Kahler CW. Measuring Sex Risk Outcomes in the Lab among Men who have Sex
with Men: Pitfalls and Potential.
33. Zhang X, Nichols SL, Lowe A, Garvie PA, Thornton S, Goldberger BA, Hou W, Sleasman JW,
Goodenow MM. Concordance between self-reported substance use and toxicology among HIV-infected
and uninfected at risk youth.