Development of a method for the enrichment of zinc and its

Development of a method for the enrichment of zinc and its
separation from a matrix of metalliferous mine waters deriving from
a river catchment in NW England
We are looking for a student to undertake his/her 4th year B.Sc. thesis in the area of
environmental and isotope geochemistry in our Groundwater, Geochemistry and
Remediation group headed by Profs David Blowes and Carol Ptacek.
The student should be responsible, with a good command of English and experience in
laboratory work.
The student project encompasses the development of a new method to enrich and purify
zinc from mine water samples deriving from a river catchment in Northwest England. The
purpose of the project is to enable the analysis of the samples for zinc stable isotopes to
identify sources of zinc and processes leading to its attenuation.
The group has extensive experience in sample purification for isotope analysis which will be a
clear benefit for the development and early completion of the student project. We envision
that the student will have an enhanced learning curve during his/her thesis and be able to
acquire a diverse number of laboratory techniques in addition to gaining knowledge in
environmental and isotope geochemistry.
The student will benefit from close supervision and training provided by Julia JamiesonHanes (local) and Romy Matthies (long-distance). Please direct any enquiries and expression
of interest to: and