Conference Programme - Women in German Studies

WIGS 25th Anniversary Conference 2013
Humanities Research Institute,
University of Sheffield
Friday, 8 November
13.30-14.00: Registration and Tea / Coffee – Humanities Research Institute, Gell Street
14.00-15.30 (conference room): Postgraduate Training Workshop: Beyond Academia. Workshop
for Postgraduate Students and all WIGS member at the start of their career
inside and outside academia.
Ellie Kennedy (Nottingham Trent), Beyond Lecturing: The many uses for your PhD Skills in Higher Education
Henrike Lähnemann (Newcastle), The Impact Factor: A Satyrspiel on linking research and project work
outside academia
15.40-15.50: short break
16.00-17.00 (conference room): Panel 1: On Heinrich Heine. Chair: Caroline Bland (Sheffield)
Eloise Roberts (Sheffield), Heinrich Heine and Nationalism
Jutta Kling (St. Andrews & Tübingen), Heinrich Heine and Irony: Beyond Romanticism, towards a Different
Understanding of Irony
17.00-17.30: Sekt and WIGS exhibition, introduced by Emily Spiers
17.30: Keynote Address: Helen Watanabe-O’Kelly:
“25 Years of WIGS – a celebration”
19.30: Anniversary Dinner at the Butcher Works
Saturday, 9 November
09.00 (Humanities Research Institute): Registration
09.30-11.00 (conference room): Panel 2: On Nineteenth Century Literature. Chair: Eloise Roberts
Ellen Pilsworth (Oxford/ DAAD), Infanticide in Des Knaben Wunderhorn: Romantic Variations on a ‘Sturm
und Drang’ Theme
Dagmar Paulus (Nottingham), Unfinished Business: Ghosts and Collective Memory in Wilhelm Raabe’s
Kate Roy (Leeds), Material World(s): Paratext and Popular Discourse in the Production of Emily Ruete’s
Memoiren einer arabischen Prinzessin (1886)
11.00-11.30: Coffee
11.30-1.00: Parallel Panels:
Panel 3 (conference room): The Recovery of Forgotten Discourses. Chair: Sarah
Pogoda (Sheffield)
Godela Weiss-Sussex (King’s College, Cambridge), Großstadtjüdinnen. Konzepte einer literarischen Figur in
Romanen jüdischer Autorinnen um 1900
Elizabeth Ward (Leeds), Picking up the Pieces: Kurt Maetzig’s Ehe im Schatten (1947)
Dora Osborne (Edinburgh), ‘O weh, o weh. Haus, du Haus!’: The Collapse of the Cologne City Archive and its
Panel 4 (seminar room): Performative Identities. Chair: Cyd Sturgess (Sheffield)
Lauren Selfe (Nottingham), Representations of Muslim women in contemporary Germany: a work in
Mererid Puw Davies (University College London), Playing with Fire: Kommune I and its Flyers
Katharina Karcher (Warwick), Smashing patriarchy with bombs and poems? Feminist Militancy in the
Federal Republic of Germany
13.00-13.45: Lunch
13.45-14.30: WIGS AGM
14.30-16.00: Parallel Panels:
Panel 5 (conference room): Austria and the Past. Chair: Allyson Fiddler
Katie Stone (Cambridge), The Trope of Victimhood as Narrative Strategy in Ingeborg Bachmann’s Malina
Katya Krylova (Nottingham), A Topography of the Waldheim Era: Robert Schindel’s Der Kalte
Alexandra Lloyd (St Edmund Hall, Oxford), ‘Kinderrätsel’: Child Figures in Michael Haneke’s Das weiße Band:
Eine deutsche Kindergeschichte
Panel 6 (seminar room): Genres of the Self. Chair: Elizabeth Ward (Leeds)
Gesine Haberlah (Nottingham), Bringing the Author into the Text: Strategies and Effects of Metafiction in
Stephan Wackwitz’ Ein unsichtbares Land (2003)
Caroline Rowan-Olive (Reading), Exploring Subjectivity in Christa Wolf’s Leibhaftig
Nina Schmidt (Sheffield), Writing Illness Autobiographically in Kathrin Schmidt’s Du stirbst nicht (2009)
16.00-16.30: Tea
16.30-17.30 (conference room): Panel 7: German Literature and its Value(s). Chair: Lauren Selfe
Sarah Pogoda (Sheffield), Stürme der Schöpfung und Zerstörung. Zu einer Denkfigur philosophischliterarischer Reflexion in Ernst-Wilhelm Händlers Romanzyklus einer Grammatik der
vollkommenen Klarheit
Sally-Ann Spencer (Wellington, NZ), Made in German(y): Constructing the Translational Value of German
17.30: Close