Title: Me Gusta

Title: Me Gusta!
*Students will be able to write sentences stating what they do or do not like.
*Students will be able to recognize and use the listed vocabulary words.
Level/Subject: Spanish I
Time Duration:
5 min
5 min
10 min
10 min
15 min
5 min
5 min
Teach Me gusta(n)…
Line Game
Pictures – write sentences
Share Sentences
Materials needed:
Flip chart of vocabulary words in Spanish and English
“Me gusta…” and “No, no me gusta…” signs
Pictures of groups of people doing vocabulary activities for stations
Students will need paper and a pencil
Me gusta(n)…
No, no me gusta(n)…
el ajedrez
los animales
los carros
los deportes
las fiestas
la pizza
las verduras
la comida china (italiana, Mexicana)
las frutas
las hamburguesas
el helado
los libros (de aventuras, de amor)
la música (de…)
las películas (de ciencia ficción, de terror, de misterio)
los video juegos
Introduction (5min):
Who can tell me what the Peace Corps is?
The Peace Corps is a program that places American volunteers in communities throughout the
developing world where they work and teach for two years in their field of expertise. Volunteers also
learn the local language and culture.
Short Introduction to Me gusta(n)… (5 min):
Today we’re going to learn how to express what we like and do not like. The verb that we’ll be using
is “gustar” (write on board). Gustar is conjugated a bit differently than a regular –ar verb. It is
conjugated in relation to what is being liked. So if you like “la pizza” then the verb will be conjugated as
“gusta” because “la pizza” is singular. Likewise if you like “los pelÍculas” then the verb is conjugated as
“gustan” because the direct object is plural. In order to state who likes these items, you need to preface
the verb with “me” to say that you like this item.
I’ll write these two sentences on the board:
Me gusta la pizza.
Me gustan los pelÍculas.
*Flip chart to learn vocabulary words (15 min)
I have drawn out a flipchart for the vocabulary listed above. I will read the word, show them the
definition and allow them to write down the translation. I’ll read the word and have them
repeat it for each word.
*Line Game – Me gusta o No, no me gusta (15 min)
Two signs: “Me gusta(n)…” and “No, No me gusta(n)… will be placed on opposite sides of the
room. I will say a vocabulary word and then move to the side of the room that corresponds to whether
or not the word is something that they like or do not like. I will ask for a volunteer to say the sentence
for where they are. For example, “No, no me gustan los videojuegos.” This will be repeated for a
variety of vocabulary words.
*Stations with groups of 4 students (15 min) - Groups can rotate stations if there is extra time.
I have 7 pictures of people doing different activities. The students in each group will need to
write 5 sentences about what the person in their picture likes or does not like. They can also write
sentences describing the people which is what they learned to do in the previous section.
Assessment/Evaluation (5 mins):
Each group of students will come to the front of the room to share their picture and their five sentences
with the class.
Charades (5 mins): If extra time allows this can be added.
Have students choose a vocabulary word and act it out. Other students will guess the action by raising
their hand and then forming a sentence saying, “Me gusta…” the action or word.