June 2015 - Chelaque Estates

Chelaque Estates Homeowners’ Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
June 22, 2015
Members Attending:
Dan Bodary – DB
Tammy Fleenor – TF
Joe Hodges – JH1
Members Absent:
John Kressin – JK
Dave Howells – DH
Jody Howells – JH2
Ron Johnson – RJ
Cher Lindenmuth – CL
Brad Orthmann – BO
Meeting Called to Order: RJ
 Meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm
 Agenda Approval – JH1 motioned, TF seconded, all Members approved
 Guests Judy Reiber and Tracy Bruggeman: (10 minute allotment)
o Downsizing the BOD – a recommendation was made that only one of the three BOD
Members with terms expiring this year be replaced, in accordance with the previous vote to
downsize the Board from nine to seven members. JH1 motioned, DH seconded, all Members
o New BOD candidates – candidates will be solicited for only one opening this year, with the
likelihood of chairing the Marina Committee.
o Proposal for organized deer hunt – A previous Board approached the TWRA on organizing a
CHOA deer hunt to thin the herd; a suggestion was made to do so again. The Board agreed
to investigate the issue; deferred to the next meeting.
Treasurer’s Report: JK
1. Operating cash as of May 30, 2015:
Checking Account
Money Market Account
Total Cash
2. The number of unpaid assessments as of May 30, 2015 stands at 50.
Two remain unpaid for multiple years; one of the two is on payment plan,
with 15 of the 50 owners making partial payments.
3. Price Tree and Bobcat Service, removal of trees and debris along roadsides
4 Philadelphia Insurance Company
5. Materials for fire pit
Action Item BO: Report on Reserve Study – a report was presented and a recommendation made.
After discussion, DB motioned, TF seconded not to pursue a Reserve Study at this time. All
Members approved. ITEM CLOSED
Committee Reports
a. Access: DB
 Update on completion of new gate cameras – all four cameras and the recorder have been
installed and are operational.
b. Activities: JH1
 Nothing reported
c. Architecture
 Action Item: Prepare response to reporter for closure of C2014-13 (P1L043 tree removal &
deck build). Proposed response was presented: tree removal was approved; lot owner was
warned they must follow procedure in the future. Because work done improved lot
appearance and deck is not visible from the road, the Board decided not to take punitive
action. JH2 motioned, DB seconded to close Concern. Six Members approved, one
 Action Item: Revision of Arc/06 to address ditch cleaning from well drilling – should be
completed this week.
 Action Item: C2015-6 (4 Covenant violations: 1) P1L095 trailer parked in road; 2) P1L109
boat trailer on unimproved lot; 3) P1L080 Boat ramp and possible future dock; 4) P2L021
abandoned backhoe bucket) – Proposed response was presented: items removed on 1, 2 &
4; On #3, there is no dock and Covenants are unclear as to shore improvements, so no Board
action can be taken. BO motioned, DH seconded to close Concern. Six Members approved,
one disagreed. CONCERN CLOSED
 New construction on P2L174 – Trucks are cleaning concrete into ditches. Will speak to
 Home/lot improvements being made on P1L110 without approval. Will speak to owner
about following procedure.
d. Communications: CL
 Nothing reported
e. Legal: JH2
 Case status on P2L180 – Check for all monies owed has been sent. When received, legal
action will stop; lien can be released once lawyer is paid.
 A flow chart on payment process for assessment fees will be created.
 Recommended Lawyer – Members at both Legacy Bay and Windsor Pointe (Norris Lake)
independently recommended Melanie Davis of Kizor & Black in Maryville. Will request a cost
estimate on analyzing our Covenants and Restrictions.
f. Marina: BO
 Lights are working on all booms; trash booms are all back in place. Thank you to Don
Burslie, Les Lindenmuth, Howard Mauney and Jerry Schwieger for your assistance.
g. Office Administration: TF
 Nothing reported
h. Roads: DH
 Action Item: Install traffic mirror on Chelaque Way at Muskogee—Pending placement
 Action Item: Repair of washout areas – Work scheduled to start July 6-7 and take 3 weeks
to complete.
 All-Seasons Landscaping has requested For Sale signs be moved further back from the road
to facilitate mowing. Action Item: DH will handle movement of signs.
Old Business
 Action Item RJ: Concern C2015-4 – Combining of Lots P2L067 and 68 – File maintained by
previous Board has disappeared. Further research shows Hawkins County has no record of
request, nor does the Planning Board have any application on file. Surveyor has no record of
survey to combine lots. Owner will be billed for past assessment fees and given the opportunity
to provide proof of any action taken to combine lots in a timely manner. JH1 motioned, BO
seconded to reverse ruling of 2014 Board; all Members approved.
 Action Item CL/RJ – Concern C2015-7 – Wasteful spending on Wise Property Solutions –
Proposed response was presented; Wise has declined to renew their Chelaque contract. JH1
motioned, JH2 seconded, all Members approved. CONCERN CLOSED
 Action Item CL/RJ – Concern C2015-8 – Dock Build on P3L007 – Proposed response was
presented. Current Covenants and Restrictions do not restrict dock building, and being below
1080 Line, falls under TVA authority; therefore, no Board action can be taken. DB motioned, BO
seconded. Six Members approved, one disagreed. CONCERN CLOSED
New Business
 Proposal to revise Covenants, Article VIII, Section 1 – In light of the numerous Concerns received
on issues not clearly defined in our current Covenants, a proposed addition on Building Approval
was presented. Discussion ensued, with the general consensus being legal counsel is required
before proceeding.
 Wise Property Solutions’ decision to discontinue service and how to proceed – Gary Siemsen
has offered to update QuickBooks to include all transactions processed by WPS during their
tenure and to handle CHOA accounting needs through yearend, when a new Treasurer will take
 Discussed the need to establish a Finance Committee to insure adequate due diligence to
manage and control CHOA liquid assets. DH motioned to create a Finance Committee, JH1
seconded, all Members approved.
Next Meeting
 The next BOD meeting will be on July 13, at 6:30 pm
Meeting Adjourned
 Meeting adjourned at 8:50 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Cher Lindenmuth, Secretary
Ron Johnson, President