Ritika - Teens Turning Green


Ritika - Northview HS

Greener Paper 2013

Product Product image

Notebook paper

Alternative image Impact!

By changing from regular, virgin paper to recycled paper we are using up less trees and recycling the product which would normally generate waste and take up 33% of our landfill space. Did you know, approximately 41% of landfills are cardboard and paper. Notebook paper is just a chunk. I know for a fact that when most kids get out of school- they just

THROW all their class notes and paper away.

They can also recycle it!

By making the switch from notebook paper to recycled paper(which I recently bought from

Kroger for only .50 cents), I am reducing the amount of trees needed to produce paper(especially the virgin paper) and reducing landfill waste by 36%!!!

Index cards

Ritika - Northview HS

Greener Paper 2013

By switching from regular paper index card to an ecofriendly greener version online, I substantially decrease my expenses (for buying the cards) and my output of waste. I’m pretty sure none of you actually keep ALL of your index cards and savor them forever. You will eventually throw them away. Now if we switch to an online version (like Tree Pad

Lite), we can reduce the amount of trees cut down to produce the index cards and save specimens that are being sacrificed for our index cards. We also reduce the amount of paper waste generated in landfills


Ritika - Northview HS

Greener Paper 2013

EREADERS!!! I have one and you should get one too. E-Readers decrease the amount of paper wasted for one book so much! They also reduce the price by a lot. They do cost a lot, but it is worth the investment.

Most e-versions cost much less than a hardcover or paperback.

They also save you space. You don’t have to buy an entire bookshelf; it’s all there in your palm! Also, E-Readers decrease CO2 emissions because they don’t need as much equipment to process as the tons and tons (literally) produced every year. They also reduce the amount of landfill space needed for the disposal of books, you can just return online and not even have to go all the way to the bookstore. Which leads onto another point: they reduce the amount of as you use.

You don’t travel all the way to Barnes and

Nobles for that book, it is right there! In fact, currently, I am using an e-reader in class for our book and we can highlight, annotate, and mark pages, search for text! It is ecofriendly and easy to use!

Sticky notes

Ritika - Northview HS

Greener Paper 2013

Whiteboard can replace sticky notes. In fact, I have actually made the change after this challenge of going to buy one. I used sticky notes for homework reminders and alerts.

When you switch to the whiteboard, you substantially decrease your paper intake and decrease your paper output. Sticky notes are a one-time use product and get thrown away after use, but the whiteboard can just be a compilation of sticky notes. You can just write down everything, and instead of throwing away that task (on a sticky note) you just swipe the task off! It also gives you a sense of accomplishment. You can always reuse whiteboards and it will cost you less too!

Tissue paper

Ritika - Northview HS

Greener Paper 2013 calendars

By making the switch from tissues, also a onetime use product which use so much paper, to handkerchiefs, I will reduce the amount of trees cut down to help my nose. Handkerchiefs cost less and look fancier. They also can be reused over and over again. Tissues aren’t that soft anyway and handkerchiefs are easy to use when there are no tissues around in the classroom.

Whiteboards again!

They can be reduced and you can cross out the date or assignment due completely….instead of it being crossed out and look ugly. They can replace the amount of paper you use printing calendars or buying those large sized calendars which increase the amount of trees cut down. You can also reuse the whiteboard, but not the calendar. Once a day is gone, it is gone. This switch will reduce amount of paper I use(the amount of paper in landfills and amount of virgin paper used)

Paper towels

Ritika - Northview HS

Greener Paper 2013

Toilet paper

I found this on Etsy.com.

They were appealing and looked cool as well as being amazingly ecofriendly. So many people use paper towels and throw them away when they are half used as well( I am being a tad hypocritical here). By simply using a washable and reusable “paper towel”, I am reducing the amount of tree used to cut down for making the paper towels, decreasing a lot of the landfill, and decreasing the amount of money I spend on paper towels.

This one is kind of gross, but reduces the amount of cost and amount of paper used to generate toilet paper: Diapers.

They will reduce amount of trees being cut down for toilet paper, reduce cost over a long period of time (by a lot!)… and they reduce toilet clogs

Ritika - Northview HS

Juice box

Greener Paper 2013 envelopes

By switching paper juice boxes to bottle containers, I give myself more options as well as reducing amount of paper used in generating the juice boxes. I can put water, juice, soda in more volume in a bottle than a juice box (which I can’t even reuse.). I can also reduce cost spent on buying the juice boxes.

By asking UPS to use the reusable envelope, that envelope simply gets reused and the label just becomes different. Not only does this decrease the amount of paper needed to make the envelope and decrease paper waste, it also looks cool!
