EPA SNAP-Ed Logic Model Template

EPA SNAP-Ed Logic Model Template for SOARS
Logic Model SNAP-Ed EPA Narrative Summary
Develop your Plan of Work off line in this Word document and then paste in each section.
This allows you to be more thoughtful with your planning and develop a higher quality plan
that will be easier to report accomplishments toward.
Each Logic Model asks for the Program Title and the Work Area:
Healthy People and Behaviors
Long-Term Outcome/Impact for this SPWA
Prepare the following text to place in this area of SOARS under this PWA.
Below is sample text for Healthy People and Behaviors Work Area questions in the LongTerm Outcome/Impact section. This Work Area has 4 potential sections to address:
A. Healthy Eating and Activity (Includes Family Resource Management regarding food);
B. Food Safety/ Food Preservation
C. Volunteer Programs; and
D. Health Management for Older Adults
Add, delete, and edit text to reflect EFNEP programming in your unit. Copy and paste into
Describe what will be done and who will be reached narrative form.
A. Healthy Eating and Activity (Includes Family Resource Management regarding food)
My position is
(For example, Education Program Assistant I) in the
(indicate County) Extension office. I plan to work
(Full Time or Part Time) in
Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2014 (October 1, 2013 - September 30, 2014).
Education Delivery Planned: (Copy as many of these sentences as you need to complete a
summarized picture of the type and amount of education you plan to deliver for FFY2014 in this
work area. Get the data from your reformatted Online System POW report).
I will: Deliver a series of sessions reaching
parents resulting in
direct education contacts. The Curricula I will use is:
Deliver series of
sessions reaching
family (youth and adult)
participants resulting in
direct education contacts. The Curricula I will use in
Deliver series of sessions reaching
youth in school, grade
direct education contacts. The Curricula I will use in is:
Provide Education at events reaching
Provide Education at events reaching
Provide Education at events reaching
POW 2014 Online System Use
resulting in
family (youth and adult) participants.
youth participants in the lunchroom.
youth participants at afterschool events.
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EPA SNAP-Ed Logic Model Template for SOARS
Conduct Height and Weight Assessments at events reaching
Sample: At Cascade Middle School I will: Deliver a series of SNAP-Ed education sessions
reaching 10 parents resulting in 80 direct education contacts. The Curricula I will use is: Eat
Smart*Be Active. Deliver a series of SNAP-Ed education sessions reaching 30 Youth afterschool resulting in 240 direct education contacts. The Curricula I will use is: Kids in the
Deliver series of sessions reaching 100 youth in school grade 2 resulting in 800 direct
education contacts. The Curricula I will use is: Steps to Health
I will: Send home education materials with youth participants to
adults in the home, resulting in
indirect contacts.
Set up displays reaching
Send additional materials to the school reaching
For example: At Cascade Middle School I will: Send home education materials with youth
participants to 30 adults in the home, resulting in 240 indirect contacts.
Set up displays reaching 700 individuals.
Send additional materials to the school reaching 3500 individuals.
Regarding extended delivery by teachers: At
I will: Deliver training sessions
teachers who will deliver sessions using SNAP-Ed instructional materials
to youth in-school increasing the number of contacts in each classroom. Regarding
Training Volunteers to deliver SNAP-Ed education, see below.
Use the BEPA Toolkit throughout my education delivery in the following ways:
Sample: Use the BEPA Toolkit throughout my education delivery in the following ways: I will
incorporate some physical activity into most education sessions with all audiences whenever
Use Food Hero items throughout my education delivery as follows:
Sample: Use Food Hero items throughout my education delivery.
I will wear the Food Hero apron when I am teaching, use the recipes, tablecloth, and the
stickers. I will pass out or send the Monthly newsletter.
B. Food Safety/Food Preservation
Copy the following text under this title:
Food Safety education is included in all SNAP-Ed education delivery involving food.
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EPA SNAP-Ed Logic Model Template for SOARS
C. Volunteer Programs
At the OSU Extension office, I will assist in training
Extension volunteers to
deliver education at multiple events reaching
individuals at food pantries and
Department of Human Services (DHS) sites.
D. Health Management for Older Adults
I will: Deliver a series of sessions reaching
adult - seniors resulting
direct education contacts. The Curricula I will use is:
I will: Deliver a series of SNAP-Ed sessions in conjunction with Walk With
Ease sessions reaching
adult - seniors resulting in
direct education
contacts. The Curricula I will use is:
and Walk With Ease materials.
Sample: At the Wildish Senior Center I will: Deliver a single session reaching 15 adult seniors resulting in 15 direct education contacts. The Curricula I will use is: Simply Good
Eating ELL.
At the
, I will: Set up displays reaching
Send materials to the school reaching
Briefly describe the process of how the need for this program was determined
(needs assessment).
See SNAP-Ed Logic Model needs assessment answer provided by our Unit NEP
Manager .
What are the short-term (learning) outcomes for this program? (Narrative or outline form)
See SNAP-Ed Logic Model short-term (learning) outcomes answer provided by our
Unit NEP Manager .
What are the medium-term (action, behavior change) outcomes for this program?
(Narrative or outline)
See SNAP-Ed Logic Model medium-term (action, behavior change) outcomes
answer provided by our Unit NEP Manager .
If you need help with any of this process, please contact Jill Mills Jill.mills@oreognstate.edu
541-737-8839 or Teresa Crowley Teresa.Crowley@oregonstate.edu.
POW 2014 Online System Use
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