GA_tables all changes accepted

Optimal Performance
Current Performance
7.1 Interest/Pre-application
7.1.1 Email from Mary Kate
7.1.2 Email from Recruiting
Coordinator (RC – Currently
Christie Suggs)
7.1.3 Email from Alumni
7.1 Currently, individuals who
express interest in the program
are contacted several times by
different people:
7.1 The performance goal is to have
Mary Kate, the RC, and an alumni
representative contact the prospective
student. Current performance is that in
addition to these three contact points,
ISSA and faculty contact the students.
The performance goal is being missed
by the 2 extra contact points
7.2 Application provide
contact information for
7.2.1 Faculty
7.2 Currently, the individual is
contacted by a faculty member,
an ISSA officer and an
7.2 The performance goal is to restrict
contact at the time of application to a
Faculty member. Currently, an
individual making an application is
contacted by a faculty member, an
ISSA officer, and an alumnus. The
goal is being missed by 2 extra contact
7.3 Acceptance
7.3.1 Email from Department
7.3.2 Email from ISSA
7.3.3 Email from Advisor
7.2 Currently, the only contact
a student has once they have
been accepted is an email from
the Department Chair and
Mary Kate.
7.2 The performance goal is to contact
students upon acceptance by
department chair, ISSA, and the
student’s advisor. Currently only the
Department Chair and Mary Kate
contact the student once they have
been accepted. The gap is contact by
ISSA and the student’s advisor.
Emails from Mary Kate, emails
from faculty, emails from
ISSA, emails from alumni
Optimal Performance
Current Performance
1.0 Campus Recruiting:
1.1 Faculty visits psychology
classes on an ad hoc basis
1.1 The target performance
measure is to visit 20 different
classes of different majors
annually. Currently classroom
visits are not tracked, so the
precise gap is unknown,
however it is apparent that the
groups are falling short on the
number and diversity of
classrooms visited.
1.1 ISSA, Alumni, ISRC,
Faculty, current
students visit 20
classes of different
majors annually
1.2 Gather 25 student
names each
Recruiting event
1.2 ISRC participates in Fall
and Spring recruiting
1.3 ISRC participates in Grad
1.2 The goal is to gather 25
prospective student names at
the spring and fall events.
Current numbers not
monitored, though from
observation at Spring
Recruiting event the actual falls
short of the target of 25 student
1.3 Target 25 student
names at Grad Quest
1.3 The target is to gather 25 names
at the Career Center’s Grad
Quest event. Current
performance is unknown
because numbers not
monitored, however it is
apparent that the groups are
falling short of the target.
2.0 Conferences
2.1 4 conferences
1.1 Currently, there are
two to three
conferences attended
by Faculty and/or staff
members per year.
2.1 The target performance
measure should be 4
attended conferences per
year. Currently the faculty
and staff attend 2 or 3
conferences a year, for an
average of 2.5. The
performance gap is 1.5
conferences a year.
2.2 The performance goal is to
create a packet of materials
2.2 Flyer/packet
designed, created,
and available to
2.3 Create and maintain a
wiki that is available
to anyone who
attends a conference
to capture the results
of informal recruiting
1.2 Various flyers exist
and have been used at
various recruiting
1.3 No such wiki exists
for use at all recruiting
opportunities. Currently
there are flyers that exist
for recruiting opportunities.
The gap is a cohesive set of
documents gathered into
one recruiting packet.
2.3 The performance goal is the
existence of a wikithat can
be used to capture
conference recruiting
results. No such wiki exists,
so the creation and
maintenance of the wiki is
the performance gap or
2.4 The performance goal is
create a wiki of upcoming
conferences on the website.
Currently, no such wiki
exists. The gap is a wiki
that lists upcoming
conferences or 100%.
1.4 No such wiki exists
2.4 Create and maintain a
wiki on the website
for all upcoming
2.5 Provide mentoring
for students
interested in
presenting at
1.5 There is not a formal
process for students to
learn about submitting
to and presenting at
2.5 The performance goal is to
provide mentoring to
students interesting in
presented in presenting at
conferences. Since this
mentoring process does not
currently exist, the gap is
the mentoring process or
2.6 The performance goal is to
provide mentoring for
2.6 Provide mentoring in
how to advertise the
program at
3.0 Corporate Recruiting
3.1 Prepare an
information packet
about the IS program
that is tailored to
1.6 There is no sharing of
information on how to
advertise the IS
program at
3.0 Currently, there are no
formal corporate
recruiting activities.
3.1 Currently there is
not an IS program
packet tailored to
3.2 Post information
packet on the IS
3.2 Currently, the
packet does not
exist and is not
posted on the
3.3 Prepare target list of
corporations with
Training and HR
departments that may
3.3 Currently a list of
corporations that
may have
employees who
advertising the conference
at conferences. Since this
mentoring does not take
place now, the gap is the
mentorship process or
3.0 The performance goal is to
develop a corporate recruiting
program. Currently, no such
program exists. The gap
includes task items 3.1 – 3.6.
3.1 The performance goal
is to prepare an
information packet
about the IS program
that is tailored to
corporations. This
packet does not exist
currently. The gap is
the information packet
or 100%.
3.2 The performance goal
is to post the
information packet on
the IS website.
Currently there is no
packet posted so it does
not exist. The gap for
this performance goal
is posting an
information packet on
the IS website or 100%.
3.3 The performance goal
is to prepare a list of
corporations that may
have employees who
would benefit from the
have employees who
would benefit from
the IS program, and
update that list twice
a year
would benefit
from the IS
program does not
IS program, and to
update the list biannually. Currently the
list does not exist. The
gap is the creation and
maintenance of this list
or 100%.
3.4 Create an IS program
presentation tailored
to corporations
3.4 Currently a
program tailored
to the needs of
corporations does
not exist.
3.4 The performance goal
is to create an IS
program presentation
that is tailored to the
needs of corporations.
Currently, such a
presentation does not
exist. The gap is the
creation of this
presentation, or 100%.
3.5 Visit five companies
a year to deliver
3.6 Maintain
relationships with
companies visited in
past years
3.5 Currently the IS
program does not
visit companies
for recruiting
3.6 Currently the IS
program does not
have recruiting
relationships with
any companies
3.5 The performance goal
is to visit 5 companies
to deliver the
presentation. Currently,
no companies are
visited, so the
performance gap is 5
3.6 The performance goal
is to maintain
relationships with
companies that have
been visited in previous
years. Currently the IS
program does not have
this sort of relationship
with companies, so the
gap is maintaining any
relationships that will
be developed.
4.0 Journals
4.1 Place ads in at least 4
print journals
5.0 Website
Increase visits to the website by
5.1 Improve search engine
optimization (SEO) so that
the following Google
searches result with the IS
website in the top position:
ISD graduate
HPT graduate
ISD PhD programs
HPT PhD programs
4.1 The IS program does not
presently advertise in journals.
4.1 The performance goal is to
place ads in at least 4 print journals.
Currently the IS program does not
advertise in print journals, so the
gap is 4.
5.1 Currently the website
receives _______ visits
annually. Visits to the
website currently average
5.1 The performance goal is to
increase ewebsite visits by 30%.
Currently the website receives ___
visits annually. The gap is _____.
5.2 Currently, none of the
following Google searches 5.3 The performance goal is to
improve SEO so that the IS
return the IS website in
website first upon searching Google
the top position:
for ISD graduate programs, HPT
graduate programs, ISD PhD
 ISD graduate
programs, and HPT PhD programs.
Currently the ISD program is not
 HPT graduate
returned in the number one spot for
any of those searches, so the gap is
5.2.1 Recruiting schedule posted
on the IS website must not be
older than 1 semester
5.2.2 Social media contact
information should be posted on
the IS website. This should
 Facebook IS group
 Twitter account
 LinkedIn group
 YouTube Channel
5.2.1 No recruiting schedule is
5.2.1 The performance goal is to
ensure the recruiting schedule on
the IS website is not older than 1
semester. Currently, no recruiting
schedule is posted on the IS
website, so the gap is 100%
5.2.2 Currently social media
information for the IS Alumni
Ning site, an Alumni IS
Facebook group, and an IS
LinkedIn group are posted.
5.2.3 No current research is
posted on the IS website
5.2.3 Current research posted on
the IS website must not be older
than 1 semester
5.2.4 Purpose and history of the
program posted on the IS website
must contain 5 multi-media
5.2.5 Conference Presentations
and attendance information
posted on the IS website must not
be older than 1 semester
6.0 Social Media
5.2.4 Neither the purpose nor
the history of program
contains multimedia elements
5.2.5 Conference
presentations and attendance
information are not currently
5.2.2 The performance goal is to
post social media contact
information (Facebook, Twitter,
LinkedIn, YouTube) for IS
recruiting on the IS Website.
Currently there are Facebook and
LinkedIn groups posted, however
the official IS Facebook page is not
posted. The gap is 75% as YouTube
and Twitter contact information is
not posted, and the official IS
Facebook page is not posted.
5.2.3 The performance goal is to
ensure research posted on the IS
website is not older than 1
semester. Currently there is no
information about current research
processes, so the gap is 100%.
5.2.4 The performance goal is to
use 5 multi-media elements to
describe the purpose and history of
the program. Currently neither the
purpose nor history of the program
are described using multimedia
elements, so the gap is 100%.
5.2.5 The performance goal is to
ensure the information about
conference presentations and
attendance not be older than 1
semester. Currently this information
is not posted on the IS website, so
the gap is 100%.
6.0 The optimal performance for
items 6.1 – 6.4 need to be
completed in their entirety.
6.1 Tweet once a day
Gain 300 followers
per year
6.1 Although a few faculty
members are using social
media, Twitter is not being
used strategically as a
recruiting tool.
6.2 Update Facebook two 6.2 An IS group exists on
Facebook, but it is not
times per month
regularly updated by ISRC
members. It was created in
July 2009, and had 3 posts in
July, 21 posts in August, and 1
post in Sept.
6.3 Update the IS
LinkedIn group two
times per month
6.4 Create discussionso
in the Alumni Ning
community two times
per month
6.3 A LinkedIn group exists
for the IS alumni community,
but not for the IS program.
The alumni group is not
updated regularly by the ISRC
6.4 The IS Program Alumni
Ning exists, but it is not
updated regularly. In the past
year, 1 discussion was added
in February, 3 in March, 1 in
April, 1 in May, none in June,
3 in July, 1 in August, none in
September, one in October
and 1 in November.
6.1 The performance goal is to
tweet once a day, and build a
network of 300 followers in the first
year. Currently, twitter is not being
used strategically as a recruiting
tool, so the gap is 365 tweets and
6.2 The performance goal is to
update the Facebook group twice a
month. Since it was created, the IS
Facebook has been updated an
average of 5 times per month.
However a disproportionate amount
of those updates occurred in one
month. For the past 2 months, there
have been no updates resulting in a
100% gap in performance. One
month missed the goal by 50%.
6.3 The performance goal is to
update an IS Program LinkedIn
group twice a month. There is not a
IS Program LinkedIn group, so the
gap is 100%.
6.4 The performance goal is to
update the Alumni Ning
Community twice a month. Since
February of this year, there were on
average .83 discussions started a
month. This misses the goal by 1.17