All Zones - Jersey Trees for Life

A total of 44 rare and endangered trees has been planted
in order to restock the Arboretum. The LieutenantGovernor planted the first tree in December 2014 in the
Australasian Zone. The other trees planted this Spring
were supplied by a Eucalyptus specialist John Purse, the
Royal Botanical Gardens Edinburgh & Bedgebury Pinetum
in Kent. Two of the Eucalyptus species were a first
introduction to Britain & one was a first introduction to
A number of the 10 trees planted in the Conifer Zone
were rare varieties of Juniper. One species only occurs on
one mountain range in Cuba, there being less than 50
existing mature trees growing in the wild.
In the American Zone 3 trees were planted including a
variety the Strawberry Tree (Arbutus) and another rare
conifer. Now Spring has arrived the wild flower meadow
bordering the main ride is emerging from its dormant
season & has had one cut.
A new path has been created in the Birch Zone which
provides a circular clockwise walk. Starting at the lower
area the path runs and up the slope to the last Birch
specimen, returning via the path that runs parallel to the
stream. The Social Security Department’s Back to Work
initiative carried out the work and has made the area
more accessible. Two species of birch were planted
including a Cherry Birch which originates from the eastern
Cutting back of the bramble in the America Oak Zone has
begun as has the work to identify the various species of
oak. As most were planted as grafted trees, mainly with a
Red Oak root stock, what we appear to have is a collection
of Quercus rubra as the upper part or scion died off.
The Wing Nut, Walnut and Hickory Zone exhibited a great
display of snow drops this Spring after a stand of sycamores
was cleared. The piles of brush wood and lumber have nearly
all be moved to the perimeter in order to create new habitat in
the form of “dead hedges” where insects, birds and mammals
will make new homes. There is always a great display of ferns
and other seasonal plants so it is planned to create new signs
to help with their identification.
Work has begun clearing space around the trees in the Ash
Zone as the surrounding willow, sycamores and elms continue
to grow apace, crowding out the specimen trees.
The Back to Work group dug out and re-defined the steam
which had silted up in the Japanese Zone. A volunteer
professional tree surgeon has also cleared a lot of ash and
willow limbs from around the planted trees. A total of 6 trees
was also planted including a replacement Table Dog Wood.
The Elm Trial Zone continues to develop apart from one tree
that has suffered from die back in its crown. It does not appear
to be Dutch Elm Disease but the cause of the decline has yet to
be determined.
The clearing of the slope in the Pine Zone is ongoing. A PhD
student is studying distribution and abundance slowworms
and grass snakes. He has put down some metal and bitumen
refugia to attract them and this area should be ideal due to it
south facing aspect and sheltered nature.
The Mixed Oak Zone has undergone extensive clearing of
bramble and sycamore seedlings. There is scope to create
some planting pockets by opening up the canopy at the
expense of poorly shaped evergreen oaks and sycamores.
All Zones
 The planting of the final tree in the
Arboretum this year by Chris Ambler
(CEO of Jersey Electricity) was followed
by a wonderful event. Two members of
the Jersey Bat Group carried out a conducted
walk and loaned out bat detectors for the
evening. The main ride down to the picnic area was illuminated
with over 300 night lights in jars which created a magical effect.
Solar lights and torches were used to light up certain trees which
accentuated their form and imposing sizes. As a finale, there was
a fire-dance show including juggling and fire breathing linked to
synchronised live music. This event is to be run again as it was
deemed a great success by the 40 people who attended.
 A partnership has been built up with the Jersey Bat Group. They
provided expertise and bat boxes (some made at the Prison)
that we put up in selected trees. This is a 5 year study to create
a baseline survey to see what species of bat are present and how
stable their populations are as they are considered a good
indicator as to the health of our environment.
 With the arrival of Spring some selective ground clearance has
begun. Areas of emerging wild flowers and ferns are being left
to flourish.
 The verification of the specimens is ongoing zone by zone and
more labels are to be commissioned. Flower samples are to be
sent to the Royal Botanical Gardens Edinburgh for examination
by a botanist.
 Specialised tree surgery, formative pruning and dead wooding
will be continued thanks to our volunteer.
 The planting of the Chinese Zone is being contemplated as a
number of potential sponsors have offered financial and
practical assistance.
 The re-design and updating of the current Zone interpretation
boards and main information board is in progress.
 A leaflet including a map, highlights of trees in each zone and a
history of the Arboretum is currently being drawn up.
 The direction signs advising of the start & end of the zones are
now in place.
CE 21.04.15