September - Indiana School Counselor Association

September 21, 2013
ATTENDANCE: (EB) Lin Metzger, Lori Lund, Carrie Wachter Morris, Samantha Vidal, Brandie Oliver,
Sarah Altman, Bridget Hand. (Board) Lin Metzger, Lori Lund, Carrie Wachter Morris, Samantha Vidal,
Brandie Oliver, Sarah Altman, Bridget Hand, Julie Presley, Lisa Crick, Julie Baumgart, Bonnie Crawford,
Kathy Renie, Bonnie Colon, Mary Snyder, Jen Money-Brady, Mark Friedmeyer, Kelly Johnson, David
Campbell, Lauren DeWees, Mary Pauch.
Executive board met at 9:30 am. We discussed our options for future conference planners. The groups
that we are looking are GMC Global, Meeting Services, BOSE, National Center Youth Issues. A fifth option
was presented by Bridget Head. She suggested using Area Service Centers, Tammy Hicks. Lin Metzger
will contact Tammy Hicks to ask her to send us a proposal within the next three to four weeks.
The next topic of discussion was deciding on our legislative advocate. Bridget Head gave a summary of
her research of lobbyists and groups who could help us. The Corydon Group was a popular name that
gave up. Lin Metzger will contact Corydon Group for more information.
The ISCA board meeting was called to order at 10:30 am.
Samantha Vidal called the meeting to order. Mark Friedmeyer moved to accept the agenda with
flexibility. Carrie Wachter Morris seconded the motion. Motion passed 100%
Julie Baumgart moved to accept the minutes from our past board meeting at LDI in June. Jen MoneyBrady seconded the motion. Motion passed 100%.
Samantha Vidal reviewed the governance process. We then had Lin Metzger review the Year End 20122013 treasurer’s report. Our income was $136,165 and our expenses were $112,443. She then review
our current treasurer report dated 7/1/2013 to 9/12/13 our income is $26,591 and our expenses are
$14,406. Our investments are also very solvent.
Julie Presley moved to accept the treasurer’s report and Bonnie Colon seconded the motion. Motion
passed 100%. The 2013 -2014 budget was reviewed. Mark Friedmeyer moved to accept the presented
budget and Carrie Wachter Morris seconded the motion. Motion passed 100%.
At 11:00 am we broke into our committee groups for 40 minutes to discuss our goals.
We reviewed the 2012-2014 Strategic Plan. Lisa Crick moved to accept the strategic plan and Jen MoneyBrady seconded the motion. Motion passed 100%.
Lisa Crick gave us an update on our membership. We currently have 383 professional members, 98
student members, 16 retired members, and 8 affiliate members.
The fall conference update includes 47 exhibitors so far. We still need a nominee for the administrator
award. We also still need a friend of youth award nominee. Sarah Altman suggested the Children’s
Bureau/Community Partners. The committee is thinking about creating an advocacy video during the
conference where counselors can be recorded talking about what influence they have made with students.
Mark Friedmeyer shared information about Attendify. This could be a potential APP that ISCA could use
for conference materials.
We took a 20 minute lunch break. We then reviewed our End Policies.
Amanda Culhan, DOE Liaison would like to link our newsletter to her SSintouch document. A screen shot
or our newsletter cover could be a teaser for counselors to join ISCA in order to receive our newsletter.
We are continuing to pursue our future options for our 2014 Conference Planner. We should have our
decision made by November, 2013.
Julie Baumgart wants to send out another survey to all counselors incorporating questions from the
legislative and communications committees. We hope to have this survey out by next month. We are also
narrowing down our choices for our future legislative advocate.
The level scholarship winners will be awarded their $500 scholarships at the fall conference in November.
We want to revamp our ISCA display table at the fall conference. There was much discussion on the
location of where the ISCA display table should be placed at the conference.
We then reviewed the two grant applications of $250 each. One was for an elementary book club and the
other for second grade Second Steps curriculum. Carrie Wachter Morris moved to fund both grant
applications at full amount requested. Brandi Oliver seconded the motion. Motion passed 100%.
An action item needs to be added to the next board meeting with regards to revamping our grant
application and procedures.
This year’s Day on the Hill will be February 17, 2014. We need at least 25 people committed to attend to
make it worthwhile.
Bonnie Colon will keep track of board members making presentations at area colleges and universities
counselor educator programs.
Kelly Johnson gave an update on the elementary retreat that was held earlier this month in Brown County.
There were 20 attendees. There was positive feedback and a good time to share resources.
The next board meeting will be held during fall conference on November 14, 2013.
Mary Pauch moved to adjourn and Kelly Johnson seconded the motion. Motion passed 100%.
Meeting concluded at 1:30 pm.
Written by: Lori K. Lund, ISCA Secretary.
September 28, 2013
Executive Board email vote on who to go with as our new lobbyist/conference planner:
So I moved to go with Matt and Tony, and I'm reading Brandie's message as a second. I would like to call the question and have the
executive committee vote.
My vote, for the record, is Yes.
Carrie Wachter Morris
Motion passed 100%
On October 13, 2013 via email, the following motion was developed, Brandie Oliver moved to apply for
two Womack scholarships from the IPCF and Carrie Wachter Morris seconded the motion. The entire
executive board voted in the affirmative. Motion passed 100%.