What Is the Meaning of "Endangered Animals"?

What Is the Meaning of "Endangered Animals"?
An endangered animal is one that is facing extinction. Extinct animals cannot be
repopulated through artificial or natural means. Extinct animals are gone forever.
Before an animal is considered endangered, it is usually listed as
threatened. A threatened species means that population levels are
dwindling and the animal may face extinction if measures aren't taken to
prevent further loss.
Protection and Repopulation
Endangered species are protected. This means that it is illegal to kill, harm
or harass an endangered species.
Why are Animals Endangered
Animals become endangered for a number of reasons, but the most
common is overhunting or fishing. Environmental effects also come into play
such as roads, housing and managed land for farming. The introduction of
foreign species that compete with local species for resources also plays a
Endangered animals face extinction if they are not protected. Some species
may have been decimated to the point that recovery is not possible. Some
may have already become extinct, but others have shown a remarkable
ability to recover, such as the humpback whale and the gray wolf.
Some names of Endangered Animals
Throughout the world, various animal species risk extinction. The reasons for
endangered animals include the loss of habitat, non-native species introduced into
an area and over-hunting or harvesting. Each time a species dies off it impacts
1. Elephant
In 2003, There was an estimated of only 30,000 to 40,000 Asian elephants in the
world. Ivory poaching, territorial encroachment by humans, and hunting for meat
accounts for the loss of hundreds of elephants in Asia. The African elephant
experienced similar difficulties, being poached to near extinction by the 1980s.
Environmentalists believe elephants improve overall forest composition by clearing
out underbrush and moving seeds into different areas through digestion.
2. Rhinoceros
The Save the Rhino organization lists the rhino population at approximately
25,000. In the past, rhinos readily populated both Africa and Eurasia. In modern
times, however, most rhinos live in park reserves or zoos. Asia.
3. Amur Leopard
One of the most endangered animals, there are only about 40 Amur Leopards left.
Amur Leopards come from far-east Russia and Northern China. They thrive in cold
4. Great Ape
Great apes are part of the family Hominidae along with gorillas and humans.
Humans share approximately 97 percent of our DNA with great apes. These
magnificent creatures live primarily in Africa with a few, like orangutans, being
native to Asia. All are on the endangered species list.
5. Marine Turtle
Marine turtles, particularly leatherbacks and green turtles, face serious
danger of extinction. The International Union for Conservation of Nature and
Natural Resources (IUCN) classifies three of the seven species of marine
turtles as critically endangered because of predators, human encroachment
on nesting grounds and fishing nets.
6. Dolphin and Whale
Science Daily reports that fishing activities stunt the dolphin population. Nearly
half of all great whale species remain endangered even with ongoing efforts to
protect them. Between sea-faring ships, fishing lines and oil development, the
whale and dolphin face ever-increasing environmental hazards including toxins and
7. Tiger
The tiger population globally has dwindled to about 3,000 members. In just 100
years about 95 percent of the wild tiger population has disappeared, and three
species -- Javan, Caspian and Bali -- are extinct mostly due to illegal poaching and
wildlife trade.
8. Golden Lion Tamarind Monkey
It is one of the most endangered of all rainforest animals. It is nearly extinct
primarily because of its magnificent fur, which can bring up to $20,000 on
the black market.
9. Toucans and Parrots are found in South and Central American rainforests,
and many of the 40 different species are threatened. Loss of habitat, and
capture for the commercial pet market are two major threats. Parrots are
found worldwide, and while many species are common, a number are facing
10. Jaguar is found in Mexican, South and Central American rainforests, the
jaguar is Near Threatened status. Hunting, one of the threats these
magnificent animals face, although prohibited in many countries, still occurs
in others.
11. Poison Dart Frog is found in Central and South America, the colorful
Poison Dart Frogs, of which there are many species, range from Critically
Endangered to Least Concern Depending on Species.
12. Manatees, one of the gentlest and most beloved creatures on the planet, is
found in the warm waters of coastlines and rivers in rainforest regions of
Florida, the Caribbean, Africa, the Amazon Basin and parts of Asia.
Manatees are classified as Vulnerable by lossing of habitat through man's
13. Harpy Eagle
One of the largest and most powerful of the fifty species of eagles in the world, the
Harpy Eagle lives in the tropical lowland rainforests of Central and South America,
from southern Mexico southward to eastern Bolivia, southern Brazil and the
northernmost parts of Argentina. Endangered, the major threat to Harpy Eagles is
loss of habitat from clear cutting, destruction of nesting sites and hunting.
Answer the following questions:
1. What is an endangered animal?
2. What is extinction?
3. What is threatened?
4. What kind of protection do animals receive?
5. List some of the reasons because animals become endangered
6. What should we do to protect animals?