Music - PS 166

Winter Edition
We are learning about theme and variation in music, and how
families may also have variations. We are listening to Mozart's
Variations of Ah-vous-dirai-je, Maman (Twinkle Twinkle Little
Star), and drawing variations of stars and shapes as we listen.
Grades 1 & 2:
Theme and variation also applies to our American
history. Native American tribes who spoke many languages
developed fun and musical chants and greetings like "Ya-HaHaway". We are also exploring Mozart's Variations of Ah-vousdirai-je, Maman (Twinkle Twinkle Little Star), and learning
about variations using melody, harmony, timbre, and different
Grade 3:
All third graders got a special treat when a teaching artist from the Lincoln Center Chamber Music
Society visited them in their rooms. She played violin and gave each class a CD of music that they will
hear on their upcoming field trip. On November 19th, we will all be heading over to Lincoln Center for
an exciting concert. Please make sure that you sign the permission slip and send in $5 for your child
Grades 4 & 5:
We have all earned an "A" in A-chord. Along with our D-chord, we are starting to play some
real songs. Check out to review the lessons at home.
We have started learning our first song. "I Have A Dream" by ABBA, which we will be performing with
the dance club at the Winter Show.