Activity 10.1KEY


Activity 10.1

– Plate Tectonics

Ensure you have the Plate Tectonics Animation open while doing this activity.

Follow the instructions and answer the questions directly in this word document.

Save it and upload to activity 12.2


1) Earth’s Crust

Ensure the “crust” tab is clicked. Drag the density meter to the ocean crust. Make sure the pointer at the bottom is in the grey continental crust.

Make a note of where the needle is. Now move the meter to the far left, the oceanic crust. Make a note of where the needle is.

Which crust is thicker? Continental

Which type of crust is denser? Oceanic

Which crust would ride on top of they collided? Why? Continental…less dense.

2) Continental/Oceanic

Ensure “manual mode” is clicked. Drag the continental crust to the left side. Drag the young oceanic crust to the right. A lever should now show up. Drag the lever to the left for about 30 seconds

Which plate goes under? Why? Oceanic

– denser

What forms between the plates? Trench

What type of plate boundary is this? Subduction

Note the volcanoes forming along the coast of the continental plate. What type of volcanoes would these be? Why? Stratovolcanoes – form along plate boundary

Where in the world does this type of interaction occur (refer to maps in data booklet)? Answers could vary – any subduction zone.

3) Young Oceanic/Young Oceanic

Click “reset all.” Drag young oceanic crust to both sides. Drag the lever to the right for about 30 seconds.

What forms where the plates meet? A ridge

What type of plate boundary is this? Diverging

What is this example of? Sea floor spreading

Where in the world does this type of interaction occur (refer to maps in data booklet)? Answers could vary – any mid ocean ridge

4) Young Oceanic/Old Oceanic

Click “reset all.” Drag young ocean crust to the left and old oceanic to the right. Drag the old oceanic towards the young crust for about 30 seconds.

What forms where the plates meet? A trench

What type of plate boundary is this? Converging

Why does the old oceanic crust go under? Denser

– older, sediments packed down more

What forms at the trench? Volcanic islands

Where in the world does this type of interaction occur (refer to maps in data booklet)? Answers could vary

– Aleutian islands
