
Physical Development
Physical, Social and Emotional Development
- Decide upon our class rules and discuss what is
right and wrong behaviour and why
- To become familiar with the routine of getting changed
for PE, keeping our belongings together (becoming
making new relationships
- To know and follow the basic safety rules during P.E.
- Discuss why we exercise and how it keeps our body
compassion, fairness, responsibility, hope
- Dance and movement - explore different ways of moving,
- Talk about what it means to be a good friend;
- Discuss our core values; courage, respect,
- Introduce British sign language (link to letters
and sounds)- experience what it might be like to
be deaf & blind
- Explore feelings and facial expressions.
- The importance of sharing- link to Harvest
Reception class
Understanding the World
Characteristics of effective learning
• Playing and exploring: finding out and exploring,
- To discuss what humans need in order to live
playing with what they know, being willing to have a
- The season of Autumn, how is the weather changing?
keyboard skills in computing sessions
starting with 0-10
Maths opportunities within daily provision; sand
timers for turn taking, timetable of the day.
weighing scales to weigh and balance play dough,
collecting and measuring water, natural resources to
count and estimate amounts, number line on
chalkboard to practice formation
Communication, Language and Literacy
festival and Indian culture
- Computing skills- mark making on IWB, mouse and
Recognising and forming numerals, counting by rote
Autumn Term curriculum 2015
- Becoming aware of other cultures and traditions; Diwali
animals and plants
Mathematics: numbers, shape, space and
Hinduism and Diwali, Christianity and Harvest,
easels, junk modelling materials, sewing basket,
mark making opportunities in all areas
pencils for writing and exploring malleable materials
which encourage hand and finger strength and coordination
- Discuss different religions, beliefs and festivals;
- Looking after our environment, taking care of each other,
- Creative/art provision inside and out; paint
travelling and appropriate use of space.
Jesus as a special person for Christians
- Senses- investigating different smells, textures, tastes
and outside; domestic role play, builders, open
ended role play inside
- Develop fine motor skills through the handling of tools,
- Talk confidently about ourselves and others
- Recognise people that are special to `them, discuss
bodies, cleaning our teeth, etc.
- Being imaginative- role play opportunities inside
healthy and strong
festival and why we share what we have
- Discuss how we look after ourselves, e.g. washing our
Expressive arts and design
• Active learning- being involved and concentrating,
keeping trying, enjoying achieving what they set out
• Creating and thinking critically- having their own
ideas, making links, choosing ways to do things
- Listening and music games, listening walks
- Mark making opportunities in all areas of the
classroom and garden
- Phonics lessons; phase one listening activities,
starting phase two (letters) in October
- ‘Story scribing’ for the children’s creative
ideas, acting out and retelling the stories to the
- Sharing books; fiction, non fiction, poems
- Recognising and writing our names