parsons heath appointment system

Each appointment with the GP is for 10 minutes and nurse Specialist Clinics i.e. Midwife,
Hypertension, Diabetes, Asthma, COPD, Coronary Heart Disease and Anticoagulation are for 15 to
30 minutes.
Please arrive in good time for all your appointments and cancel if you are unable to attend.
There are 2 types of appointments:
On The Day Urgent Appointments
If requesting to be seen on the same day, the Receptionist will help you to decide who the most
appropriate clinician is. This may be telephone advice, or offering a face to face appointment that
day. The ‘On the Day Team’ will be run by different doctors and Nurse Practitioner every day; there
will be no choice of doctors. Our aim is to provide an ‘On the Day’ service where patients, if
required, can easily get an urgent appointment the same day.
Routine Appointments
Available with the doctor of your choice. These will be for non-urgent matters and long-term
problems that your regular doctor has been managing on an on-going basis. These appointments
are bookable up to 6 weeks in advance.
Appointment Text Reminder Service
We are offering a new Text Message Service (which includes test results by text message as well as
appointment reminders). You can opt in or out of this new service and your mobile number will be taken,
which must be your own personal number and needs to be kept up to date. This is a free service.
Who should I see?
Nurse Practitioners can treat/advise the following:- fevers, colds, flu, sore throat, bites, rashes, stings,
impetigo, urinary symptoms, earache, conjunctivitis and emergency contraception. Diarrhoea and vomiting
will be dealt with over the phone.
Necessary Visits
A doctor will visit the following patients: Terminally ill patients and House-bound patients – Request for
home visits should be before 11am.
Children with the following symptoms are usually strong enough to travel to surgery by car:-Fever, coughs
and colds, earache, headache, Abdominal Pain (vomiting and Diarrhoea would be dealt over the
phone), children experiencing these symptoms may not be fit to travel by bus or to walk, but car transport
may be available from friends, relatives or by taxi. If a child is fit enough to come to surgery, we ask that
you make every effort to bring them.
Adults who experience the symptoms mentioned above, as well as back pain, are usually able to come to
Elderly - poor mobility, joint pain and general malaise are usually treated in surgery. Although patients
who are truly housebound can be visited.
Emergencies The on call doctor may call you back to assess whether the patients can wait for an
appointment, home visit or if an emergency ambulance needs to be called for chest paints and shortness of