Biogeography Book Walk

Biogeography Book Walk
You will use pages 722-725 in your textbook to complete this book walk.
1. The study of where organisms live is called __________________________.
2. The word biogeography is made up of three __________________________________: ___________, meaning
___________________; _______________________, meaning ________________________; and __________________________,
3. What do biogeographers do?_____________________________________________________________________________.
4. In addition to studying where species live biogeographers also try to____________________________
5. One factor that has affected how species are distributed is the ____________________________________
6. The continents are part of __________________________________ that have been moving slowly for
millions of years.
7. As the plates move, the continents move with them in a process called __________________________.
8. All of the continents were once part of one large landmass called ________________________________.
9. Continental drift has had a great impact on ___________________________________________________________.
10. The movement of organisms from one place to another is called _________________________________.
11. Organisms can be dispersed by _____________________________, _____________________________, or _________
_________________________________, including ______________________________________.
12. Wind can disperse ________________________, ________________________________________________________, _______
____________________________________, and ______________________________________________________________________.
13. Water transports objects such as __________________________________ and _______________________________.
14. ___________________________________________ may catch a ride to a new home on these floating things.
15. Organisms can also be dispersed by __________________________________________________________________.
16. An example would be _____________________________________________________________________________________
17. How are humans important to the dispersal of organisms?________________________________________
18. Give an example of how humans have taken organisms to a new location. ______________________
19. Three factors that limit dispersal of a species are ___________________________________________________,
________________________________, and ___________________________________________.
20. List examples of physical barriers. _____________________________________________________________________.
21. List an example of competition. _________________________________________________________________________
22. What is climate? ___________________________________________________________________________________________
23. What is the climate like at the top of a mountain? __________________________________________________
_____________________________________ At the bottom?_________________________________________________________
Discussion Questions
Part 1: What are three factors that can limit the dispersal of a species? Explain. (You need to
write at least 4 complete sentences)
Part 2: Suppose that a new species of insect were introduced to your area. How might
competition limit its dispersal? (You need to write at least 6 complete sentences)