Municipal Drug Strategy

Municipal Drug Strategy Leadership Team Meeting
Township of Beckwith Council Chambers
1702 9th Line Beckwith
(White Municipal Building, corner 9th Line and Hwy #15 at Blacks Corners)
Thursday March 27th, 2014 at 1:30 pm
Bonnie Schnittker, Beth McIntosh, Dave Murphy, Susan Freeman, Alyssa
Comstock, Sean Trahan, Richard Kidd, Paula Davio (recorder)
Jane Torrance, Kerri Choffe, Carolyn Klickermann, Lois Dewey, Julie Ingleby,
Diana McDonnell
1. Welcome and introductions: Bonnie welcomed all and introductions were made.
2. Approval of Agenda: Approved as circulated with the addition of Funding Grants.
3. Approval of minutes from January 23rd 2014 meeting: Approved as circulated
4. Business Arising:
4.1. February Network Day – Friday February 28th
 Brief discussion of the day’s events Theme of Marijuana, Alyssa voiced a concern that
the representative from TWEED noted that Marijuana could be used for treating anxiety
and depression. Not medically proven. Concern is the uncharted territory and what is
the message being taken by the public. There are a lot of misconceptions of what
medications can be taken safely and still operate a motor vehicle.
4.2. Local Joint MDS mtg – April 10th
 Tay Valley to host the next Joint MDS meeting, 217 Harper Road (613 267-5353). We
will be looking at the data from the 2013 Student Drug Survey. Bonnie has invited Nicki
Collins to present on Champlain Youth Justice, needs to be early on the agenda. Group
sharing will take place. Items to be sent ahead of time to Paula for the minutes.
4.3. Network Day - May 9th – theme Peer Support Groups
 Bonnie has been in contact with Sara Hammel to get contacts for the agencies we wish
to invite. Smart Recovery; Dan Rathwell has joined forces with Ottawa and Carleton
Place will be a satellite office; LINK (Lanark County Mental Health) ; AA; PLEO (Parent
Lifelines of Eastern Ontario) Barb Pearce. Still trying to get a contact for Al Anon. Many
will be asked and we will organize on the basis of how many are available. Suggest
letting Desmond Devoy know the anonymous status of some of the presenters for the
Next Network Day.
VISION: Our Vision for Lanark County is a healthy community free from Alcohol and Drug misuse/abuse.
MISSION STATEMENT: We want to encourage communication and collaboration across the Four Pillars
of prevention, enforcement, harm reduction, and treatment, to meet the needs of Lanark County.
5. New Business:
5.1. Party Drugs Presentations: April 24th and 25th in Brockville from the people who did
the training on Party Drugs, have requested a presentation from TRIP, who are going to
Smiths Falls District Collegiate Institute and the next day to Perth DCI and in the
evening at Stewart School. Parent organization from Perth is doing 5 sessions for the
public. Possible to get a connection from the organization to sit on the MDS committee.
Save the date has been sent and the event dates are full.
5.2. Healthy Communities Partnership Vision – Alcohol and substance use is one of the
priorities of the HCP and we have been asked to provide input on their vision. The first
year they were looking at food policies in recreational centers. The following year to
see if municipalities have MAPS Municipal Alcohol Policy
5.3. Other:
 October event will need a theme, suggestions include hospital concerns, what are they
seeing? Trends, adult programming, seniors’ and substance misuse, treatment and what
services are available. Bonnie to discuss with Sara and Diana is there enough info there
for making this the topic for a network day? FCS Lisa Muir also looking at harm
reduction. More education needs to happen. Harm reduction needs to start the
 Bonnie questioned if there is a topic that the police could go for a network day? Dave
Murphy – should we follow up the focus on Alcohol with the focus on enforcement? To
clear up misconceptions of what can affect you and what common things you take that
you would not associate with being impaired.
 October event needs to take the fall election dates into consideration.
6. Updates & Announcements:
6.1. Funding proposals
 Discussion of Proceeds of Crime applications. Do we try to push an application through,
consensus is to do a good job rather than a rush job. Discussion of EMS funding that can
be applied for. Projects that EMS could be involved in when not on call. Discussion of
doing a fundraising event that would be non-alcoholic - a baseball game.
 Dave Murphy SFPS Prescription drop-off day May 10 at SFPS with the SF MDS.
 Susan looking at what they are doing for Maple fest
 Alyssa Comstock TYPS Almonte Youth Centre: We are looking at a variety of options to
celebrate Youth Mental Health Week in May, in particular hosting an evening on
Wednesday, May 7 at Old Town Hall in Almonte (further details will be forwarded later).
The Committee will also be working to share and publicize any other events happening
in Almonte and throughout the County in celebration of that week.
 Sean Trahan Carleton Place OPP: The Carleton Place Municipal Drug Strategy Committee
sponsored T-shirts for the grade 6 OPP KIDS program (Knowledge, Issues, Decisions, and
Supports) at 3 Carleton Place Schools. The program has been completed at St Mary’s
VISION: Our Vision for Lanark County is a healthy community free from Alcohol and Drug misuse/abuse.
MISSION STATEMENT: We want to encourage communication and collaboration across the Four Pillars
of prevention, enforcement, harm reduction, and treatment, to meet the needs of Lanark County.
and Constable Trahan is currently doing the program at Arklan and Caldwell Street
Public School. A large portion of the proceeds came from the Brett Pearson Run for
Your Life event. A special thank you to Nicole Person for her assistance in getting the TShirts through MacDonald’s Sports. Constable Trahan and Constable Bird are currently
doing the program at other schools in Lanark County. They hope to reach more schools
next year.
Would be good to request grant money to run the program in all the schools
Beth McIntosh, Lanark County Interval House: LCIH is celebrating its 35th year of
operation. We are organizing a Country Jamboree to take place on June 29th in Carleton
Place. We have The Bowes Brothers lined up as one of the performers. If anyone has
any suggestions as to performers that may be willing to participate please let us know.
Bonnie had call from representative from OSAID Matt Evans, who is sending resources.
Good to promote the interest within the schools. April 10th event. OSAID and Operation
Lookout, report impaired drivers, call 911. Student nurses have developed a resource
around safe injection, support for harm reduction.
7. Date & Time of Next Meeting: Thursday April 24th, 2014 1:30 pm Beckwith? Need to find a
new date. Move to Wed April 23rd at 11 am
ACTION: Paula to send change of date to the committee. Along with directions for the Joint
MDS evening meeting in Tay Valley
8. Adjournment
VISION: Our Vision for Lanark County is a healthy community free from Alcohol and Drug misuse/abuse.
MISSION STATEMENT: We want to encourage communication and collaboration across the Four Pillars
of prevention, enforcement, harm reduction, and treatment, to meet the needs of Lanark County.